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Other urls found in this thread:

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imagine jiho

trying my hardest to not go crazy

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when can i buy one of these

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>bad boy
we'll miss red velvet

Scenario: You're seeing your favorite kpop artist/group in concert and you get to choose the perfect setlist.
What is it?



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that’s seulgi! I love her

what is the average age and race of the citizens of /kpg/?

already happened

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Likey ten times

how do you take an average of races?

seamonkey 15



yeah thats odd, you'd think that NK would only want them singing some happy songs, not one about shutting down a bod-boy like kim jung un

im a 22 year old flip

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Amount of people per race?

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tfw john cena husbandohopped to mr monster

we're all 13 year old korean girls

it's just an april fools joke relax

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does chuu narrate her life off camera

Do you sleep

t. amerimutt

Don't drive yourself bananas, chingu
All of them

what're you gonna do if it isnt?

He seems more like an RM type than hobi

she looks super comfy in that

Seulgi looks like a mongoloid but that's why we love her

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body talk
bad boy
body talk
body talk
*break for water and talk time*
body talk
body talk
*break two*
body talk
body talk
body talk
happily ever after
*concert end farewell talk*
body talk(encore)

I had a dream last night about cheng xiao crying on stage and when i got up i got the most emptiest feel knowing i wont meet them again for a long time

Wtf i wasnt ready for this

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i post slug and sometimes exo

i want this to happen just cause of how comical it'd be

asians are supposed to look like mongoloids

is that really a teaser?

26, straight white male

coco looks like a combination of momo and chungha

embrace the monkey madness

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race changes depending on timezone
old strawpolls said most anons are in their 20s with some underagefriends and 30s/beyond

Nice taste

40 year old white man

Theyll be on the starship shop, there was quite a bit of left over merch except for the photocards and anything with bona and luda

i'm 33/m/white

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i don't think so, it just the image that synnara is using

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aigoo... hyungs.

let's always get crazy

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we’re all unironically irene’s age and height

21 mexican

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A more interesting quesion would be "how many kpg posters are virgins?"

Im guessing 95 percent for twiceshitters lmao


imagine following a group and theyre shit lmaooo

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>mfw the comeback isn't an april fools joke

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I exclusively post lisa and have never even been kissed

no need to imagine

leave twicebros alone

i don't think i'd eject

thanks mate. imagine kei singing while momo does interpretive dance

i know at least two of us aren't

me too except hana not lisa

you two hooked up?

leave hanamanlet alone

were actually getting dubus melody project in april

does it count if Hanamanlet isn't allowed near schools anymore

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remember pristin?

lmao fuck you bitch. i've banged 2 girls but have fooled around with like 8, some pretty hot too. some not so much

so pretty

speaking of pristin, how long ago was their last comeback? what're they up to?


>what're they up to?
prowling nightclubs

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Kei doesn't sing songs that can be danced to. I imagine their relationship more of her being a jihyo to momo

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i'd let the chinese one prowl me desu. i can win her over with my own guitar

>Egoist (Feat. JinSoul)
>Rosy (Feat. HeeJin)
>take photos with GoWon
what a twist. i guess each sub-unit gets a little something from olivia's upcoming album

25, white

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So whats happening with kyla

I am actually curious if shes ever goin back to korea lol


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I forgot she was gone, but that's also cause I don't care about Pristin.

bitch got a million eyelids

23 year old straight white American male here

Dunno if I should just fill it with photocards of Jinsoul or OEC.

If OEC, I'd have to get matching cards though.

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+your dementia

pristin hasn’t had a comeback since so who knows, they’ll probably be clearer then

>doesn't even get a solo
Gotta be the rapper, right?

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