Ocean's 8

Patriarchy BTFO

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Whats the odds on the nigger chick being the tech expert?

Hahaha no asian


That's Rhianna

Too many white womyn

Far in the back wearing pink, the amazing Awkwafina.

at least make it look like it isn't some fashion ad

There's two?

Woudln't it have made sense for Julia Roberts to be involved as the rich jew bank person type?

why are they all wearing expensive clothes on the subway?

in the red

Why do they all look like they'd rather be anywhere else?

>doesn't recognize Rihanna

>their bags are on the ground instead of taking up the seat next to them

Unrealistic portrayal of women

dat Anne ass

who the fuck is gonna watch it

Is Sandra okay? Looks a bit stiff.


>inb4 the plot is written as to be noble and the heist for the greater good

Wouldn't want to make women look like criminals, now would we?

>inb4 Julia Roberts is the villain

I'm pretty sure only young women and their boyfriends.

How many articles will they make blaming the patriarchy when it bombs ?

I might torrent it.

That's Mindy Kaling ya dingus

>Ocean's Eleven spin-off with an all-female cast led by Sandra Bullock as the sister of George Clooney's Danny Ocean Debbie Ocean

This sounds like a horribly written fanfiction

There's no way that creature on the left isn't made out of wax

i'm confused, is this a art installation, they look like wax figures, or is this a real photo of them?

>Kim Kardashian has a role
>Anne Hathaway


Poo in Loos are asians, dummy

>Vera Mindy Chokalingam
>not asian

That's exactly what it is.

That's because it is.
They literally could have made this movie it's own franchise but no.. gotta try to cash in on brand recognition because they realize no one would fucking watch this ass if they didn't stamp a familiar franchise name on it.

This will be awful on the level of Spring Breakers

what's wrong with their faces

Will be seeing it for auntie Cate.

it hurts me that patricianfu Cate Blanchett is in this tripe

Didn't work for Ghostbusters

What concerns me the most is that you had it in your hands in the first place.

>because they realize no one would fucking watch this ass if they didn't stamp a familiar franchise name on it.

welcome to modern Hollywood

How new are you?

I wonder how they got her.
No shit. This was planned before that bombed as painfully as it did though.
Then again, while this is an all female genederswap extravaganza, at least they aren't marketing the movie with "Lol men are shit, amirite?!"

>I wonder how they got her.
they paid her?

Doesnt seem so bad anymore now that its confirmed Jlaw isnt in it, dont know, might pirate it

in the end they will be saved by linus' sister

How fucking try hard are you ?

remember when she was the most beautiful in the worst film with Billy Bob?

>That same month, Matt Damon confirmed he would appear in the film, reprising his role as Linus Caldwell from the Ocean's Trilogy.

At least something to look forward to

>implying she needs money this bad
Something else happened here.

She'd be American, which she is, technically, before she was Asian- or Indian for that matter.

Why is inclusivity so ironic? Fuck you, Rodandberry.

Why do they all look like posed wax sculptures

Cate Blanchett mostly made indie movies these past 3-4 years, sometimes an actor needs a big paycheck if they want to continue their lifestyle

none of these people need money, they just want more of it

are they going to argue a lot and betray each other?

what if they make him pants-on-head retarded like hemsworth?

>have a chance to make a waifu harem movie to attract male viewers
>get literally zero qts

Have fun with your bomb.

Well shit, Wes Anderson got her, I don't imagine she cares all that much.

She is in league with Patrick Stewart. They have enough credibility and charisma to keep them afloat, not that they need it since they're originally stage actors. Not to mention they clearly don't give a fuck.

Maybe she thought it would be fun. I know it's shallow, but I always feel envious that even on productions with a shit end product that the cast & crew enjoyed making it.

>Women paying to watch women on the big screen

When has this ever worked, Hollywood dykes are out of control

Who would you want to play the bland self insert harem MC?

>the whiny, barely competent, newbie white guy character
Gee, I wonder how he will be involved.

No. It's a work of fiction.

Should have put the glasses on the girls at the front instead of the back. Hide their lifeless, doll eyes.

that's been illegal for at least a decade

She's just missing some woman on woman action, Roons is not returning her calls.

>When has this ever worked
Those Melissa Mccarthy movies make money apparently.

Literally who?

You know what, I don't care about the future anymore. Bitches, niggers and fags want to rule? Fine. We'll see how that works out for civilization in 50 years I'll be dead by then and no fucks given. Makes me glad that I'm not having children.

Why do they all look like mannequins?

>stronk womyn remake of an already shit movie

God I can't wait for this

Wasn't that the same as the previous 2 Ocean movies?

They need Hammer Girl from The Raid 2, to beat them all to death.

flop confirmed

that makes her less nigger somehow?

That's because porkers need someone to identify with.

I'd watch it if they stole Cliff Martinez's score from the film Traffic


Because women are narcissistic creatures and can't stand being near others who might take attention away from them.

Well put my the_donald brother

>Recognizing some nigger pop star who probably sings about degeneracy.
smdh. Now that I notice the chink she'll probably be the tech expert but thats quite racists so it will probably be Rihanna because black woymin can be smart too!!

Sure maybe doing a favor for one of the greatest thieves in history and getting his daughter back in touch with him is all greater good but doing it as a big fuck you to the frenchy kinda evens it out

I hate Dronnald drump what are you on about? did you take your meds today?

>look at me be edgy, do I fit in yet XD

Sounds like you could use some tampons for your fractured and bleeding ass.


>All but one is white
This is literally fascism.

>dude niggers lmao

I bet you call everything kino as well, you child

Yes yes fuck drumpf rite xD

Frency was shown to be a huge dick though. Plus the last movie really rev up the greater good

>not a single one is wearing shoes which expose their delicious feet


I'll watch it for Auntie Cate, Lezzy Paulson and Riri


Someone really needs to screen cap the educated guesses as to how hard this shit will flop and the various reasons why so that when it does we have concrete proof we saw it coming.

It's doomed to fail because from the fucking outset it's being marketed as 'an all female Ocean's Eleven'.

Genderswapping never makes something interesting. It's literally nothing more than a marketing gimmick because it NEVER has a purpose. It's nothing more than a shallow 'what if?' question someone might bring up when talking about the actual Ocean's Eleven and completely forget because the premise has no weight beyond that.

The thing is, it's going to be shit because instead of making a smart, well planned heist movie (like say, Ocean's Eleven) they're going to draw so much fucking attention to the 'See?!?? They're WOMEN! Do you GET IT?!?' that the story will be cliche'd crap.

And it's always so infuriating because all they have to do is NOT draw attention to the character's gender and focus on the fucking PLOT.


Do you morons realize that you're exactly the type of assholes these feminist crazies keep yelling about? It's a fucking movie about women trying to steal shit, why get worked up over that?
Personally, I think it'll be shit.

>Why do they all look like mannequins?
Seriously, this. I thought it was a picture from a Madame Tussaud's promo of O8.


>nigger detected
You need to kill yourself asap my friend.

it will be awful, but Spring Breakers is kino and im not memeing.

>he supports the cheeto king
literally lmao.

>another 'girl power' movie
Please stop

Is this a sony film?

Can someone make picture with nametags? Who are those girls?

It's your time, boy. Get on that pendulum because it's swinging fast.


mfw one of them literally needs/has sex with some dude to get keycard/password

Who is she? A rapper?