>user, are you comming to Fascist bashing tomorrow?
How do you respond?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't physically assault people with different opinions, because I'M NOT A FASCIST.
Get a haircut, you look like a toothbrush
No, I have to go to work.
You're a cuckold.
ofc. fascism needs to be destroyed wherever it arises
are you bashing fascists or are you fascists bashing?
>I thought you morons have a concert tomorrow.
me on rhe left, ten years ago when i was young.
Think youre a bit confused here, Pablo.
But it was the liberals who started the fight
Fuck you
>fighting fascism
top kek
lol what the fuck
*unsheathes katana*
big mistake coming here....
*conjure the black wind of a thousand strikes and cut them into ten neat pieces with my masterwork masamune blade*
*teleports behind you*
now you will face your doom
Why, yes, I'd love to violently-supress speech I don't agree with.
These people don't exist anymore. It's the same with hollywood neo nazis. Antifa would rather blog about systemic racism and white privilege than "smash nazi boneheads".
To top it ff, these people are tools of the 1% claim to be fighting against. I won't even get into the fact these faggots utilize anti-democratic methods, legal or illegal to "maintain" their democracy says a lot about them and the system itself. Atleast fascists are up front and honest about themselves. These antifa faggots perform mental gymnastics to rationalize their behaviour.
How about we start now?
*unsheaves kantana*
"I'll begin with you"
>sorry, I don't associate with antifa scum
>Day 322: Retards still don't realize I am a undercover facisr
I introduce them to the concept of false flagging.
except they aren't liberals, nice buzzword anyway
>>user, are you comming to Fascist bashing tomorrow?
*Bashes anti-fascists*
There, you have my response.
kek, thanks
That bulge.
lmao, please continue.
You will regret looking this link up.
Yes they are
Liberals is a catch-all for anyone on the left
Before that it literally meant I'm a centerist limp wristed pussy
It was a hologram
yep, immediate regret. Is this what those antifa fags are really after?
*Blows Whistle*
I wish I was good at drawing so I could make some anti-leftist propaganda that would appeal to the general public...
>wah the 1% is oppressing us
>better fight for the jews
just kek
That, and being used as piss pigs. The artwork of Andy Warlord offers valuable insight on the daily life of the Antifa subculture.
Never to late to start toothpaste.
>criminally underrated post
>Fascist bashing
You dressed for the wrong side m8.
Damn antifa cultural appropriation. It's WRONG I tell you WRONG.
>I hate cops because I have daddy issues and never grew up
t. antifa
>calls the nest-leader and bashes antifas to death
anyone have that rule 34 picture of anifa thugs fucking each other in the ass blowing each other off? I lost it, but I think it shows anifa in a nushell
>Listen goy , I just got back from a solidarity meeting with BLM and #Occupy, we've finally identified our enemy, apparently the 1% are anti-semetic nazis. we're going to march around tonight in circles in order to defeat them its going to be epik. You comin? We're going to do what no one has ever dared to do before, we're going to fight for the jews.
"Isn't it fascist to bash a fascist for being a fascist?"
What was the aftermath, didn't antifa get blown away by about 25 of those White Supremacists?
>too many chromosomes
>apparently the 1% are anti-semetic nazis
Fuck you Morrissey - you haven't had a good album in decades!
y-you guys go on without me, I'll keep the co-op open tomorrow h-hahaha
Nationalism is stupid and authoritarianism seems like it's doomed to fail, and you're pretty retarded if you think you can kill ideas with bats.
Y-you t-t-too
why does he wear a belt AND suspenders? that's like wearing two condoms to go fuckin
I'm working OT to give Bernie so he has a chance at the convention. Have you made your monthly contribution to the revolution blue piller?
Just don't know where to start
And cartoonists aren't remotely safe in The Netherlands. Not even with a pseudonym.
oy m8s do you have permits for those offensive weapons
yes, im comming bashing WITH the fascists tomorrow
Where the fuck did you get that picture of me?
Those guys are not fascist, they're anti fascist. The guy on the left is Julien Terzic, he's a left wing sionist.
Yup, it was a great day desu
>Liberals is a catch-all for anyone on the left
In America, perhaps. Liberals think people who fight Nazis are just as bad as them.