Is pic related /TVkino/? What do you think about it?
Is pic related /TVkino/? What do you think about it?
>good sets
>good costumes
>plot seems interesting
>ok casting
>boring dialogue makes the hour go slowly
This I guess, though I don't find it boring exactly. I'm enjoying it but still on the fence. It needs to step it up within the next 2-3 episodes or it's getting dropped like everything else these days.
That hat is the purest kino there is.
I think it's awesome. Probably the best show around right now. Peaky Blinders was kino to the max despite having a slow start and I'm fully expecting the same from this.
i cant take this menacing walk seriously with that thimble on his head
episode 2 and 3 were very empty plot wise which is strange because it shows so many glimpses of interesting plot points but so far it's just gone over the same 2-3 things
Hardy Pulls it off. Him strutting around London is a highlight of the show.
>episode 2 and 3 were very empty plot wise
fucking plebs aplenty
Same here I can't help but start laughing when he struts around like Bane with that hat.
that's a big hat
i had high hopes but it's utter shit
its all so tiresome
I'm really shipping him with his father's second wife. The sister is annoying, I don't understand his fixation.
Fuck you, that hat is GOAT. Makes him look like a white Baron Samedi.
>The sister is annoying, I don't understand his fixation
He grew up with her, and their relationship developed over time when they were both young and ripe.
>we want the meme audience
I always wondered why is his hat so big.
Then i read that Hardy is 175cm ""tall""
pretty good so far, but in the danger of meandering if the plot doesn't take a leap soon enough
Did the Americans goad his sisters husband into a frenzy so that he would try to kill him? Big guy did say it was weird how they were both invited.
They invited the sister to show him just how much they knew about him and his weaknesses. The husband's just a dumbass and his confrontation with James was inevitable.
>looks at the camera, winks
Fucking really Tom Hardy?
that rape in the last episode was kino
So if Hardy marries his step mum will that make him his own father and his half sisters father?
Daddy kino tbqh
I'd be breeding her without a second thought
Best show airing
Not much is going on, but what makes the show worth watching is Hardy's grunting performance, the mystery behind Africa, and the conspiracy.
I guarenfuckintee that every user calling it boring is an American who doesn't get it, their simple little brains need explosions and use of the word crap to keep from getting distracted
Le grunting top hat xD: The Show
The top hat doesn't grunt
This. There's been plenty happening. James has been making it public how much the three sides hate each other, and guaranteed himself some safety for the time being, knowing he can use the EIC to bail himself out of anything the crown tries, the crown to keep the EIC in check, and the Americans in case both of them try working together. I predict the Americans will find out about his will at some point, and shit will kick off.
mmhmhhmm hmm mhm?
>implying you'll ever do that in your pathetic existence
Only thing that baffles me is why the Americans stopped trying to kill him after one guy. Send 3 big guys to ambush him and he'd be wrekt
it's a interesting question
probably operational risk? to hire someone takes an agent risking exposure, the bigger the operation the more exposure is risked
obviously for the plot to continue we can't kill the protag though, and i'd rather that he realistically survives one assassin than he unrealistically wins a fight where the odds are massively against him, like certain other shows love doing
also i don't think they're trying to kill him - they want him alive, they were trying coercion - hence the blackjack. if they wanted him dead then the big guy they sent after him would've done it while he was (feigning being?) unconscious
That was the biggest guy they had and he was nothing to THE big guy
well he's out of danger since he has the American contact pinned with the Musgrave chick.
The Americans already know about his will and only the crown and the EIC are keeping him safe. The crown and the company are far more capable of protecting him from the American's agents in Europe than those agents are of killing him. Not a perfect plan but for now, he's far more useful alive than dead to 2/3 of the factions he's got a beef with.
sitting in flooded basement grunting all night is best
Who else got goosebumps when he said this?
>are we all part of the plan sir?
How do you think you were born?
can someone explain to me why the company and the crown hates each other?
Is he /ourguy/? At least he's not a manlet.
I like the slow pacing the show has. It's a nice change from the american shows I watch where everything happens extremely fast and plots are tied up within 40 minutes. Hardy walking around the streets of London, taking care of business are great.
This world isn't big enough for the both of them, simple as that. The crown wants final say in all things, the company wants the same(has it in many ways already), sharing power is out of the question.
I laughed when he yelled "nigger" last episode. Sounded like he said nigga.
Internet boards to maintain a pathetic existence didn't exist back then. Neither was porn all available.
Your point?
We are an angry nation.
People like this would not survive watching Mad Men or TYP.
he loves saying that
This, BBC starting to get a foothold in quality tv series. Hardy pioneering in it aswell.
Its not about the size of the guy but the bigness in him.
Hat for manlets
What's the next step in his master plan?
Crashing the tea market
I'm losing interest. It doesn't seem very well written, and the last episode was just kind of silly
the more it delves into literal magic, the more it turns me off
I was alright with Delaney being mysterious and having an apparent insane bond with his dad.
But that whole rape spell was a bit much and kinda stupid
nothing happens: the show
>Peaky Blinders was kino to the max
my fucking sides
Honestly though.
That show was embarrassing to watch. I can't help but laugh whenever I see someone mention how good it is.
>le contrarian Sup Forums shitposter
0/10 try harder kid
Usually when idiots say that, it indicates that it is interesting if not good. I might give it a try.
Seriously mate, if you're going to call someone out on being contrarian, don't do it to someone who calls Peaky Blinders shit. It's not like it's even universally acclaimed by critics, let alone Sup Forums contrarian shitposters.
I did watch the entire first season just so you know. I did give it a chance. And I tried my best to enjoy it.
I could write an essay on why I not only dislike Peaky Blinders, but why it even offends me.
Now I could write this essay, and you wouldn't agree with it or even acknowledge the points I make. Even if my criticisms weren't just banal shit like pointing out the jarring fucking punk rock soundtrack, or le token english pub racism towards le 1920's Birmingham nigger. Either way it's a waste of time and you'd probably still call me a contrarian shitposter, because that's all anybody is used to seeing on Sup Forums.
I'm trying to think of a way to concisely summarize what the show is. It's difficult, but the first thing that comes to mind is picturing the screen writer/director of the show as a 20-something normie whose favourite kino films of all time are Goodfellas and Snatch, being brought through the ranks of the BBC Cultural Media training center, and finally being given the go ahead to direct the new 'big budget smash hit HBO style "British Boardwalk Empire".'
It's embarrassing.
It's offensive.
The show is fucking trash.
That's just like, my opinion though man.
I've decided I want to wait and watch the whole thing.
its ok
>Mentally unstable motherfucker wearing clothes that don't fit.
It works perfectly. You're a dumb motherfucker who can't pay attention.
Peaky Blinders is a perfect case of great individual elements being completely ruined by a pants on head retarded execution.
unfortunately i have to agree with this user. Despite great aspirations, the show falls ever so slightly short of delivering on them.
The story is interesting.. but not super interesting.
The acting by Tom Harding is good but it's not great, he doesn't feel particularly crazy. It feels like he's acting. During his "crazy african" episodes I feel downright embarassed to watch him.
I dont even like the general historical setting. The high point of the british empire for some reason never feels particularly grand. How is it that we dont see any major battles, no big trains or ambushes or political assassinations.
In short it feels like the entire thing is filmed behind somebody's pub in modern britain.
Good decision.
High budget BBC dramas are almost always pure style over substance. And it's worth keeping in mind when looking at reviews, the differing perspectives of American critics and British critics.
The yardstick for any (worthwhile) American critics is probably The Sopranos
Whereas for British critics it's some shit like The Bill.
Serious British television drama has always been garbage. They only do comedy well.
Did anyone find a ghost in ep 3 or 4?
You idiot, he's talking about Peaky Blinders
How fucking retarded are you that you thought Taboo was set in the 1920s?
>Serious British television drama has always been garbage. They only do comedy well.
That's utter bollocks. It would be like me saying that the only American TV show is fucking CSI.
as far as I'm aware Britain still exists today, dumbass
I'm the guy you're responding to btw.
I can't really recall the story. Although I do remember it being entirely fictional aside from the name (the real Peaky Blinders were a bunch of gypsies with knives, not some New York Five Families organized crime shit). Not that this really matters at all.
As for Tom Hardy, if I remember correctly, he's doing the unhinged dangerous guy routine right? I do like Tom Hardy, but he's getting dangerously close to be typecast as this. Wasn't that his role in The Revenant too? He was brilliant in Bronson. That should have been it for him.
As for your last point, I see where you're coming from, but I'd say you're a bit off. The actual historical setting is one of the most interesting periods in human history. Once again though, as with countless other TV shows and films it's just completely wasted.
The problem in this case is how ridiculously stylized it is. And the blame isn't on the mise en scene which it's fine, it's a result of the screenplay, cinematography, and direction.
I live in a 21st century major British city and even now it's not as bright and colourful as 1910's Birmingham is in this show.
Then again, the direction and editing is trash. Along with the soundtrack as I mentioned previously, at times it feels like a fucking music video directed by some steam-punk tumblr autiste.
Aside from that, the whole Victorian Britain aesthetic up to and including 1920's or so has always pissed me off. It's such a rich history and almost everything set in it has been trashed. Personally I blame the fucking Tim Burton effect, and all directors who draw inspiration from him.
Any time I get close to vomitting at the thought of this overplayed faggy Tim Burton Victorian steampunk aesthetic garbage, I fucking sail away and live vicariously as Captain Jack Aubrey.
So I recommend you disregard this entire thread and rewatch Master and Commander
I know it's pre-industrial era. Fuck you.
Southcliffe is better than anything Americans have ever made, save maybe Rectify
>inb4 meme answer cause you haven't even heard of it
>Channel 4
God I hate that cunt.
>judging a program by its network
The Young Pope
She has Larkin Love's smile
and the grandfather to his son
>he shops at The Gap
...but I don't?
>Serious British television dramas have always been garbage.
Is this nigga serious?
>he judges programs by its network
literally 2D chess m8. checkmate on the first fucking reply. develop your shitposting skills faggot, see me after class.
Every episode I would say it gets better, but it's still not quite kino.
I have no idea what you're talking about
I'm gonna stop replying to you, I have a policy where I don't talk to the mentally ill
>watching anything made by the BBC
shit taste, OP
What are your guys' thoughts on the main character banging his half sister?
>he judges programs by its network
>he judges clothing by its shop
you're a fucking mongoloid lad
It hasn't existed since brexit you mong