What does this guy do in between Kevin Smith movies?
What does this guy do in between Kevin Smith movies?
fucks hot bitches
Comic conventon circuit.
Steve raspoetin? Buypedogoldbracelets.
Demonmoronblacksspeciesrace all autosuckpilotclonesselloutsnobtoystartarean.
His friend=kris vanderstockt=lesbian guy.
Jay=lars duprez
Silent bob=emmanuela.
Happily you guys are all dead as good now. Amen.
He looks like a fence foal
He was in a movie with Corey Feldman a few years ago where he played a high school principal.
weekly injections of stem cells and nutrients into his goatee so he'll be ready for the next movie
He works as a clown
He used to at least
Gil Hicks should have been in more movies.
he moonlights as an adult party clown
>I should know, we can smell our own
Live under a bridge with David Hayter.
I checked his wikipedia page. Personal Life: He is currently a resident of Staten Island.
fucks guys he meets on grinder
Whatever the fuck happened to the Randal guy?
Was it him?
at least get it right user
is that DSP
I was gonna say the same thing
he works at a burger joint
Hey it's that guy from Brutal Massacre!
Great comedy
What the fuck?
Star in The Happening
smoke weed every day
He has the day off.
make dante and randal fanfic?
It's like an alternate reality Chandler from Friends..
If I was Kevin Smith I'd pay him for simply existing.
Still bitter because he never got paid for clerks 2
>streams regularly on twitch
>before beginning stream has a quick fap session
>oh shit.jpg
>mfw the camera is on
>mfw i just act like nothing happened
>mfw i become a god meme