Blackies in America:

>Public housing projects and communities are created where niggers-a-plenty flock to do nigger shit
"da white man created ghettos yo das racist! dissome buuuuulshieeeeet."

>White people begin moving near these areas, increasing the property value, social structure, and overall well being of the neighborhood
"GENTRIFICATION YO! white people stealin our IDENTITY! stay da fukk out whitey!!"



with a noose

My county absolutely refuses to setup public transportation because they know what it brings. It's beautiful!

You don't please niggers you whip them.

I'm from NY and that's exactly why the Bronx turned to utter shit, but Long Island is full of rich white people. Needing a car to get around = no sub human trash.

ey LI bro, degenerate Nassua or based patrician Suffolk?

u dont please niggers, let them be niggers, they are a lost cause, the ones who will want to elevate themselves will do so

LI native
western nassau turning into queens
know a few nassau cops
its getting ugly

>mfw my already 88% white city is getting gentrified as fuck and all the spics and the few blacks are being forced to move out

>doesn't know about Obama's voucher plan to move poor blacks into white suburbs


Seattle or Portland?

send them all back to africa where they belong

leave them out to hang
the ones worth anything will figure it out.
Almost every nigger benefits from welfare.

Portland, cost of living is soaring here and the only people moving here are white hipsters with money

no shit west Nassau is practically an extension of queens, every time iv been in Nassau or driven through it ive hated it, jam packed garbage is what Nassau is. Meanwhile suffolk has corn and sod farms for days

isn't there a nigger colony North Portland on the Columbia though?

50 acres and a mule?

I swear I don't think we can. I've tried for years. They'll never look at one of us without seeing a slavemaster. I'm starting to believe that a peaceful separation may be the only solution.

From what I've seen North Portland nowadays is getting gentrified too, along with the rest of Portland. Before that a lot of working class, lower middle class whites were living there. Apartment complexes are going up everywhere here in the city

How can you stand living around all those cucked men and fat girls with tattoos and gauges though? Isn't it the most liberal city in the country

It's probably for the best as long as they're decent buildings. The cheap student apartments they've built in Eugene are going to be a disaster in a few years when they start to fall apart.

I can think of another one. It involves rope.

>How can you stand living around all those cucked men and fat girls with tattoos and gauges though?

I don't go outside much user, I'm a NEET.

It's not that bad there are some decent enclaves. I have too much family here to just pack up and leave.

You're gonna have to take one for the team white man and fuck the black women.

It's funny; when whites wanted to live separate from blacks, it was called segregation or red-lining and we were told it was all the white man's fault; that we needed to be more accepting of others. When blacks want to live separate from whites, it's called gentrification or cultural appropriation and we were told it was all the white man's fault; that we need to respect their space. I can't begin to figure it out.

I know how to give them what they want

We give them our homes, our property, our assets, our identity, and last but not least, our lives!

Then you're talking about genocide. They're human beings. If we can't live together, fine. But we can all live.

I know somebody building a house on land they paid for. During the permit process, they are force to pay $14,000 to cover the cost of low income housing in the area.

What kind of fucking bullshit is that? We already live in a socialist system where a middle class working man is forced to pay to house niggers moving into formerly white areas.

If Lincoln had not been assassinated, maybe he would have sent the slave back to Africa.

That is also genocide. I won't agree to go die to make someone else happy.

with hot lead

That's not the world we live in. I would imagine that American blacks have no more interest in moving to Africa than I have in moving to Europe. Maybe divide the country based on population? Let them set up their own government with self-rule and their own police?

They don't. The Pan-African movement what opposed by black Americans when Garvey had a ship lined up to take them back to Africa.

Now it's just a meme by black Americans to unite in taking over America instead of going back where they are originally from and Making Africa great again.

Some form of racial segregation is the only long term solution. Unless we strive for a low trust society.