Why are British millennials overwhelmingly supportive of the EU?
Why are British millennials overwhelmingly supportive of the EU?
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most live at home with mommy and daddy
Because they're normalfags who can't see the EU for what it is
Also they want easy holidays and travel for uni/festivals etc. Feels good being a shut in that has ruined the lives of these cunts.
Because they don't know what it is, and that there was a Europe before it too.
I hate to use buzz words, but I believe it's a form of virtue signaling - LOOK AT ME, I'M NOT RACIST etc
Typically the 18-25 demographic is overwhelmingly leftist, and as they enter the workforce they drift more and more right. How are all those hippies who grew up in the late-60's doing? Still voting left?
only 38% voted
they're smarter than Sup Forums and realize the economic consequences of it
they are the first generation to be raised on pure cultural marxist propaganda
tv, music, everything
I think it is more of a trend nowdays within the youth to think globally and support things such as EU.
People usually tend to follow trends during that age and don't really dare to stand out with their own..
it's a mix of virtue signalling and genuine fear about the future.
They aren't.
Only 25% voted remain, the rest voted leave or didn't turn up.
they don't. they just have it drilled into their heads that it will be bad for the economy, none of them can actually explain why in pressed.
Therefore Not representative
Propaganda since birth/ never facing real tough situations
Because they are not retarded and politically brainwashed. Basically this
>tfw millenial and can drive stick
Those fags think it's magic
Because like youth everywhere they are naive idealists. If you aren't liberal when young, you have no heart. If you aren't conservative after growing up, you have no brain.
They have never known any other way
Same generation that backs veganism, feminism, socialism, tolerance, equality, and pretty much every other idea not rooted in reality, because they're sheltered little shits that have never known true strife.
Young people are more institutionalized by pro-EU institution such as schools, universities, media, rich celebrities, big businesses. Their brains also haven't developed enough to e able to critically analyse information so they believe what the establishment tell them.
Are you sure it's not a purely emotional reaction? What about the warm fuzzy liberal feelings they get from thinking about oneness and unity with those not from their country? The good happy feelings of self-righteousness they feel from not following in their parents' "bigoted" footsteps of nationalism, independence and individualism?
they are the definition of politically brainwashed. eu is good for university professors, this rubs off on the students. even my generally conservative siblings at university are hardcore remainers none of them can really articulate why beyond memes.
>tfw no heart
Because they arent paying any taxes and get facebooks likes
Not voting was their choice, so it is representative.
Propaganda, EU funded unis poisoning their minds and a complete lack of life experience showing them that people in general are terrible
Freedom of movement, ability to study/travel/work freely throughout the EU, generally more liberal like EU values, little-to-no national pride.
>tfw millenial and grandfather taught me to drive stick on his 1960 ford f-100 with "3 on the tree"
drive one of those sticks and anything else is easy modo
I'm not too involved in the inner workings of all of this, but all I keep hearing from people offended after the fact is that the most trending search was "what is the EU", that the country voted based on hate, and other desperate sounding arguments
was brexit worth it so far? people keep lording on about the currency value, but sound like they don't know how drop-of-the-hat economics are, stock markets are. These sound like people who don't realize that when a company comes out with a statement that the CEO is dying, the stocks will rise or fall in value drastically
>none of them can really articulate why beyond memes.
I see some hypocricy here.
Tbqh everyone is politically brainwashed in a way, but in the end what is left is consiquences of the politic you let to conquer your brain.
Because they don't know the value of a hard days work or pay and probably never will.
Why do 70% of 30% of registered voting millenials get to speak for all?
If anything the leave vote was the emotional one and the remain vote was the rational one.
Unlike you useless shut ins with no experience of society posting on Sup Forums all day, they have jobs to go to (for the time being).
forgot to mention that they can move around and study all at germany's expense
>tfw no clunker to fuck up the clutch on to learn
I like this saying. Also been told everyone's born a dem but grows up eventually to a Republican
wheres the security device? thats a mechanical gear box shift stick anyone can drive that
Look into how much money the EU pumps into (((academic))) institutes. They have a huge influence on the information young people exposed to. That and gibs.
this isn't untrue, but you also basically discount the fact that people have the ability to think spatially, much of politics, economics, hell even science come down to this essential and yet basic cognitive ability
bias aside, any decision we make in regards to how to organize our research and our society is driven by the idea that it will be functional in some degree, it all comes down to what is the MOST functional, logical, choice
This is why it becomes a problem when you include the vast majority of the now coming-of-age liberals, who, although have legitimate opinions, are overly passionate in both their drive and reasoning, kind of detaching themselves from their individuality in an ironic effort to appear more individual by appearing more concerned for what their state "needs", which in cases of drinking the kool aid, is almost 100% the will of some higher elite corporation, politician, or otherwise
Tbh it's only going to be ''worth it'' after more countries leave and start forming their own trade unions. Being part of the EU common market is still cuckening.
>yfw Trump gets elected
>yfw France leaves the EU
>yfw it's going to be WW2 trade war edition
>brains aren't fully developed so they voted remain
>voting leave correlated with being working class, poor and having no education
w e w
They're teaching in universities now. Free government paychecks to brainwash college kids.
I've never driven stick, but I have been riding motorcycles for years now. Manual on a car cant be too different from a bike.
Because they're selfish, greedy and fickle. They eat up all the medias bollocks and are shit scared of being called out as not conforming.
They are terrified of being called racist and don't care about national sovereignty anyway.
For the same reason American millennials overwhelmingly oppose Trump.
Yea working as a barista in starbucks really gives you a legit opinion of the world
Indoctrination, in school you're taught how great the EU is, the benefits and not what it really is.
British girls want to give blowjobs to Spaniards, and Erasmus is the cheapest way.
You right to have your pussy crushed in different countries of the union is now limited, and the cocks will be less diverse.
>biological fact vs correlation which doesn't equal causation
they don't make country changing descisions based on Sup Forums memes
Teenagers are supposed to be non conformist
Only 38% voted and of that a third voted leave (including me)
They are just a very vocal minority
Stirb in einem Foyer, du Kulturverräter.
They want to get their dream job in a prestigious corporation somewhere not in the UK when they graduate with a First in Photography or Media Studies.
They think free people make bad decisions and that it's better to have a nanny state making sure your cucumbers are straight, and your kettles aren't too hot.
I agree, but try telling them that.
not amongst each other
This is especially true when you consider that 70% of them didn't even vote.
Although my guess is a large portion of that 70% were Leavers who didn't wanna deal with abuse and harassment from their peers and just stayed home.
I remember ten or so years ago it was a given that everyone on the left was pro-Palestine, anti-USA, and anti-EU. I completely missed the almost unanimous switch on the EU issue but it must've started when they put the spotlight on immigration and free travel. The only leftists I know personally who are still firmly against the EU are hardcore communists who are as angry and confused about SJW bullshit as we are. Well played, Schlomo.
Parroting memes on Sup Forums however lets you see the world for how it really is.
Unlike the pathetic losers on Sup Forums who try to convince everyone who'll listen that being white makes up for what an absolute dumpster-fire of a failure they are, they had a future.
Can vouch. A close friend if mine was a hippy leftist, but as he grew older he started moving towards the other direction. He's for Brexit and knows the EU will crumble soon.
Still loves the Grateful Dead.
It tanked the pound by 8% you fucking dullard.
All they want to do in life is party. They don't care about the political ramifications, the unrestrained authority, they care about nothing. They're no longer allowed to roam around and squat anywhere they please on a whim, much like they do in their everyday lives. So they don't like that.
>tfw my shitbox only goes up to 4th gear
Considering the result, they were.
one of those doesn't match
They're not
60% of them didn't vote because they didn't give a shit...The 40% that did were 75/25 because young people who are politically active are young, dumb and liberal..
Being dumb is part of being young, the vast majority recognise this a let their parents and grandparents make this decision for them
Because if you tell them the goals of the globalists they will say "That doesn't seem like a bad idea though!"
In other words they are naive, and ignorant.
They are fast food workers. Stop trying to make it sound fancy
The concept of globalism is appealing to them bc the media presents it as all-nations-holding-hands-singing-kumbaya-and-solving-world-problems, le toghether we are stronger meme xD. In reality the EU (and the UN) is run by a handfull of globalist megalomaniacs whose goal is to abolish the nation state, and without that in the way they can rebuild the world in their own image. Also, Millennials are brainwashed to think that sovereignty means isolationism, what do you expect from a generation that gets their views from silly comedians, really?
Read and weep theatlantic.com
My favorite bit:
>Not long ago, I was teaching a class on Mark Twain at the New School in New York and someone asked me who, if anybody, would be the equivalent figure for today. I was replying that I didn’t think there was one, though the younger Gore Vidal might once have conceivably been in contention, when someone broke in to say: “What about Jon Stewart?” I was thunderstruck at how many heads nodd
You mean mommy. Statistically few of them have a father
Literally every single pound ever created by anyone or thing is worth 8% less, historically every time we've had a big drop like this we've recovered for like a year then fucked up again.
Meme understandings of politics and the world around them through social media
Kinda like how they are with trump in America
Facebook and social media brainwash them into thinking trump is a world ending mega hitler and they gobble it up because it's all they see
Before all this, you think any of them cared about trump ?
It's the same thing with young Brits and the EU
Pretty rich considering the amount of sick anime memes leave was shitting out on this board.
Cite sources. I've seen claims of age demographics correlating to the vote, but never any verifiable method by which these demographics were obtained.
There was no exit poll, so it sounds like your post is pure, 100%, propaganda.
There was no world before the EU, the EU is all they've ever known.
yeah but we actually know what the eu is, and does
>womens studies education
If you think about this, and the fact that it was a poll (making people more likely to say they voted remain) , it's more likely that a large portion of millenials really didn't have an opinion and that's why they didn't vote, and that the leave portion was a lot higher
Yeah, lets you get back ulster you sneaky cunt.
Funny they all try to be different, yet are afraid of not conforming. Hence utter bullshit like demigendered pansexual aromantics.
Not voting is a type of vote you retard. They weren't prevented from voting, they chose not to.
It is therefore very much so representative.
most of us actually work blue collar jobs unlike lefties that are eternal studies
71% of Britain voted...38% of people 18-25 voted..that's a clear indication that they let their parents make this decision for them
yes, that's right. that is what happens when the value of a currency shifts. i understand how values of currency work britfriend.
did you not understand my point?
8% is not "tanking." the sky is not falling. the economy is not "in shambles." you're watching too much tv and too many sjw websites. they're trying to convince you something TERRIBLE is happening, that you need to be AFRAID.
yes, the pound when down a little bit (8%). when it dips below the dollar, then you'll have an argument. as for right now, you just have slightly less (but still more than 95% of the world) purchasing power. big fuckin deal.
I care not for ulster
the british taxpayer put 55 million in the eu a day so that brussels could make laws for them, take business from fishers, and flood the country with immigrants
>Feels good being a shut in that has ruined the lives of these cunts.
If I hear one more whiny bitch cry about how they lost the right to live, study and work in 27 countries I'm going to douse myself in petrol and set myself alight.
You didn't *lose* the right to go anywhere, you just need a visa; possibly you won't depending on how things go.
Also when was the last time anyone said "I want to go study in Romania" or "Boy I can't wait to travel to Lithuania to start my career!"?
Also most of those whining fuck off to America, Canada, New Zealand or Australia. Where you actually require a visa.
i can't believe you're being this obtuse.
old people voted to leave overwhelmingly. young people voted to stay overwhelmingly. the "sources" are literally every single poll and metric after the vote.
Don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom bc they'll change their worldview the moment they let go of their parents' teat and enter reality. Old people who voted to LEAVE would have voted REMAIN if they were 40 years younger, it's just the way it is, the hippies were saying the same garbage and were extremely disappointed when their comrades "sold out" i.e. got stable jobs and started families.
Ya see, m8, I watched a lot of pooh growing up. I like my sentimentality that it taught me but fuck I almost went full blown lefty years ago.
Scary stuff.
>Feels good being a shut in that has ruined the lives of these cunts
Good work.
Years of indoctrination funded by British money sent to the EU and then reflected to British media, programs and education where the most influence can be gained for the least effort.