Transexuals are a mental health epidemic that needs to be dealt with before we reach a critical mass of social distortion from mainstreamed mental illness. What's the trans final solution?
How do we solve the autogynephilia problem?
>repurposing a ronnie comic like that
be ashamed
also probably by just not discriminating against them. fuck, masturbation was a mental illness at one point too. so was being gay.
just let them be, they're not fucking harming you eh.
>being gay stopped being a mental illness
Make celibacy a respected role in society again instead of making everyone's idea tiny defined by fucking.
Straight people of this era are also degenerate because they define themselves by recreational sex that wastes their potential as badly as faggotry.
See it used to be that the intellectual class was celibate. Married people weren't the ones to produce all the great art and culture for a reason.
Ever since this has been abandoned culture has degenerated.
A lot of potential fags and trannies would otherwise be celibate and contribute greatly to society
You've been tricked into thinking trans are legion by lgbt propaganda
They're actually extremely few
As far as I'm concerned they can do what they want as long as they work and don't ask their entire country to pay for their shit
>being gay was a mental illness
It still is.
pimozide was tested on one person it may not work on others.
Research the history of sodomy laws though.
It's not just faggots that are mentally ill. Sodomites used to include all straight people who engaged in unnatural non reproductive acts (yes including blow jobs and even using a condom).
Then somewhere along the line it was redefined to refer only to homos to give the masses of 'straight' Sodomites an excuse for their behavior.
You'll never fix the homo problem until you account for your own lust and sexual degeneracy which is equally abominable as a ''straight'' fornicator
In fact masturbation is also a mental illness. But I bet you don't want to hear this since it implicates you
You would think doing a large scale trial of a well known drug with a different mental illness would be preferable to chopping dicks off and sculpting penises out of vaginas. But I guess that's too radical.
>the year is 2145
>a young boy was reported by his parents for gender dysphoria and diagnosed by a doctor
>Now he is to given the Adam formula, the only known cure for the transgender disease
>The results however, create the greatest male warriors the world has ever seen
The results have been replicated in multiple cases, stop spreading misinformation every time pimozide is mentioned. I get really tired of you pro-trans shills lying every time.
>The potential diagnostic confusion is illustrated by a case history of a male schizophrenic patient. This patient had been treated hormonally for transsexualism for years before acute psychotic decompensation occurred. Neuroleptic treatment of the psychosis rapidly reduced the psychotic symptoms. In retrospect, the patient regards his transsexual period as a 'mistake'. Delusions about one's physical appearance and the urge to drastically change the way one looks appear to be relatively common in patients suffering from schizophrenia.
I had autogynephilia.
When my psychiatrist gave me Invega 6mg (mild antipsichotic) for my depression almost all my autogynephilic and crossdressing urges went away.
I haven't crossdressed since I started taking my medication and I don't cry every night because I want to be a girl anymore.
I'm starting to think antipsychotics do help with this shit.
I used to be a trap, now I'm just a twink. Better than ruining your life with HRT and surgery I guess.
time to lift mr spain
No. I like my body the way it is now.
the increase of transgenderism is a product of the social engineering to make us all insane. Giving adderall (meth) and anti depressents to children, etc
You should get your story more visibility. Think of all the people whose lives are being ruined by the frankenvagina industry.
How exactly? I mean, I still wish I was a girl but now I really don't care anymore, I'm fine with being a man and don't want to become a tranny.
I'd be open about it but I've never told my parents or psych that I am a tranny, and I'm afraid and ashamed to come out. I don't want to do it.
How could I do something like this anonymously?
>How could I do something like this anonymously?
You can blog or vlog anonymously, or contact a website with some credibility to do an interview. You might be asked to prove your identity and story to the interviewer, but ask to sign a confidentiality agreement first.
>How do we solve the autogynephilia
light dosage of an anti-androgen
I don't know of any websites that do such things.
And I won't start a blog for a single article.
>Make celibacy a respected role
can priests still fuck kids on the side ?
I'm sorry, mister, I don't think I follow.
1. Dig wells to extract water
2. Install solar panel roofing and wind turbines
3. Buy propane tanks
No line crossing necessary.
even if it is true, people would force other people to take "medications" which alter their mind and have a cost on their organism (and on your money) just because you can't tolerate some men that dress like women? really.
fuck you
As opposed to paying for their hrt and sex change operations through social security?
Fuck you, give them antispsychotics.
Kick out your Jews, make genital mutilation illegal (except for the handful of herms) including circumcision, only allow media companies to be owned by citizens. Problem solved.
You'd be doing the world a huge favor.
>0.2% of the population
the only epidemic is in the media coverage of these losers, and the amount of tranny porn being published. that's what gets these freaks into this shit.
this pimozide meme needs to die
h2o is only 1 oxygen away from h2o2!!!!!!1111!!!!! that must mean water is not good for you