>Brexit happend
>last racists and anti european unification country finally out
>way for a european state is paved
>front national/AFD and Trump polling lower then ever before
>Merkel will get reelected with help ofgreens
>Hillary will be elected
>USA's middle east policy wont change
>refugees will keep coming
>more diversity for our grey and boring country
>racist xenophobic white working class will lose its influence
>with the new demografics a diverse european multiculti state will be possible
>after years of inbreeding and isolation the Brits will crawl back
What a time to be alive
You will be stopped at some point Germany
what a time to be shill
>front national polling lower then ever before
What's the end game? One united country full of retard level iq inbred sand dindus?
I like how kikes think they will be exempt from Whites dying.
>front national polling lower then ever before
european championship is reducing ressentiments and uniting the country therefore front national is literally on suicide watch
at least thats what our news report
I like the part with anglos getting btfo'd
>our news
lol, cause german news tells the truth, or any news outlet for that matter.
Lol, krauts are literally so fucking mad right now
stay salty lads, we're crashing everyone's (((economy))) and we find it hilarious.
it is willed
>being this salty
mmmh those delicious German tears
Kek has spoken.
>european championship is reducing ressentiments and uniting the country therefore front national is literally on suicide watch
>at least thats what our news report
You should really stop listening to your news
We'll see how keen you are for the "superstate" when you all start getting draft notices.
You realize we are going to have to destroy Germany yet again right?, You guys ain't fit to have a whole germany, it needs to be divided east and west again. Every single time you autists wreck the continent of Europe.
>increase in xenophobia
>EU inner tensions increase
>globalist left falls to the populist authoritarian far-right
>immigrant lynched and killed
>Europe reverts to the good old ways - no mercy, no respite, no remorse
Germans fucking suck.
I almost buy into the idea of Nazi inspired nationalism, quasi-isolationism and respecting the borders of all sovereign countries. But it's all a smokescreen, Germans are globalist kikes.
Germany, you must strike fear into the hearts of the dissenters and negotiate harshly with the UK.
This is the dawn of a new day.
Enjoy praying butt-up towards Mecca everyday.
fuck you merkel