>claims to be red pilled
>doesn't go exploring innawoods with his maiden
Literally explain yourselves
>claims to be red pilled
>doesn't go exploring innawoods with his maiden
Literally explain yourselves
What type of monkey is that
north american pavement ape
Too many flies
My house is 20 second walk from the woods. I go there occasionally and reflect upon my time in the world, and also smoke marijuana. Sometimes I snap my adventures and my friends told me to stop, that's weird, no girl is into that.
Feels pretty bad desu. I miss the times you could just walk into nature and share pics/vids with your friends, and not risk being called a loser or a loner weirdo.
Lol where the fuck do you live that girls dont like a guy that goes hiking
>girls don't like to go hiking
holy shit I bet you never banged in the woods
Fuck your friends, you do you bud, anyone else with even a bit of self confidence will respect you for it.
Not much forest to into here. Any woman will weigh me down.
There's no woods near me within a half hours reach, but I've tried to go after some travels, but I just can't find them. I fail at trying to go innawoods
I used to go with this niglet friend of mine last year, we would go hopping along the trails or just explore and take pics. He moved last October though. Feels bad.
Spot the butthurt white girls
Take a shower then lol
I have a feeling hes explaining it in a way that makes what hes doing sound way less weird than it actually is. He probably takes a picture of a dandelion while holding a blunt in front of the camera and captions it with "weed #deep" or some shit in like hot pink drawn in ms paint letters
>on the internet
We all know it's dangerous to be alone in the woods with an ape.
You cant take a jungle creature into the forest
Didnt you just make this thread last week
>am redpilled
>take my gf hiking and camping all the time
What's your point?
I don't post weed smoking on snaps, it's not something you should be displaying the world or girls, because some of them don't smoke. All I do is just take a couple photos of a nearby pond, maybe a couple deer (they're friendly as fuck and come close), and just nature scenery in general. Pic related.
People think this is weird.
You realize that the white girls you white Knight will think you're a "racist creep" right?
B-but I defended you on the internet!!
Fucking lol
They've been logging the politically undesirables, and are promoting that they should go out in the woods alone. It will be very easy to murder you, and get away with it there.
Much better to do that with bros
Women don't want to explore anywhere that's risky
That girl is really fucking ugly.
>blurry pic from afar
Lol no
Who is this "they" you speak of?
Oh good, some race mixing faggot trying to convince us he's red pilled.
Have fun having your children not resemble you
>accusing anyone else of whiteknighting while you defend your swarthy aids monkey
Actually she's posted quite a bit and she's fucking ugly.
your child will be brown
>still haven't posted his girlfriend yet
>D-don't remind me that Stacey will jump Tyrone's bones as I defend them ;_;
Somebody should comic this
What are you talking about? I had 3 different mushroom foods in 3 different days, with 4 different mushrooms.
I do. Since I'm with a woman, it has to be faggot casual innawoods, so it's not as fun. For serious innawoods, I go solo.
>posting your girlfriend on an anonymous imageboard for creeperfags jerk off to
No thanks. Not that anybody other than you is beating their meat to that orangutan that you're courting.
I go exploring with my girl all the time, we sometimes go to the riverfront and collect old bricks
He's right, you either waste your white genes on real interracial experience or you don't do it at all.
Wow, that's mesmerizing. What part of Canada is that?
Oh God not you again
why? so you can get zika or so you can find dead homeless people the government burned alive for trying to make a tent town?
kinda curious what you found op?
Maybe. Her sister had white skin with light brown hair and green eyes
Kill them, then kill yourself.
You'll be doing the world a favor.
>having a girlfriend so ugly you won't post it on an anonymous image board
Laugh out loud
>I'm a bitter neckbeard virgin with no friends, life, or solid career prospects
Feels good knowing you're objectively inferior
ontario, I've even got my own pet goose
>being this delusional
Feels good knowing you're so desperate for approval that you post your ugly gf all over Sup Forums.
>it's for her security I s-swear
Audibly laughed