What are your top 3 horror movies?
1. The Exorcist
2. Rosemary's Baby
3. It Follows
What are your top 3 horror movies?
1. The Exorcist
2. Rosemary's Baby
3. It Follows
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>dat shoop
OP you made me laugh
Caro Degeline looks like THAT?
I want a neanderthal looking gf like Cara
The only good horror movie is Marble Hornets.
unfridged by photoshop, yeah
Evil Dead 2.
lol no
Nice picks OP. First two are my favorites so I'll put my top 5.
>The Exorcist
>Rosemary's Baby
>The Thing
>The Blair Witch Project
>The Devil Rides Out
>implying you wouldn't give your left nut to fuck her
The Thing
Eyes without a Face
Almost makes the cut: Poltergeist
I never said anything to the contrary, but the OP is just a blatant falsehood, besides I'd have to get permission from her owners Karlie and TayTay to do that
what a goddess
I haven't seen The Thing yet, but I watched Alien (1979) for the first time last night and was thoroughly underwhelmed. Should I still watch it tonight?
>Rosemary's Baby
i swear people only "like" this dated piece of shit to look sophisticated, it's borderline comical watching it today
The Thing is more of a horror movie than Alien. So yes, go ahead.
I would give my left nut to see Sam Hyde on the JRE. I would not give my left nut to have sex. What the fuck's wrong with you?
Not just any sex, sex with the notoriously kinky and beautiful Cara. I have a gf but I'd happily cheat on her with cara, and she'd understand.
The "what have you done to its eyes" scene spoops me and still does to this day.
1. The Grudge ( Japanese Version)
2. The Ring
3. Hellraiser
Look kid if I am going to give up half of my testosterone it isn't going to be over sex. Also Cara isn't an actress. Should not be allowed to use her as a thread header.
>Cara isn't an actress
How the fuck is she not an actress?
I know she's a shit actress, but she's one of the most singularly beautiful women on earth. I'd happily give a ball to fuck her and cuddle after.
>It Follows
Why do people pretend this movie is good?
It's absolutely retarded, especially the pool scene.
The story doesn't make any sense either. The guy doesn't know who gave that curse to him, but knows perfectly well how it works and what will happen if the monster catches you.
In the end, nothing is resolved and we're in the same spot where we started, except the journey there was shit.
I fucking hate It Follows.
Have you seen the movies she's in? She's a model that gets around solely through nepotism. I wish that wasn't the truth but it's the truth.
The Exorcist
Cannibal Holocaust
Evil Dead 2
Something like that.
>Cara isn't an actress
How the fuck is she not an actress?
>Rosemary's baby
Muh nigga
Rosemary's Baby
The Thing
Guilty pleasure: Blair Witch
Nosferatu (1922)
The Shinning
Evil Dead II
The Thing is great if you can get invested in the mystery.
I don't fuck men, that's gay
Blair witch ain't no guily pleasure, it's god tier.
that is one tight man
1. The Thing
2. The Exorcist
3. The Descent
>Devil's Backbone
>The Thing/Alien are tied.
tbqh senpai i can't take the old people seriously (especially when they're naked), i mean listen to the old New York Jewess talking about Satan after Mia Farrow finishes overacting
this was good in 1968, and there's craftsmanship to the cinematography since it's Polanski which is why i think it still gets attention. but it ain't shit for scary anymore, people were just pussies 50 years ago
I don't think anyone will defend the ending as anything but silly. The rest of the movie is just really good at building paranoia and a mystery.
>no one posted the gif
Damn, Cara Delevigne looks like THAT?
>the exorcist
I literally cried in laughter watching it. Maybe when it was released but not now.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre II
Friday the 13th IV
Then go watch a snuff film dipshit
Why? Because the exorcist is outdated is fuck and screaming cunt isn't scary?
I like this neck.
Because you don't appreciate it as a film and your complaint is that it isn't scary enough. The people who love the film love it for more than the scares. And if you were capable of immersion then the film can be quite unsettling as well.
You have shit taste and are just seeking a thrill. If I'd want scary shit, I'd just go online and watch snuff films.
Reagan making her mother lick her bloodied vagina is terrifying to this day for me.
Alien is definitely on my list, whether it's a "what do you think are the best horror films ever made?" list or a "which horror films do you enjoy watching the most?" list.
Trick R Treat is definitely on the latter list, but not the former.
And then either the Blair Witch or the Shining to round out the list.
>all that photoshop to try and make her body look nice
I don't care how average or borderline fridge her body is. She's got the most beautiful, unique face I've ever seen. And I would give anything to cum all over it.
I would facefuck her all night long as long as every other part of her body was covered up and she had full professional makeup on
In terms of quality:
>The Shining
>The Thing
>Silence of the Lambs
In terms of being personal favorites:
>Friday the 13th Part 6
>Sleepaway Camp
Where did I say I don't appreciate it? Just because it's not a good horror film doesn't mean it's not good.
Her tits aren't the worst, if you've seen the nudes. Bet she's got a tight innie pussy too.
It's a great horror film. I can see why it had people puking and having nightmares. I still find it to be the scariest movie ever made.
>tfw completely unphotogenic
Jokes on you, I dream of Cara farting a huge bubble of air into my mouth and making me swallow it.
8.5/10 face on a good day (with Photoshop and make up)
3/10 Transgender body
The Burning
It Follows
she's flat, flat asses, and flat on her sides.
She's a rectangle. A fridge. You could put your dick in her wet pussy or wet mouth, but then again you could put your dick in a wet fridge and wet freezer. It wouldn't make any difference,
kill urself.
1. The Mist
2. The Shining
4. It Follows
3. Poltergeist
4. Cabin in the Woods
5. Event Horizon
6. The Exorcist
7. Dawn of the Dead [Snyder]
8. 6th sense
9. The Descent
10. Hellraiser
11. The Ring (murrica)
12. The Grudge (murrica)
13. Rec
14. Omen (kill your fucking kid jesus christ)
Top THREE you attention whoring slab of cunt.
Also shitty as fuck taste, end it now.
Who the fuck only has a top 3. I could barely narrow it down to top 20, and just gave up. I don't know the order either.