Do you love the Netherlands

Do you love the Netherlands

It's okay... 7.5/10

no it's a shithole 5/20 should have been french

It seems pretty good to me, weirds me out how you all speak English so well

One of my primary school teachers was Dutch, she used to read Dutch kids (Jip and Jonikca or something idk) books to us and translate as she went along

Less than Finland but probably more than Belgium.

dutch is just english with extra vowels

Better than Ge*many


Why would I love the Netherlands?

It's okay. Full of normalfags though.

Weird fucking arms. Does she even lift?

it's quite nice
I like that you care about cooking almost as little as us
also really makes me think that such a flat country can produce such tall people


too many sandniggers in there

I do.

State cuck propaganda brainwashing people 24/7 into letting islam walk all over us/10

Amsterdam and Rotterdam are disgusting cesspooles, need some good ethnic cleansing.

Fucking greatest cities are being ruined by mudslimes and niggers, worse of ever since they allowed anyone who wanted to flee poverty to come over i've been seeing in my city more shitskins to, fucking inbred lightbulb head africans.

if they think I'm gonna work until I'm dead to support inbred double digit IQ sand monkeys and niggers who have 8 children on avarage they're wrong

i'd gladfully just shoot up a mosque or stab a bunch of immigrants to death to avoid becoming a slave.

I like bullying weebs from there

when will the netherlands sink?

>build bigger dykes
Problem snow manlet?

how did you know that i am a manlet

It's okay. I like Pim Fortuyn, god tier politician, too bad he got killed.
