How do I sit down for an hour, hands on lap, focusing on an album...

How do I sit down for an hour, hands on lap, focusing on an album? I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of subtle things when listening to music while doing other stuff but I physically cannot endure sitting still for 1 to 2 hours, catatonic, staring at an album cover on my screen listening to music.

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Nobody does that. And if someone actually does that, they are not worth even talking to. Don't fall for the Sup Forums meme.

But if you don't do that then little but significant subtleties will fly over your head

Bullshit. You don't have to listen to an album in one sitting, and you don't have to drop everything to do that. If you know your shit, you can read a book and listen to the album at the same time, and still catch the subtle things.
I pity people who can't do more than one thing at a time

Or you can just be a normal human being, and listen to few track at a time, think about it, do the laundy, have yourself a beer, try next few tracks, rinse and refuck. It's really not that hard, and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will change if you miss one ghost note on track 8, contrary to the plebean belief.

I feel like I would have already forgotten then previous few tracks by the time I got finished with all those errands and start the next few

You wouldn't, unless you are severely retarded. Besides, isn't it better to let yourself skip over some subtle things, and find them when revisiting the album for the "aha!" moment? Discovering everything there is to disciver in one take pretty much kills the joy of listening to music in my book.

you can do that while taking a walk, or in your bed before going asleep.
you're right though, for some albums giving it your full focus is really the most rewarding music experience you can have desu senpai

just listen to an album more than once holy shit

noticing things you missed is one of the most fun parts of listening to music

i love the thought of having sex with you

Just listen to an album when you're commuting or walking. It's better than listening to it while shitposting on Sup Forums and less boring than listening to it while doing nothing at all

No one expects you to completely isolate yourself with the music. If you really want familiarity with a piece of music, you will have to listen to it multiple times anyway, regardless of how closely you pay attention.

>If you know your shit, you can read a book and listen to the album at the same time, and still catch the subtle things.

I wouldn't go that far. What sort of pabulum are you reading?

>listening to music mobiley
If I do this then it won't scrobble so my won't be an accurate representation of what I listen to since some albums would have an amount of scrobbles fewer than the amount of times I've listened to it resulting in albums that I've listened to countless of times only having one scrobble each track. This makes me afraid of showing anyone my because I think they'll call me a pleb, genre tourist, etc. These are the things that give me actual anxiety

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Works of Steinbeck, Orwell, King, Sapkowski. Most frequently that is.
It's really not that difficult. I'm not bragging mind you, i met my fair share of people who can do the same thing. A book can enhance the music experience, same goes the other way around.

>actual anxiety
Literally why are you here. Shit on here can kill you

smoke a joint

Do you listen to music with lyrics while reading? I majored in English lit and I always find that trying to read while listening to music just diminishes my experience of both.

>I majored in English lit

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>I majored in English lit
should have done stem or trade school dipshit

>inb4 dude weed lmao
I've tried this. Weed makes only makes music, and most other things, annoying to me.

Yeah, sometimes I do. No problems with that. But then again, I'm not a native English speaker, so when I listen to a song with English lyrics and read a book in my language, it doesn't really collide.

You don't. You have to listen to an album multiple times

Joke's on you. I make six figures as an Editor for a major music publication

pothead are the most retarded people ever, how do you want do appreciate music when you've got weed making you stupid and numb

Music is one of the few experiences weed consistently enhances. Try it some time.

why are potheads so embarrassing

sure you do XD
see you on the streets

a-are people like you real?

I did. It made me feel good, because music made my skin tingle. But it wasn't because of how good that music was, it was just because some kind of music was playing. Later, music felt underwhelming when sober. How is that a good thing?
Weed makes me crave weird things, even if I hate them. It numbs your brain by making everything sound somewhat good. You want to objectively judge and enjoy music while high? Not gonna happen. You want to make yourself feel good? Go ahead.

Is this Post-hardcore?


I tend to hear nuances that I normally miss when I'm high. Or I just imagine the music differently in my head. But I understand weed affects people in different ways, so it's w/e

I've always felt like everyone on here is like this

if you're so weak minded that you can't appreciate something sober after appreciating it high, then you should never do drugs again

That's what I'm doing lol
drugs suck, it's cool to experience them once and then stop
alcohol is the way

dope album

alcohol is objectively one of the worst drugs you could possibly do

true, but it's also the most talked about. i don't abuse it, i drink once a month on occassions. that's why it's safer than weed and other drugs imo. being an alcoholic is so stigmatised, that literally no person wants to abuse alcohol. weed and x and other drugs are pretty much glorified by anyone except the media. it's cool to smoke some dank weed and watch netflix bro : D
except that getting hooked on weed is one of the worst psychological addictions there are.

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It's just shitposting user, you fell for the memes

>everyone talks about it
>therefore it's okay to use it
rappers talk about poppin percs and xans all the time so I'm gonna do them

i like to draw when i see people, iti really helps me focus

and here comes the straight edge brigade

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cool meme, but people actually think that tho. i never said it's okay to use, but it happens because some yunGdIKk420 the rapper records a snap of xan and weed.
normies do think that
>famous people doing drugs = it's cool to do drugs

as long as you can stay in control of yourself and not be a detriment to society, drug use is 100% fine

>as long as you can stay in control
There's the problem, and not only with drugs. Don't know about you, but i know people who think that the best part of being intoxicated is LOSING control. People in general don't drink to enhance their mood, but to get absolutely fucking wrecked. Especially ages 16-25

yea those people should have their experience ruined by spending the duration of their high or whatever in jail

You lay down in bed with the lights out and your eyes closed.

and that's how to fall asleep!
next episode - wiping your ass

you mean to tell me that every time you close your eyes in the dark you fall asleep? are you unable to control your own body?

You do task that don't require you to think loudly in your head. You can dance to yourself , I usually put the TV on mute and put something like "how it's made" or the live NASA feed or just mindless stuff on the TV while it plays

What's wrong with sitting and listening music?

just a meme bro

Are you autistic? Just lie on your bed or something

Get super high

If you don't do drugs there are plenty of posts in this thread saying you don't have to sit down and actively listen to get enjoyment or understanding out of an album.