Other urls found in this thread:
>in the eu
>mfw EUSSR is established after Russia joins EU in 2022, 100 years after USSR was founded.
>mfw all this unreast and chaos in the past years was used to stir up controlled opposition (FN, Ukip etc) and eliminate real nationalists
>mfw disillusioned public seeing the misery that freedom and liberalism brings willingly and strongly accepts their new authoritarian overlords to rid Europe of migrant and liberal scum once and for all.
when ISIS takes over
come home white man
you forgot croatia
I can't wait!
Always dreamed of a federation!
Damn it feels good to be in the EU and the Euro
Only if we call it 4th reich and it's lead by us.
More like 4th Kaliphate if Germans are running it.
Ancient meme.
Holy fug
Shit is real, never been happier to be in the American Superstate
keepin it real
From my cold dead hands
Actually I will just become a refugee in usa
It looks like a person bending over
>literally shaped like a limp dick
Yes, bending over to Israel
Hopefully never
You should have a leave referendum
Du glömde också Bornholm, broder.
Fourth Reich please go, don't make us kick your ass again. You know how shitty the last 70 years have been.
Don't poke the sleeping juggernaut
Not culturally enriched enough. Where's Turkey, Bosnia, and Albania?
>giant hole in the middle of it
Lol I guess germancucks want to go for a 3rd round. Guess the first 2 times the world kicked your ass wasn't enough.
What's going in over here?
White niggers.
turtroach rape babies and landmines
Not much ever since we bombed the shit out of that place.
Wales are our Blokes ..jocks are too poor to leave the English Bosses , same with paddies ..Roaches will get in Europoo b4 men in skirts
Why is the United States of Europe considered a bad thing here?
Hva med Norge?
Somebody fucking up.
Because Croatia is one of the best vacation spots on the planet.
The UK voted as a whole to leave, and if you did it by country then Wales also voted to leave you retard.
Fucking never.
If Fixit doesn't happen within a decade, our politicians will start dying.
I wan't out of this cancerous union.
I'm sure the Russians will respect your sovereignty in that case
Shoulda read the whole thread m8
last time Russia invaded Finland they got rekt in winter war kek
Russians are cunts, but they ain't the ones who are actively fucking us over right now.
I'll take freedom and sovereignty, even if it means having to deal with Russia, and their bs, over faceless, irremovable EU bureaucrats who serve the global, financial elite, instead of my people, any day of the week.
We survived fine even before EU, back when USSR was around, and our relations with russia were fine before these retarded sanctions.
Russia could easily steamroll Finland but it could never hold it, at least not for long, they know that too and losing Finland as a economic partner is not something they want especially at times like these
Would you really want to be a part of it? You would essentially hand over what little illusion of control you had left over to the Jews currently running the EU.
It would mean unchecked immigration from Africa and the middle-east. It would mean a continuation of the current debt policies that are destroying European nations while making Jew debt kings rich.
Is this what you want? Do you wish to be slaves?
how do pro EU people address the fact that the bankers' nation of Switzerland has chosen not to join the union in the first place? do they simply choose not to acknowledge this?
Ruskies would pretty much have to genocide us if they wished to hold our land.
Majority of Finnish males have gone trough the army, we have a massive reserve, and our whole combat doctrine is entirely based on bleeding our opponent dry, not holding on the actual land.
Guerrilla tactics to the max.
So sure, Russia could take us over with sheer military force, but they would be getting into a massive, and lengthy guerrilla war on the scale that this World hasn't seen since fucking vietnam.
All that, over a shitty piece of land with lakes and forests. Only a complete moron would think that Russia would want to go to a war over Finland.
At most, they might try to occupy some of the islands at our coast by force, in order to secure sea routes to Kalingrad.
Irish guy has a point. They would not respect your sovereignty, but that dosn't mean old-school occupation. There will be just more influential russians bearing gifts from Kremlin.
Literally a man laying on his back, getting peed on
Denmark = Left Arm
Spain = Head
Italy = Right Arm
Euroturks = Right Leg
Baltic states = Left Leg
And that can be dealt with.
Unlike the EU, where we can't even remove the cancerous fucks who are imposing their directives upon us.
Shitposting from work lads.
The thing is, it will be the same in the end. There is at least some resistance among EU members and it's citizens. Now is the time to demand from Germany whatever we want. Southern states do that regularily and now we can see how terrified our EU overlords are.
Never going to fucking happen.
No it isn't.
EU is a subversive entity, whereas Russia is overtly, and obviously external, and aggressive one.
Resistance against a subversive entity, that claims to be your friend, is far, far harder to form, because the threat isn't obvious.
Is Norway successful without EU membership?
Subversing subversion is the key element of survival in totalitarian societies. EU can't do anything unless it's members allow it. And when that fails, as we see it now, a lot of other agents emerge. I don't believe in that intermarium, independet V4 or similar ideas, buť allies can be found to postulate demands. Germany will do everthing to keep the boat not-sinking-yet-today. Leaving now would be a huge mistake.
they have half-membership, but yes they're doing pretty swell
Because it fails to have equal and elected representation and instead is more like an authoritarian government that forces shit on you
> Poland
> Romania
They have absolutely no say on what the EU does
Frihet for Norge
as if the EU has anything to do with NATO.
>tfw my friend who just graduated with a masters in political science thinks im crazy for opposing this and says there are no big bad villain in the EU out to get us
what do I do
Lowest IQ white people in the world.
Though many on Sup Forums like to pretend we're not white.
Show him the document, show him the proof of the EU over reaching and not allowing equal or even electable representation for policy and law making
I did and he said im crazy for thinking its bad and it makes me feel dumb cause he has been studying politics for like 6 years straight. It makes me sad cause ive known him for a long time and looked up to him and he really is an intelligent guy. He said I have been visiting to many right wing weird sites
>don't care most
>Nuke London
ayyyy you know it too well, london is a shit tip
>a superstate without wales
More like to Russia with its big long scandinavian dick.
oi mate why are your scones flat?
oh i mean umm
oi mate why are there raisins in your pancakes?
>super sad state
Alpha Male Fixed.
You're welcome femboys.
user, I've been studying political science for years. There have been fucking idiots in every one of my classes. Idiots that manage to get passing grades somehow, and now could try to call themselves "experts."
>He said I have been visiting to many right wing weird sites
He's right.
Turkey YES!
Remove kebab. Right now!
you forgot turkey, rest of the balkans and ukraine
Even though you're a Northerner, you're not a cuck. You also fucked up Russia pretty badly back in the day.
Hahahahahahaha Never. Over my, Denmarks and Finlands dead bodies.
do people on here honestly believe turkey has a chance of getting into the EU?
they've been negotiating since before the EU existed and it was the 'European Communities', the closets they got was the early 00s. Erdogan has been fucking turkeys shit up since and obviously doesn't care about getting in anymore.
glih danes sem nasu 100 tolarjev v predalu... takrat je bila postnina za 20kg paket samo 75 tolarjev.... za 5€ si lahko kupil 10kg sladoleda ne pa sam dve kepici... jebes eu in jebes merklovo.
When you manage to get that white dot in the middle.
From our cold dead hands.
civil war
they were litterally balkenised
>EU would be the richest country
>Strongest country
>Stronger than Russia
>Stronger than USA
>Stronger than China
"Meh focken 'ell EU cant focken 'andle 1-2 millien emmegrants mate, lets bail"
hahaha just their coast and their capital city. the rest is just below average.
>implying EU isn't just a sattelite of the USA
top kek
fuck I got boner now
I have to admit, of all the countries I visited while in the military, Croatia was my favorite for lounging around the coast. Jump off the rocks into the water, swim around, get a drink from the bar.
Although some unruly youths did spray paint "nazis go home" on some old stone walls when we showed up
I'd gladly join!
>live in communist shit-hole like Russia or China
>b-but muh world's strongest country
>live in US and hate communism, unironically support the union of 50 states under a centralized top-down federal government
whatever. i honestly don't care that Britain's "glory days" are over of going around committing genocide in the name of a jew the romans executed 2 millennia ago.
>let's hand over our sovereignty to a distant ruling class so our Jews can be the richest in the world while we toil!
>scottish cousin in a relationship with a literal banker jew in london
>i was the only member of my family who voted leave
family BTFO desu, cousin on suicide watch
Hold kæft din mogunge, you have the worst wage/economic gab in the world, only "outbested" by an African 1960's dictatorship.
It's not really surprising that it's disintegrating now, considering it was founded to keep the commies out of yurope.
>Stronger than USA
sure thing
My friend asked why Finns are my favorite Euros
This is why
>0.10% of your population has 50% of the wealth
>Most of their actual wealth probably lies somewhere in the EU or Panama
God doodle garsh dang.