Really makes you think :^}

Really makes you think :^}

So what have you racist bigots done to stop KKK's attacks? Oh sorry forgot you're just trying to witch hunt #moderateislamists

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Call me when the KKK starts throwing blacks off buuldings or begings beheading beaners.

Why does it have to be these specific things? Have they not used violence or intimidation in other ways?

Real answer is that the KKK is just fat low-IQ rednecks now who don't really pose a threat to anyone anymore.

Did KKK kill gays recently ?

>Implying that joining the KKK is a popular life choice that will help you advance in both your career and social life.

blacks kill more of each other every 6 months than the kkk has killed in 86 years

> Have they not used violence or intimidation in other ways?
Not after slavery became illegal. Violence was the way to keep the slave obedient. After it was made illegal, there was just no point to it.

Some false flag attacks where used to push cultural marxism. You know how it is today with this socialistic bullshit you embraced so willingly, instead of "acting white" and be prosperous.

> KKK is just fat low-IQ rednecks
KKK is a core of your democratic party. And this party politics is pretty much a threat for all the world.

Kkk once again a largely democrat group in support of the Democratic party for all its creation the last senator apart of the group was a democrat.

I love this sentece.
It's makes no sense beacuse you are not really asking ,but already have a picture in your head about us and try to blame us ,but you feel so well in your 10ft high horse so you ask it as a form of question.

Virtually eliminated it. Next question.

Criminalised it, made it a terrorist group, made it illegal to fund it.

Is that the middle ground fallacy?

And yeah, KKK used to lynch black people for being outside after dark. It was barbaric, so the USA made it a hate group, made it one of the most infamous groups.

Meanwhile, Qatari and Saudi royals are still funding ISIS. Seems kind of... You know... Almost permissive?

KKK is a american thing, there isnt kkk on the civilized world

they prety much died 40 years ago, nobody takes KKK seriously today

KKK are not "real Christians"
they went agaisnt the teachings of the prophet Jesus on the "bible"

Stop with your Christianfobia you biggot

KKK never killed their own people as far as i know

>KKK is just fat low-IQ rednecks

Islam is a distraction to force the discourse into a civic nationalist box.

All that matters is race and genetics.

It was literally White people that stopped the KKK from murdering every single nigger in the USA.


Umm... Marginalized the shit out of them. The KKK isn't exactly active in cross burnings and lynchings these days, moron.

>Implying KKK has over a bilion members

>Protestant scum form the KKK
>murder less than 1000 niggers
>burn a few crosses
>support a general disdain for niggers and violence against them
>have little to no influence in modern day America
>generally thought of as unfavorable in all circles
>they now function as a protest group

>continues genocide
>conversion by the sword against the west
>has a small army dedicated to their cause

KKK has been beaten down to make way for civilized discourse, ISIS has not.

Do 30-50 percent of white Americans see the KKK's actions as justified?

Pretty sure white people hate the KKK too, and the average beta white male hates their own race because of groups like these.

>>stop KKK's attacks
Im-fucking-plying. We respect our laws enough to give them free speech, doesn't mean we don't arrest them for attacks n shit IF THEY EVER DID ATTACK OR THROW GAYS OFF BUILDINGS OR HANG NEGROS