How do we stop racism, Sup Forums?

inb4 Pool's Closed

by banning niggers

Not sure what's racist about this.

The message shouldn't be about skin color, but about what the people are doing in this picture.

Also, niggers commit the most crime so when you depict a picture of niggers breaking the rules why is it such a surprise?

For libtards its always about race. They're more obsessed over it than the most hardcore nazi had ever been.

Another day, another SJW faggot tries to seek "problems" where there are none while surrounded by bullshit but closing his eyes.

I honestly try not to echo chamber myself here because we cherry pick the most extreme of their delusions but...sometimes I wonder if isn't really a mental illness.

People of Color cannot break "rules" set by oppressive white men. They can only break rules they themselves have established, and whites trying to enforce their rules onto PoC is just another method of keeping them down.

Shit now I wish I would have saved all those webms of black kids thrashing and flailing in public pools and needing to be rescued by white lifeguards.

I don't see any racism here chief

if it were there wouldn't be any colored folk allowed in the picture to begin with

What is that negro in the middle of the pool doing that's not cool? He's just kinda there next to the rope?

Why is it racist? One of the lifeguards is a black woman. Fucking whiners.



>What is that negro in the middle of the pool doing that's not cool?

Drowning, I think.

they're just modeling it after real life



The only 2 cool ones are white, the not cool ones are people of color. So ummm the first assumption that was made is that it's racist, and not a coincidence. Maybe the guy who made it was racist, who knows.

Well, nogs don't swim.

Wrong color

>How do we stop racism, Sup Forums?
Separate the races.


> the only reason i came to this thread

Why are there so many niggers on this poster ? I thought there were only 13% niggers in the US

By stopping racist against whites.
And get the fuck out of their nations if you aren't white.
Otherwise racism will only grow.

they're lying to you

Probably by ensuring a immigration and refugee regulations that are not stomping all over the native citizens of the country.

Bad economy and overall quality of life going lower equals more radical thinking and forming of extremist groups.

god fucking damn we need to protect our border


This is the worst part.

>cry racism/sexism/homophobia over everything
>major companies bend over backwards to acknowledge you and thank you while bending to you will
>news sites flock over to write about this "controversy" and praise you for your bravery

When is everybody going to see that these are obviously just desperate cries for attention?

It is pretty racist, they know black people don't swim. #endswimshame



>be me
>millennial lifeguard sits there in his big chair yelling "nooottt cooooooooool mannnnn!"


>mfw it's all white

> (((super))) racist
Wew, just "racis" has worn out already?
Soon it`s gonna be "racist 2000" and "iracist"?

Seperate the races, otherwise it will never stop.

Ah I get it, only white people are doing "Cool" things.

Someone tweet at him Zyklon b's "politically correct" work.


Someone photoshop all the not cool guys white and others - black and send it to red cross as fix.

Look at how many fucks he gives.

Forced segregation. Have homogeneous countries and there won't be a race issue.

the fear of crocodiles made swimming obsolete in their heads.

Why, WHY must every fucking company or institution pander to the most retarded protest from these mentally ill faggots?

Why do they encourage their idiocy ffs??

Kill all non whites
End of Problem

>no one is mentioning how all the blacks are doing things that are "not cool"

i didnt get it at first, but then i did and i was like god damn thats racist af tbqh

Kind of amazing what they call "super racist" nowadays.

Imagine how they would feel if their church got blown up, all of their cousins hung in the middle of town for whistling to a white lady, a cross burned in their front yard, not able to vote or use public transportation or spaces.

These fucking idiots don't know what racism is.

That's fucking amazing.

This is the most casually racist thing I've seen in a long time. It was probably an innocent mistake, but my God is that hilarious.

why the fuck nig nogs can´t even put decent names?

that's the whole point you fuckwad

>He's just kinda there next to the rope
His time is coming

Anyone else think of the South Park episode where the kids design a flag and it's deemed racist but they don't see colour?

It's a bit like that, only a racist mind would think why is it only the blacks in the picture that are up to no good.

No one over the age of 25 actually understands social media
That's why

They see a single person with a 100 likes and make assumptions based on that

>not James the nigger hating dolphin

Lmao I didn't even notice that only whites were the "cool" ones. No normal person would notice this. Just shows what fucking loser freaks these kind of people are.

Reminds me of the South Park flag episode, where the freaky weirdos like Wendy go mad about the racist flag, and the other side don't even notice the race, and think the problem is that someone is being hung on it.


john (((sawyer)))

It fucking cracks me up that "people of color" is now the PC term, when colored people is not okay.

Segregation is not okay, and now minorities beg for "safe spaces" which is literally segregating themselves

I don't get it, what's the guy in the middle doing wrong? Swimming with a stolen tv in his hands?

Having a good time is MANDATORY

God, fuck these assholes.

>He's just kinda there next to the rope?
He's supposed to be ON the rope.

Easy. Kill all the niggers, nigger.

Someone is going to have to point out the racism to me because I'm clearly blinded by my privilege.

Surely it can't just be "some of the not cools are black"


This is white genocide. Why is nobody here stopping this?

Hey, so um why do white liberal americans write like this bc um I totally don't get it it super makes them sound like teenage girls w tumblr accounts?

Its cultural marxism you idiot, just get out if you think pic related is funny.

what is the one in the middle doing thats supposedly wrong? i can see all of the others

What's wrong with this is it's telling us who's overheating and who isn't, when it should be telling us about safety. And they didn't even get that right, obviously the kid with the drink will be somewhat cooled off by a refreshing beverage. Maybe, maybe he just hasn't opened it yet. I dunno, very mixed signals, RC.

but the rope divides kiddy pool from deeper end, and swaying near the deep end when you're a kiddy is dangerous because you could drown. in other words, Not Cool.

we need some people to write them "if my donated money is wasted on shit like this i wont donate to you guys ever again"

Someone needs to take their problem glasses off. The white kid chasing the black kid could've just as well been titled "not cool" while pointing at the white kid, and also be taken as a societal statement about blacks being hunted by whiteys, highlighting their oppression and all.

Also, black kids can't swim, so showing some of them with open mouth (I assume the problem here is the implication he can't swim well) is the LEAST worrisome depicturing of reality.

Waiting for them to complain there aren't enough women in the picture.

>Another day, another conservacuck blaming all his problems on the jews and minorities

fake niggers can't swim

Wait, what's wrong with the kid diving?

It's not racist. But it certainly isn't realistic because niggers are never at pools because they don't swim.

>Cucknadian not knowing what white genocide is
As expected

Looks like the little niglet doesn't know how to stand up in the pool or swim and is currently in the process of drowning.

White people in america own there own pools only the lower classes use public pools....


Public pools are too shallow to safely dive in. They don't want you to hit your head on the bottom.

>Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We’re removing this from our site immediately & are creating new materials.

He's holding someone else underwater.

Then why would they have a diving board?

Red Cross knows what's up, gotta keep an eye on those darkies.