>best performance of the year wasn't nominated
>2nd best performance didn't win
>gave award to female Pepe for a shitty role, thus almost certainly guaranteeing her the Oscar as well
Fuck this
Best performance of the year wasn't nominated
Amy adams pls go
Her feet are gorgeous. Foot goddesses deserve all of the awards.
She literally act act. She plays herself in everything. Wasn't even good in la la land, can't sing. Normies eating up her shit performances like Jennifer Lawrence. She's been sucking dick.
>caring about hollywood circlejerk awards
can't act*
Amy Adams is a shit actress
Her feet aren't even good looking, what a terrible meme.
So is Emma Stone
>female Pepe
i lol'd
how new are you?
I'm OP
>this was cast as an asian american
>people think hollywood is liberal
literal Sup Forums tier casting
leaked nudes when
I don't think she degrades herself like JLaw. She's pure unlike that skank...
>her feet aren't even good looking
nd best performance didn't win
I hope you're talking about Hershlag, mister
>implying Negga can't use computer
you racist!
>Emily Blunt, The Girl on the Train
What the fuck? How the hell was this shit pile nominated for anything?
This cunt was horrid in that flick. Fuck everyone.
>working at Hollywood
Sorry to say, but that's impossible. She has been casting couche'd a few times at least.
Not if you are talented as Emma. Casting her means movie will be a guaranteed success. Being absolutely gorgeous doesn't hurt her career either I guess.
She can't act
Don't be a dummy
lol dude she has herpes
and she's a shit actress
>guaranteed success
Remember Aloha?
I remember that movie along with Irrational Man
Aloha was a disaster though.
Probably Dan Schneider fucked her when she was at Icarly.
No doubt she gave him a messy footjob at least.
>trying to hide dem curves
looks like she's a dummy herself.
But she can't act
She isn't talented nor good looking. She sucks jew dick. She's a pro at it.
Damn Natalie herschlag looks like THAT??
proof. now
Natalie PortMAN should have won
>She's a pro at it.
elaborate... for science
Say what?
delete this
That's not disgusting at all... Tell me this is a shoop, please.
Are you kidding me?
I wanna _______ that froggy
cutest froggy
is that fake ? can't have an ass like that !
Natalie has a big butt
but where is her nipple?
she is wearing a flesh coloured bra
I feel like you shouldn't even be allowed to post on Sup Forums is you genuinely care about who wins an award for art. You clearly aren't intellectually qualified to discuss the medium.
not fair
>Sup Forums
>intellectually qualified
I want to fuck that frog
I am feeling bloods fill my cocks at see her brest meat
they should give it to that nigga negga
shudve shown her pusy!!!
I want to kiss those feet so bad
Imagine spreading hummus between those cheeks and licking it clean
Fuck me that dress is so lewd
Are you retarded? Are you even a footfag? She literally has perfect toes and arches.
>nip slip
>so close
Isabelle Huppert gave the best performance of the year, and most of you faggots are too busy jacking off to feet to know it.
get out of here grandpa
Flesh colored nylon under the black part, dumbass.
ok faglord
americans can't read, so they didn't watch Elle
>mfw put 20 quid on her for the oscars when she was at 10/11
>now she's at 1/5
Why isn't Ruth Negga really in the running though? Shouldn't Lovely Love be a real contender after #OscarsSoWhite?
I didn't want to see this
I want to see that butt, for really reals, and I know I never will
this is a new pain, but also an old one