Explain bros why is a small poor country like Iran so good at making Kino?
#Fuck Trump /ME/ Kino thread
Iran isn't poor at all. It's also a theocracy and those deprive people of basic civic liberties.
Cherry-picking. You only see the good ones. Besides Farhadi is good at appealing to liberals hipsters who think watching foreign cinema helps them learn about other cultures
watched a separation. holy crap what a big letdown
Isn't it just one guy there who makes good movies?
Iran isn't small though. Persian culture has always been rich and it's a very complex and old civilisation. No wonder their cultural output in movies is good.
Don't you have capeshit to praise?
>"""muslim""" ban
>only 1/4th of the people coming to america last year were actually muslims while the others were part of other religious minorities/atheists
what did Trump mean by this?
>long shots of iranians acting like sandniggers
>vague ending that resolves nothing
Kiarostami, Panahi, Farhadi are all Iranian directors worth checking out.
Iranians are experts at appealing to the western narcissism. There is no Japanese ennui, no Irish grit, no sense of awe for the miniscule human experiences. Iranians are so narcissistic that they present themselves as the rulers of nature. So every year you get a new Faradi or Kiarostami trash that wins international awards, while their government stones women to death.
Any good Israel Kino?
>>Iran is neither small nor poor
fucking amerikuks.
they do have a big heroin problem tho. you gais have that in common again!
Unironically, well put
epic meme
Waltz With Bashir
lemon popsicle
>Iranians are so narcissistic that they present themselves as the rulers of nature.
What does this mean?
where can i watch this? it's not in theaters near me and no copy online.
>Irish grit
Fuck off potatonigger
Can you give me English subs though? Been looking for a week now.
>Iranians are so narcissistic
Why is this such a constant in their people and culture? Even their descendants who have nothing to do with the country's current culture have trouble dealing with their own huge egos.
>Jews thrive in the American film industry
>make some of the best kino
>Israeli films are lackluster shlock
This I don't understand.
Iran has been making kino for decades now.
>>Iranians are so narcissistic
only the ones found in the west.
iranian cinema blows. go get beat by police fags.
Very well said. Is it any wonder that the narcissists on letterboxd who masturbate to videos of themselves watching obscure foreign cinema worship hollow shells like Kiarostami? That's really the beginning and end of "worthwhile" Iranian cinema - intellectual and civilized posturing hiding primitivity and savagery, much like their culture.