Did Sup Forums prefer Riker/Troi or Worf/Troi?
Star Trek
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Riker/Worf desu
Worf/Troi was the Rachel/Joey of Star Trek
Worf/Ezri cringefest for me
Troi/Holodeck Troi
Crusher and the ghost that fucked her grandma.
I ship Geordi/Troi t.bh
Broccoi/Troi's flatulence
>Be Worf
>Have Klingon waifu , doesnt want to follow tradition and fucks off
>Comes back and gives Worf an annoying little retard he has to raise before dying
>Worf tries again and fucks Troi's slutty ass, is dumped again for Riker
>Worf gives up finding pussy on the Enterprise, moves to DS9, hooks up with Jadzia , pretty good this might work out
>Oh shit Dukat did nothing wronged to Jadzia , time to move on
>Worf gets a second chance with Dax even though she is an annoying pixie girl now but he is desperate, however Ezri is tired of his barbed Klingon cock and cucks him for Dr. Muhammad
Worfs life is suffering
Wesley/Traveler was the only one that felt realistic.
>muh honor
>gets cucked constantly
fucking Klingons man
'Member that time when Crusher raped Riker?
An alien ghost was possessing his body and he had no say in the matter. Just because he's a manwhore doesn't make it ok to use his body without his consent.
Riker knew exactly what he was signing up for when he volunteered; he consented to anything that might happen after the transfer, including his own death from it not working.
Remember when Riker fucked an alien """"for freedom""""?
If I volunteer for the army and die, did I really get killed? Or does it not count since I knew it was a risk?
I preferred Riker/Soren
Did they fug off screen?
Biggest cocktease in Star Trek.
So why did Data fuck Tasha in 'The naked Now'. I get that she was all fucked up on the poison stuff, but it seems really out of character for Data. He clearly should have noticed she was not acting like herself.
Was it rape?
You think tribbles are fuckable?
Daily reminder that Jonathan Frakes was unhappy with this episode because he wanted Soren to identify as a male (but still be attracted to Riker of course).
Neither. Trio was the most garbage character on tng and should have been killed off in season one.
She brought nothing to the show.her entire job seemed to be stating the obvious/irrelevant.
Was it ever explained why Data identified as a heterosexual male in the first place? Was it part of his programming.
Yes. Dr. Soong, a heterosexual male, made Data in his own image.
Murder has nothing to do with consent. If you consent to be murdered you're still murdered.
Rape means lack of consent. Consent is one of the key facets of what makes rape rape. When Riker agreed to take the trill host he consented to anything that would happen while he was joined.
Odan was a diplomat who needed to conduct peace talks. Riker consented to letting Odan use his body to conduct those talks.
If Odan didn't ask Riker's permission to use his body for sex, then Riker didn't consent to that.
Do you think Worf liked Troi because she was almost as hairy as a Klingon woman?
wow, all those seasons of pussy, when he really just wanted the D
He was probably curious. But Tasha was really predatory, jeez. And he seemed what we describe as "nervous" and it is in his programming, so... I'm not sure I understand the implications or the level of decision either of them could make at that moment
That's valid, but then that really means Odan raped Riker, and not Beverly
Beverly was aware that only Odan was consenting.
They both raped Riker.
Counselor is a space euphemism for ship prostitute.
Why is Janeway such a crazy bitch?
Riker-Troi could have worked early on but she whored around totally towards the end of the show, and fucked his friend and underling semi-seriously.
Why the fuck did he settle for her at the end? They were both fucking ancient too.
wasn't Data (somehow) under the influence of that sickness as well? I don't remember, its been years
I think I'm in the minority but Worf/Troi. I always liked their chemistry, and Riker was just a dick. Funny how he got more pussy than Kirk but he always acted pouted like a child whenever Troi so much as looked at another guy.
Why is he called a captain if he doesn't command a ship? He should be called a "mayor" at best.
"I have pores, humans have pores. I have... fingerprints; humans have fingerprints. My chemical nutrients are like your blood. Prick me, do I not... leak?"
He does command a ship.
>there are people in /trek/ threads who still haven't watched all of Trek
He's captain of The Defiant
No she wasn't, she probably assumed Riker was cool with it
So it's a honorary title?
He started out as Commander. This has the fun effect that every time a ship docks it's Captain outranks him on his own space mall.
Why would Riker be okay with fucking Beverly then if he's never been okay with fucking Beverly before?
At the beginning of the show, his rank is Commander and he commands a space station. During the show, he is promoted to the rank of Captain and he captains a starship.
Watch the show sometime.
The Defiant doesn't exist before the third season. Sisko doesn't captain shit in the first two.
What's your point? His rank is Commander at that point in time. He isn't called a Captain at that point in time.
He is called a Captain only after he is already a Captain.
>TV show: "Commander Sisko, please report to Ops."
>Sup Forums: "Captain? Why did they just call him a Captain? I clearly heard the word Captain right now. Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder."
Not Riker fucking Beverly, Odan fucking her
Thats a stereotypical Sup Forums audience desu, why was old simpsons so correct.
>seven of nine will never force you to comply to her weird and twisted sexual needs
>Odan fucking her
Correction: Odan using Riker's body for something which Riker never approved of before.
>Worfs life is suffering
You forgot about his suggestions always getting turned down by Picard
"Let's attack everything that moves" and "let's all die in glorious battle" are not valid suggestions.
Worf was already fucking troi in season 7 episode parallels so I'm guessing people liked it so they just threw it in there at the end
getting riker to accept his cucking was important to toss in there at the end.
Yeah but she didn't know that so she's not an accomplice here. Odan is fully responsible, he talked Beverly into it and essentially coerced her into doing something she felt was wrong.
>accept his cucking
They're relationship ended before they both came on the enterprise.
not really
riker admits he was just a beta orbiter waiting for his chance.
what's the closest thing to Pagans in Star Trek?
>9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11
What did Roberto Orci and Damon Lindelof mean by this?
>those non-Starfleet looking hats
Seriously, what the fuck was this?
Just a though, in any of the TNG movies, did any of the crew ever bring up Worf's wedding/Jadzia's death?
after one movie they just stopped even trying to explain what the fuck Worf is even doing there.
It's pretty funny when Worf shows up in first contact and the basically nameless random white dude who is the HEAD OF SECURITY OFFICER FOR THE FEDERATION FLAGSHIP just kind of puts his head down and charlie brown walks away from his station on the bridge
Look like fascist hats and uniforms to me.
navy officer hats set to super size.
Data wasn't showing any symptoms before fucking Tasha. God knows what else he would've caught if he wasn't an android
This episode secured the Scots as the galaxies degenerates.
damn Sisko is a vengeful dude
Yeah. The Enterprise-D.
What was it these fuckers said? Something along the lines of "You **** brother?"
he becomes a captain later on when the ratings kept falling because no one wanted to see Babylon 5 fan fiction
>riker please DON'T!
>it's a Riker fucks an alien to escape captivity episode
>it's a Geordi meets his holographic waifu episode
Damn tng had some really great moments.
>it's an adult kisses a child sexually episode
wtf i hate VOYEUR I mean VOYAGER now!
Barclay pls
>Counselor is a space euphemism for ship prostitute.
It would explain why they kept her aboard. Was all that "empath" stuff made up too?
> you will never be locked in a deadly pon farr sex marathon with your Vulcanfu
Imagine having a Vulcan for a wife. No arguments, no emotional upheaval, no needless spontaneity. A quiet reserved home with the soft steps of our displined children and me waiting another seven years to have the best sex of my life.
The femdom would be great as well in between those 7 years.
cos players pls dont
Her "empath stuff" was essentially "Captain, I'm going to tell you something obvious about the person you're talking with." She is a space Gypsy that relies on basic street fortune teller techniques.
What was her accent supposed to be?
What did the Federation mean by this?