How to anglo-cucks feel about the fact that their country will go to shit once they leave the EU.
Like literally, look at the national football team of England: 50% niggers.
Anglos are subhuman white scum.
How to anglo-cucks feel about the fact that their country will go to shit once they leave the EU.
Like literally, look at the national football team of England: 50% niggers.
Anglos are subhuman white scum.
>British (Pakistani)
So not British at all then
>the German one has the only academic one
I wonder how many potential british employees were overlooked for these diversity hires.
Also, sage for 1 post by this ID.
>Moorblood calling Europeans subhuman
>3 moorbloods in the picture ready to save your mothers life after she gets ass-raped by muhammeds and abdulahs in the united cuckdom
>meanwhile, 0 brits
>British (Pakistani)
Russian (Japanese)
>his country is so shit that everyone with half an education leaves
i'm not even spanish
jokes on u
You need a degree to become a nurse in England or Spain, retard.
t. Mohammeh Abduluh
Wow what a directed response.
Meanwhile I'm right, the post I responded to was completely blown out by the third post in the thread, and you're still a shitskin.
anglo-cucks trying to justify their failure as a nation
more like fritz von hitlerhausen
There are no diversity quotas in Great Britain or any kind of shit like that. It's just another job that the brits don't want to do.
*dont have the capacity to do
Okay Ahmed. Enjoy it while it lasts :^)
One country has already left this union because of sand niggers like you. In 5 years there will be nothing left.
Are you retarded or just pretending?
"White people need not apply"
>How to anglo-cucks feel about the fact that their country will go to shit once they leave the EU.
It feels bad. I mean, we'll have to figure out what to do with the £15 billion we give to you cucks each year. We'll no longer have unelected Euroscum telling us what to do. We won't even have Romanians and Bulgarians enriching our cities.
It's a fucking tragedy. Who will save us from the nightmare of prosperity, productivity and employment?
ich bin deutsch du dummes stück scheiße :^)
>There are no diversity quotas in Great Britain or any kind of shit like that
>BBC isn't in Great Britain
>NHS isn't in Great Britain
wew lad.
>How to anglo-cucks feel about the fact that their country will go to shit once they leave the EU.
Pretty good since EU is going to go to shit a lot faster
>other EU countries taking as much economic damage as the UK
>the biggest diplomatic counterbalance to Germany and France gone leaving a bunch of smaller countries with an even more German dominated EU
>just lit a powder keg under every anti EU movement in Europe
hurensohn bist wahrscheinlich selber ein scheiss ziegenficker, gel?
>Importing people rather than training your own people to do those jobs
The difference is that the BBC is private you fucking retard so they can do whatever they want.
>Be american
>Have a black president
You JUST made the claim that GB doesn't have quotas, you didn't specify NHS you clown.
You got BTFO by your own retarded mouth.
Stay brown.
They "train" their own people but being a nurse is too complicated and dirty for the average brexit leave voter so they have to import people from other countries.
No you're just shitting yourself because the EU is going to go to shit and you and the other spics are going to need bailing out pretty soon.
>More homegrown talent
>More homegrown specialists
>Less strain on services nationwide
>This is a bad thing to left wingers.
We need to stop the non EU migration more desu. Point based system would BTFO most of them as it requires skills,income,jobs and education to be allowed in.
>Shitskin defending shitskin
What a surprise.
More than half of the civilized world views you disfavorably due to your darker skin, and the ~half that claim not to still have a deeply buried psychological dislike.
Did you even read my response to that post, Jose?
Or do you have the basic understanding of english to get the claim he made?
Go take a siesta nap in your bodega and let the civilized people go about our days.
This is full of cucks.
The MPs want to disregard Brexit. There will be fucking riots...
350,000 English people working or studying in Spain. LOOOOOOOL
350,000 English working or studying in Spain. 180,000 in France, around 100,000 in Germany. GO fuck yourself you imbicil moron. You have no idea what you're talking about. Serioulsy please for the love of god envoke that fucking article 51 or whatever and JUST FUCKING LEAVE. But you know what will happen? YOU WILL PUSSY OUT, because benefits of staying in just massivley out weight the leaving. FUCKING ANGLOS FUCKING DIE:
You're from the Eastern bloc mate the only reason you joined the EU is because you were shit scared of the USSR, fucking cuck. Suck my dick.
>British (Paki)
And people wonder why actualy British people voted for Leave.
>muh NHS staff
Truly the worst meme. The NHS has turned into the global health service with the amount coming here just to use it. If we got rid of all immigrants then the ones that worked there wouldn't be needed because of the amount of less people using it.
We are not eastern bloc you cuck. You prolly voted leave and I can tell that by your education. And we have never been part of the Soviet Union Now please urge your fucking government make petitions and shit that you want out. Once and for all. Everybody in Europe is getting sick of your bullshit. LEAVE ffs.
You know what the funny part in all this is. They want to get ridd of European Citizens. altho there is 3,2 million English ones living abroad in Europe. Only in Spain there is 350,000 English man. But now comes the real fun part. They didn't say anything about getting rid of people from outside of EU as a matter of a fact Farage said that there will be even more migrants from other parts of the world from now on.
I mistook your flag, forgive me.
The UK is going to be fine and still more significant than Slovenia.
I better live a comfy life, than matter because I am so economiclly and mentally fucked. Sorry but there is no hope for you and next 20-30 years will be helish for your lot. You dig your own grave.
Nope, we'll be fine.
Guarantee it.
You also bring education into it. The news was all over remainers being more educated, please bear in mind the education system in the UK is disgustingly socialist c:
>the BBC is private
Am I being trolled?
Die off cuz their's are shitty or don't exist?
It's funny how a 3rd world shithole, who can barely afford to buy a loaf of Bread, is telling us we're doomed!
And food for thought for you guys All the leave media in UK is owned by Murdoch or what ever his name is....
BSkyB is owned by Murcuck.
No their are not socialist. Stop living in your far right dreams ffs. Does people actually care about their future and it looks like 52% of your lot doesn't. I can't believe you bellend's still don't grasp what you've done to yourself. Does that have put you in this position sure do tho, that's why they still didn't come to Brussels to say we're out.
You don't live here! I am 18 years old. I have just left sixth form. I know how the education system is. It is incredibly left leaning, bordering communist teachings. It most definitely is.
More people move here from Uk than us to your stinking hole. This 3rd world shit hole also paid subsides for your farmers from 70's to 2005 or something like that because they had it so bad. We never got a single cent from you cunts. Also we are breaking even in EU, we give as much as we get. So please stfu. You could only be licking our dicks, because this 3rd world shit hole did much more for you that you will ever do for us. Just fucking leave.
>More people move here from Uk than us to your stinking hole
You lot an't afford to move here.
You honestly think that your poxy little poor country subsidises our farmers??? . . .you have no idea how EU funding works do you?
Keep crying, bitch nigga.
Because they don't preach about WHITE RACE! ZOMG and because they think that every body has a chance. You dip fucks don't even know what socialism or being a socialist is. But ok whatever you got rid of them nasty commies good for you. But now watch what will happen to your country. Btw you've already lost so much money that you could cover with it all expensives for the next 40 years in EU. And you managed to do that in a single day.
How much did the Slovenian stock market fall?
Kek . .. .you haven't even got one.
We have a higher standart then Polacks yet they move there all the time. If they can so could we. Also when we leave it's probably because we take high end jobs(not being a plummer and shit, not that it's anything wrong with that) and UK isn't exactly a dream land for us. I guarantee you before this year ends you would wish your lot would stay in EU.
Rage harder.
You know fucking nothing. So I'm not going to talk to you any more Cx
Love this stuff! Keep them coming. Your tears are so fucking delicious.