>ITT: Name a better country to live in than USA and try to back up your reasoning.
Better country than USA
lebanon because there is no government, president, laws, great food, great alcohol, you can start your own cartel, and living here is like living in the 90s because our technology is all 90s
You can't btw.
Lebanon is definitely the best country and most bro of the Middle East, but having 20 year old tech isn't really something to brag about.
I like this answer. Given that I know of nothing to contradict you, I'll take you at your word. Lebanon for president'
eh, its nice though, if you're one of those people
>muh 90s
>times were much better
except the fact that we have no president, and no laws, but we do have hot women
oh yeah dont forget we have beautiful women, and we're still a christian country
Major problem with Lebanon is that if the rest of the Middle East completely goes to shit Lebanon is gonna get pulled in.
sadly, yes, but i highly recommend visiting lebanon its fun, and theres lots to do, like theres an upcoming music festival in the summer
Switzerland. Much less likely your be gunned down like a dog in the street for no goddamn reason.
I've been to Beirut, and there are lots of Lebonese at my church (Antiochian). Most are pretty based.
Well at least you didn't say Spain.
ah, how was your stay ?
But my dog is likely to get gunned down for some farmers dinner.
japan because cheap plastic butts
Reason: USA.
Italy: it has one of the highest life expectancy and quality of life in the world, regardless of its wasted economy. The food is simply unbeatable. Since we're poor as fuck, if you come from a richer country everything will be cheap for you.
Well there's the problem of rape, mafia, and general crime.
On the contrary of what leftist feminazi propaganda tells, statistics show it's not an issue (geez who would have thought?).
>mafia and general crime
It's a sensible problem for private citizens only in certain areas (basically the south). Just avoid those shitholes and you'll be fine. On top of that if you avoid the south you'll be able to have access to one of the best public health systems in the world: stats show we score very high on an international level as a nation, and since it's a well known fact that South Italy has the same health system quality of a small African nation it means that probably without that part of the country we might be the best in the world in healthcare.
This. Italian food is the best.
Ayy lmao
UK Post-Brexit
I'll believe that AFTER the shit stops flying as much