What's the best Netflix original kino bros?
What's the best Netflix original kino bros?
All Hail King Julien
Marco Polo
Hoc or dd
>inb4 dd is capeshit
The one with about shilling.
Bloodline S1
Leave Kino to me!
house of cards s1-3 were kino, best thing they've come out with so far
this and Narcos
that faggot garbage should've been cancelled and burned from existence
one of the worst thing in existence.
Narcos is the best.
go back to your safe space tumblrina
Arrested development season 4
Definitely Bloodline.
Stranger Things and Narcos, their comic book stuff is shit.
Narcos is dogshit.
Bloodline is the only netflix kino
Daredevil's Punisher episodes from Season 2.
>Tfw this mighty whitey bullshit got its ass cancelled
>tumblr filename
way too obvious
House of Cards is a 6/10, not exactly incredible but a good enough watch when you have nothing else. The rest is complete trash.
>straight white male
probably lost his family in a fire or all his war buddies just got nuked
it's absolutely shit though
but i'm watching it to support brazilian movie industry
t. huemonkey
I can see that guy losing custody of his children to his ex-wife who was a crackhead who he secretly knows beats his kids but he can't do anything about it.
>housing scene shot in a Public Storage and I'm supposed to take it seriously
This show kind of sucks, except for revealing the main character's a bit of a psycho.