What the fuck
What the fuck
I legitimately can't tell which is a shoop anymore. I think this is the original? but I just don't know.
At least her feet are still fappable
she's a big tranny
requesting /fit/. this is my ideal male body goal.
how do I get a body like chloes?
that lats coming out and reaching the arm like that, the definition of the chest around the arm pit. the elongated biceps stretching down amassing to the elbow. the thick forearm?
it is the original
and it makes it even more frightening
/r/ing /fit/ to tell me how to get a back / ass like this, pretty much I its what I want to look like from behind.
What went wrong?
Tell me more about her body of work Sup Forums
Gamma radiation.
>be a beautiful girl with a nice, fit body
>start destroying herself by making tattoos
why do roasties do this?
>mfw my girlfriend has a chloe moretz body
it's actually kinda hot when you choke-fuck her
i will have strong sons with those genes. girls will be left to the wolves.
>tfw that's not a shoop
feels bad
yes...it's clearly the tattoos that are the problem here....
>implying moretz-esque bred girls can't survive wolf attack
They'll be back for revenge, user
>making tattoos
Spanish is your first language?
Dr. Pavel, Im fridge.
>Presume this is the shopped version
>Search online
>It's real
>posting the shooped version
KYS hater. No woman should be ashamed of her body and Chloe has a beautiful one.
She really could play the Wishmaster in a remake.
is there a non buff version of these?
OP is the original
good thing she chose the perfect outfit to emphasize her linebacker physique
Why do so many child Hollywood stars look like they have a hormonal imbalance as soon as they hit puberty?
jesus christ, really?
They take hormone blockers to ward off puberty and remain marketable for as long as possible.
It's the real version. It's her!! What the fuck indeed.
imagine to be her muscle pusy slave and she choke you to suck on the her pusy mm! wow
Part 3 live adaption when?
I mean, I'm still at a maybe here, I'd prefer the hulk version just to say "at least I hit something healthy"
don't forget the huge traps.
traps is what makes you look big, look at Bane. Bane didn't have that big arms, just juicy as fuckkk traps. Do your deadlifts and pendlay rows, if you're into that metrosexual shit add in shrugs and you'll look big in no time
>skipping squat day
>OP is the original
I don't believe you.
wtf are you talking about? wow
that's an old one man
>user do you even lift?
You are a big guy.
it is.
Say that to her face not online and see what happens
what a time to be alive
there is no way this is real
Remember when everyone was just hyped that she'd be on screen wearing fuzzy panties
Better times
one can still dream right?
>somebody stop me
>Not shooping her as the suitcase
Was she at the Royal Rumble last night?
this fucking thread......
holy shit.
>Need a lift?
no m8 enoughs enough
Jesus christ she is not a looker.
Say that again, user I didn't hear you clearly