What made it so good bros?
What made it so good bros?
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Nothing, it was a failure in its entirety and no emperor's new clothes braindead shitposting will change that
Hi, braindead shitposter here, just here to tell you that this is a masterpiece that was too deep for all of you
Disagree and have proof? No worries, i'll just make the same fucking thread in a few hours until I find three retards that think like me so we can circlejerk for an hour and call everyone a disney shill
This is my mind on comic books
Go to bed Snyder
how can i filter these cancerous threads and that fucking poster?
can't you fucking get over with this capeshit? it's a year old now!
also if you're looking for superhero kino, you're lost, you should watch Shyamalan's works
Fans hated it for being created by someone who can't read the basic text of a comic book, thinks stories where people aren't killing or doing drugs are boring and says things like youtu.be
Critic and audiences hated it for being long, boring and pretentious, while having a 30 minute fight against a generic monster as its conclusion.
Children hated it for being violent and boring.
It wasn't dishonest
>muh forced shit meme
please leave
Pack it up folks, thread is over.
you first, redditor
When will mods ban these cancerous live-action threads? They're all made of meme spouting Sup Forums shitposters.
Sup Forums is already getting worse by the day, Sup Forums shitting it up constantly doesn't help.
>I-I-I-I-I c-c-c-c-c-called him r-r-r-r-r-reddit d-d-d-d-d-do I f-f-f-f-f-f-fit in y-y-y-y-y-y-yet?
Oh right, I'm actually on Sup Forums.
Point still stands, mods should ban live-action threads because Sup Forums is already bad as it is. Capeshit threads only make it worse.
Not as sad as forcing memes and failing at it, you tried to force the BvS is deep meme and now you're trying to force the dishonest filmmaking meme and none of them are sticking.
Just give up breh
His moms name, literally made me cry.
a lot to be honest, cinematography, choreography, score etc.
Whole thing felt like a epic kinda comic in a similar to Kingdom Come or something. Plenty of interesting references if you're a fan and the additional allegories used in the writing and visuals also added to it, making it one of the only films in the genre to have any real depth to it, even in spite of its flaws.
Don't call me breh
memes, bro
simply eric
These threads have stopped happening (and furthermore, stopped being supported by three or four braindead memers) so suddenly that it seems like it was a shill thing all along
But it was a fucking piece of shit
>batman v superman
>they fight once
>now they're friends because martha
How many razzies did this win again?
The cinematography was pretty bland to be desufam, boring composition, washed out palette, punctuated by symbolism and imagery that was about a subtle as a baseball bat the the face
The fights were dynamic and exciting at least
So the shills had a 10 month contract? These threads died down really suddenly and at this point their only argument for this turd's quality was that it kept being discussed
The ost. Its flawless and much better than all the oscar nominees.
The costumes are also great and for some reason Suicide squad got the nomination.
Tremendous bullshit. I guess they were scared of going against the meme that the movie is bad. SS is way worse yet was never subject to it.
trying hard to look for shit that isnt there, to justify an obsession with the rival studio
The soundtrack, the action scenes, most of the perfomances, the cinematography and how much it scares Disney shills even a year after its release (so much they have to make false flag threads even today).
Still pretty dissappointing thoguh
Of course it was
You will see an increase after JL's trailer is released
For reasons beyond my understanding, this film catches a lot of extremely hateful shitposting that I can only bet are upset Sup Forumstards.
As far as films go that depict the American zeitgeist in a post 9/11 world, this was one of the best
>the american zeitgeist in a post 911 word argument without ever supporting it
>only time he ever tried he said that Superman (aka America the superhero) represented radical islam
>ITT people not remembering than most of BvS threads were marlelets trying to laugh at the movie and the thread backfiring so hard that it looked like it was a DChad thread all along
The only reason they stopped making it it's because the smear campaign worked so fucking bad that BvS made more money than Civil War in blurays (as expected of the Trump of movies)
World building. It showed us but a slice of this vital world, teeming with life and history. As opposed to Marvel's thin world, which explains every little thing.
Ever supporting it? What do you mean? The film deconstructs heroes in a world where you have no proper line for distinction between good and bad. Batman has lost his way completely, Superman as beacon of light is in self doubt. Luthor as a symbol for the capitalistic system abusing this chaos like the government of USA are.. and it's definitely not the only interpretation you can take away from the power relations in the film.
Fighting scenes were great. I didn't care about story.
>no proper line for distinction between good and bad
Sounds like a BvS excuse alright
watching fanboi virginal cucks go see it then be disappointed, when its very subject matter should have told you it was akin to predator vs. aliens, i suppose
>it wasn't dishonest
>be me
>6'0 white fit
>getting lunch with my gf
>pull out my marvel wallet
>got it in DC when my old wallet fell apart, was on way to see Avengers with gf and friends, thought it would be funny
>manlet shitskin cashier with an afro notices wallet
>"heh nice wallet there...d-do you like marvel"
>i say yeah i think the movies are fun
>"oh i'm m-more of a DC guy"
>he takes my order
>i ask him if he's excited for JL
>"y-yeah but I know DC movies aren't that good yet but hopefully this one is good!"
Literally how can DC faggots even compete, they know they were dealt edgy shit. I fucked my gf later after paying for her meal and i'm sure the cashier went home and put in his copy of BvS so he could cry himself to sleep.