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I never thought I'd miss John Stewart so much
Funny how the left suddenly cares about the rich when they support their views.
Getting my fish and chips today with extra salt!
Bloody hell, he seems genuinely upset.
Hes butthurt becasue his wife walks funny for a week after coming back from medical training conferences.
>Leave the UK
>Think you have any decision in the UK
Oh, he's fucking mad.
rally maeks u fink innit
What's (((Current Year's))) problem with a democratic referendum?
Wew lad he is fucking furious. Feels good.
I enjoyed seeing how truly upset he appears and how difficult it seems for him to restrain himself from not just screaming fuuuuugggg!! Love it. Didn't think I'd enjoy the butthurt this much.
To my British friends: any upcoming setbacks will be temporary. A weak pound is a good thing for your exports. You're better off without the EU and their petty and petulant schemes to punish you.
>Leave the UK
>Think you have any decision in the US
irks me more 2bh
Stopped watching him during Furguson riot. What a cuck!
>john oliver saying anyone has a punchable face
>mfw pic related
I want to go back lads I say, I want to go back to that day and enjoy the sticky once more.
kek he sounds hardly different than Alexander Jahans
The salt is delicious.
>The sandnigger who voted to leave
Lolz. Enjoy your muzzies.
That ice cream joke was pretty funny, though.
>current year man accuses farage as having a punchable face
>"It's pretty funny, imagine if the UK had remained in the EU. The right would be shouting and screaming, probably would have been terrorist attacks etc"
> The UK was already independent
> In fact it's what many countries celebrate their independence from
Who the fuck is this kike?
>that pic
Good, fuck all the Remainers. Who gives a shit if they're a member of a party or a foreigner in a fancy suit? Dumb fucking kikes.
they voted the wrong way, it was supposed to be voted for remain
>People laughing uncomfortably at an angry rant
This was cringe
Yep, and the undesired outcome is all the fault of Farage, Johnson and Cameron alone, nothing to do with the 52% of voters.
The outcome isn't on the voters, no, it's on the people who gave them a referendum to express their opinion. This is pretty much CYM's (Current Year Man) argument in the video.
>this is a good comment
How would accusing John "Current Year" Oliver of spouting leftists propaganda be "racist and xenophobic"? Do they just say that about everything now? What facts is he even talking about?
Are you just noticing that left/liberals will call anything they don't agree with racist?
This has been going on for some time now.
You racist cunt.
I want to kill Oliver. Really do.
yeah, they were fooled by those cons (Nigel, Boris).. we need second referendum.. possibly even a third.
>biggest shift in UK in decades
>no let's not spend our entire episode on this issue. let's spend the rest of our 20mins on how hypocritical countries are for hiding doping athletes on the Rio Olympics
>oh I wish we could talk about this issue more but we're going to be on break until July 20th!
He must really hate his country or not have enough time within a week to change topics. I mean the nigga gets 30mins in a whole week, he really can't shift topics as easily as late night faggots do?
What did he expect?
It's not 2015 anymore
Oi m8, I think that's xenophobic of Americans desu. But really I have noticed the new thing though is to use racist and xenophobic at the same time without any evidence.
How do you even get teeth so yellow
How do you look like you come from fucking Africa when you're one of the most European countries out there
Sup Forums and John Oliver have really changed my mind on Anglos. I though of them as Aryans before I even knew what that word meant, now I see them as lesser than slavs
Oh man the irony!
Even the people who said to vote leave didn't want it.
T. Racist here
I hope you have a nice day. (:
coffee or tea :I
>Even the people who said to vote leave didn't want it.
What did Pierre Mbuktu mean by this?
>punchable face
more like makes you want to buy him a pint
I wouldn't think you needed any more salt, it should be thick in the air with all the anal pain coming from people who couldn't be bothered voting.
This guy is just permanently triggered as a profession.
>Brexit? Oim triggered guv!
>Trump said something? I'M FUCKING TRIGGERED IN CAPS NOW M8
This show is stupid and it's lame that there are people who think he is some kind of informed pundit and not just a clown with a teleprompter.
Someone post the pic/pasta with the Britlad getting a pint from Farage and after user runs after him around a corner Farage is gone.
This. I'm actually considering a trip to the UK next year since you guys have uncucked yourselves.
I just wanna punch that Current year reminder in the face
Goes all the way back to Trotsky mate.
>Sup Forums hears things it doesn't like
Jesus Christ. Self-awareness on this board is at an all-time low.
Didn't hear anything in that vid that wasn't factual, but sure, dismiss it because it uses a pessimistic tone and features a leftie comedian you don't like.
I just fucking hope the doomsaying of guys like this and the Remain campaign turns out to be as much of a heaping pile of bullshit as all of Leave's campaign was.
Pack your bags, Mohamed
Bye bye! Better pack those sandals and burkas!
>Boris"no need for haste over Brexit"Johnson is backpedaling hard
>Farage don't want to be prime minister and his happy to leave other deal with the problem
They have no idea about what to do now that "leave" won, it's so obvious that they expected remain to win and are now hoisted by their own petard.
Delicious Paki tears
>backpedaling hard
Sure, sure. Is that what you're going to be saying when France leaves as well?
>yfw posting this
you have to go back
>halfway to 2017
>Didn't hear anything in that vid that wasn't factual
It was pretty much all his personal bias and appeals to emotion
Back to the sands, with you.
We want our based oldest ally back, not filled with mudshits, we removed those a thousand years ago.
You're literally a nigger
See you in ten years, with the UK still in the EU.
I'd much rather not give this guy views and I seriously cannot stand this guy's voice/face can someone give a break down of this guy's break down?
my thoughts too
See you in ten years with UK, France, Greece, and Denmark out of the EU.
None of you can prove him wrong, though. Everything he says is accurate. YOU are the butthurt ones! Hahaha!
this video wasn't cringe it was funny lol
The reaction really makes it.
Don't care. Just want to watch the world burn.
I can easily prove him wrong, watch me:
I mean come on! Guys are you seeing this? Is he fucking joking? It's 2016, he's completely and utterly wrong! What a stupid British buffoon he is! What a fool indeed.
Look at this poor bastard drifter. Not American. Not British. No country or culture accept his globalist kike politics. And now he wanders, deep in the darkness of the salt mines, whining to everyone and no one about what year it is. Truly the best.
Funny no matter how right I start to go I still miss Jon he was based as fuck.
are you fucking kidding me? By the end he was shilling hard for BLM
pick one
>leaves UK to go to America in order to subvert its politics and the people's way of life.
>while in America, bitches about the UK and it's democratic referendums
>does this as a kike shill, being paid hand over fist in some corporate media
This is globalism personified. Destroy globalism. Flay all globalists.
I watched every single episode of Last Week Tonight up to the first Trump (the Drumph episode) episode he did. Have not watched a single episode since.
This is a damn shame. John Oliver was ridiculously funny before he started to "make a difference". It is like the shit went to his head and he decided to prioritize his social beliefs over his sense of humor.
John "Leibowitz" Stewart is a Jew, the son of one of the largest hedge fund managers on Wall Street
Early Stewart was good. Toward the end of Bush Admin/beginning of Obama.
But toward the end he went full kike. Race baiting every mass shooting and shilling for black racism while defending Islamists from criticism. It was sad watching genuine good comedy turn into regressive leftist propaganda but what are you gonna do.
Current year man saying Farage has a punch-able face.
Farage has an extremely likable face. Fuck this cunt.
hes still better than this whiny british faggot
Crying about losing is butthurt..Also you have to be 18 to be on this board
Reminder that his writers are kikes (google it). This is what kikes do, they do something good then when it has become popular enough they use it to push their agenda.
>giving spoilers to a movie that just came out
Put a laugh track over this picture and you have his entire show.
True, the kid was probably Muslim
That's how it begins. Bush was an easy target for these cowards to get their hooks into; almost everyone hated him. It was very easy to make fun of him and his cabinet and republicans by a large arm worth.
Then slowly it started tipping over left, and then you got to see the rats under the true light.
>Current year man saying Farage has a punch-able face.
He's so butthurt holy Kek, though I liked the icecream joke.
>a racist teakettle
>Image of teakettle with "Britain for the British" on it
That really stuck out to me in that 8 minute assblasted rant about how "democracy doesn't work when my side loses."
Also is Nigel Farage going back on that promise about NHS funding such a big deal? Correct me if I'm wrong, but he isn't a member of the government. He'd have absolutely no authority or basis for promising that to begin with, would he not?
NOBODY on pol can actually rebut his claims in this video though. Checkmate racists
angry the supply of fresh niggers for your wife is going to dry up?
People should be free to do whatever they want. Race mixing shouldn't be encouraged, the opposite should, but you still shouldn't restrict free will and give people the option to pick whatever they want.
No, I'm not black or leftist. But liberty is the best thing to come out of Western civilizations, and you want the opposite.
>promise about NHS funding
did anyone actually promise that except for the bus thing which wasn't even a promise of doing that?
Everytime I see people talking about that "promise" they only seem to bring up the bus, but make it sound as if there was more to it.