(((Sup Forums))) will rip on him for this
Butt-hurt (((Patriots))) with no agency/accountability incoming
Really made me think, Zambia's 20% Muslim and they don't cause problems
(((Sup Forums))) will rip on him for this
Butt-hurt (((Patriots))) with no agency/accountability incoming
Really made me think, Zambia's 20% Muslim and they don't cause problems
(((Zambian kike)))
You're a fucking kike, how are we supposed to trust you?
I'm not a Zionist though :p
Not asking you to trust me, just to stop you big brother's wars of terror
Oy vey he found out that Sup Forums is a Zionist conspiracy
>Bongo nation makes thread
It makes sense that the only people he can afford to shill for his channel on here is some bumfuck afrotown.
I have no quarrel with Zambia, but that's likely because you're not a major producer of oil.
He is an emotional faggot.
Muslims have been killing EACH OTHER (and Europeans) long before America invaded the middle east as of recent.
Being a parent lowers your test
Sup Forums is mostly self loathing mentally ill Hassidic Jews. I would know ;_;
haha what a faggot. Is he trying to get karma with that or what's the purpose?
There was peace during the Ottoman empire and the Abbasid/Ummayad Caliphate before them. Far more peaceful than medieval Europe tbqh senpai.
SHTF after (((1945))) for them
Hes trying to abolish toxic masculinity obviosly
A man should never cry infront of his family or wife.
Thank God for that desu :^D
Feel kinda bad for ME though, Oil was like the only resource they had and your Neo-Kohens stole it like niggers at a watermelon stand.
Poorest region in the world less than 3% of their land is even farmable, Soil's shit and water's scarce. Labor intensive stuff
Oy vey! You dirty Zambia Goy
Muslims force ALL women to wear hoods over their heads. And cut each others heads off as a friendly past time...
How exactly are they victims?
Ooga booga !!!
The crying was ridiculous and pretty out of character.
But I don't think he's trying to shill white guilt like some people might initially think, it's more of an indictment of how shitty our decision makers have been for the last 20ish years
>Muslims force ALL women to wear hoods over their heads.
See flag, checks out. How's land of the living dead ?
I remember when White women were modest, My grandmother used to wear a veil in Rhodesia. We were a conservative Volk
trump is the only candidate who will BTFO the neocons on both side of the aisle and end their disastrous foreign policy
this is the most important reason Trump must win
Sadly I don't see that happening. I think Brexit was a way of getting the masses to believe in "Democracy" so they won't rebel much when Hillary takes office.
Hillary is not going to take office
It's already been decided. She has their blessing
Why are Molejews videos so long?
Fuck this youtube culture.
Honestly you people who watch 2 faggots have conversation need friends.
Remain had (((their))) blessing too.
I didn't know niggers lived in Canada.
Learn something new everyday :\
Why are TV debate shows so long?
Fuck this TV culture.
Honestly people who watch 2 faggots have conversation need friends
No every media program and (((expert))) just shilled for it for months because they were all against it
Wow i hate molymeme now
Try to be entertaining if you're going to be a shill.
This muddying up the water tactic is just tiresome.
Are you actually defending television?
Stefen is literal Jew and I'm tired of him shilling his videos here and Trump generals.
All you cultists need to fuck off.
Do you seriously not know how to echo properly? You have some severe autism.
Not an argument
where does he cry
Luv you too Pablo ;P
Great meme. Are you enjoying the cult so far?
Still not a argument
Not an argument.
You see how these people are? I've insulted their cult leader so I am now someone with "no argument."
Cults always do this to people outside the cult. They demonize "outsiders" or whatever word the particular cult chooses. It's a method of isolation.
And this here is just a forced meme, Stefans attempt at spreading the cult through internet memes.
It's all very transparent.
PROTIP: Stefan is literally Jewish
You realise you are spewing shit like libtards calling people racist
Being a libertarian is a cult!
Being a conservative is being a nazi!
Who are you talking to?
His new found alt-right sympathies are out of character. This was a guy who for 10+ years was preaching about An-Capism and seemingly overnight he went full Trump.
Then why is he Anti-Israel ?
Even if he is Jewish his wife is a goy so his daughter is a Misheling. He's on our side
Not an argument
And now we have an attempt at persuading Sup Forums to your side by casting the anti-molejew poster as a SJW
The enemy of Sup Forums. how very clever.
Like I said, transparent as fuck.
we the Sup Forums family DeFOO you, leaf! How dare you insult the great leader!
Stefan and his great FDR clan will assault you the second you consent to it and voluntarily request it!
pls donate more than one dollar at freedomain radio pls
Again leftist tactics
You attack the man instead of his arguments
Hes a jew
Hes a cult leader
Its just your excuse not to think for yourself and disregard opinions that you don't like
You literally have no arguments
not ONE SINGLE ARGUMENT has been presented in this thread.
>B-B-But Molyneux is based!
>He's an ancap but that's temporary, he'll be redpilled just like us soon!
>He's slowly becoming a traditionalist! (whatever this shit means)
>I can't wait until he goes full 14/88!
Stormfront shills blown the fuck out. Libertarianism is way more rational than your nationalist irrational bullshit.
Can't wait to see Molyneux making a video calling actual internet nazis on their shit.
from his eyes
He was such a pussy in this video.
He literally is a Jew. But that's not an argument, why exactly?
When did he stop being an anarchist, or was he a libertarian? He is whatever is popular at the moment, just like all shifty Jews.
I don't know what you're doing on Sup Forums when every other website is pro-Jewry. Go there.
>singlemotherhood sucks!!!
What a fuckin genius. I really needed an 2 hour video to understand that.
Every jew is bad
Guy is making videos for like 6 yeas about the same thing. Yea hes definitely just shilling for whatever is popular
Does this guy ever get to the point? I don't have half an hour to watch his rambling stream of consciousness.
Isn't he atheist?
Basically all but names the Jew. He even name drops a few Neo-Kohens all of which happen to be kosher. He's getting there
>Stefan Molyneux
he's a jew...
Hes right you people blaming jews is like negros blaming whites "opressing" and "conspiring" against them.
They are just smarter, get over it
lol, come on. Jewish doesn't require religious belief. It is something you are born into.
>Like I said, transparent as fuck.
cree el ladrón que todos son de su condición
It's not the same because Jews are actually oppressing everyone. They do it by leading every political movement, Molejew is just another aspect of that.
Holy shit
Great, now they're even speaking in tongues.
Eta okerragoak egin ditzaket, hosto lehorra.
Whites are oppressing black people too right
They are in almost all positions of power
Jews are 2% of the population yet hold power positions in everything important.
Whites hold positions of power, but they aren't massively over represented compared to their population, like Jews are.
Also white people actually care about black people, and genuinely try to help.
Whereas Jews fund Black Lives Matter, knowing full well that this mentality is killing the black community and driving Americans apart.
Fucking polish kike fuck off already.
They are over represented but not over represented amongst a equal IQ population
kek, the couple of first second on that "The True Cost of War" seminar he even sounds like new yorker jew.
>soros is the only one
Do you really want to go down this road?
lol what is it?
You ameriburgers do understand that this argument against Hillary is the best one you have, right?
The left in your country is basically voting for a neocon who will continue to fuck up countries in the ME.
Its a genetic ethnicity called Ashkenazi
Jewish is a racial and/or cultural identity.
You can be a religious Jew.
A Jew by ethnicity.
Or simply a Jew by culture.
It's not my fault their identity is so complicated, but that's how it works. Plenty of Jewish atheists consider themselves non-practicing Jews.
Lets just put a jewish star near everything i dont like!
Im doing research!
Jew control the internet.
>Who Controls E-Bay?
Of the nine(9) eBay executives, six(6) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 67%. Of the eleven(11) eBay directors, two(2) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 18%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the eBay executives by a factor of 33.5 times(3,350 percent) and over-represented among the eBay directors by a factor of 9 times(900 percent).
>Who Controls Apple?
Of the ten(10) Apple executives, three(3) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 30%. Of the eight(8) Apple directors, five(5) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 63%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews and spouses of Jews are over-represented among the Apple executives by a factor of 15 times(1,500 percent) and over-represented among the Apple directors by a factor of 31.5 times(3,150 percent).
>Who Controls Yahoo?
Of the thirteen(13) Yahoo! executives, eight(8) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 62%. Of the eleven(11) Yahoo! directors, five(5) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 45%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews and spouses of Jews are over-represented among the Yahoo! executives by a factor of 31 times(3,100 percent) and over-represented among the Yahoo! directors by a factor of 22.5 times(2,250 percent).
Jews control the internet 2
>Who Controls Google?
Of the six(6) Google executives, four(4) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 67%. Of the ten(10) Google directors, four(4) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 40%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews and spouses of Jews are over-represented among the Google executives by a factor of 33.5 times(3,350 percent) and over-represented among the Google directors by a factor of 20 times(2,000 percent).
>Who Controls Amazon?
Of the eleven(11) Amazon.com executives, eight(8) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 73%. Of the nine(9) Amazon.com directors, six(6) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 67%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews and spouses of Jews are over-represented among the Amazon.com executives by a factor of 36.5 times(3,650 percent) and over-represented among the Amazon.com directors by a factor of 33.5 times(3,350 percent).
>Who Controls Facebook?
Of the three(3) Facebook executives, three(3) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 100%. Of the seven(7) Facebook directors, four(4) are Jews or partial Jews. This is a numerical representation of 57%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the Facebook executives by a factor of 50 times(5,000 percent) and over-represented among the Facebook directors by a factor of 28.5 times(2,850 percent).
Jews control the internet 3
>Who Controls Microsoft?
Of the seventeen(17) Microsoft executives, six(6) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 35%. Of the nine(9) Microsoft directors, five(5) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 56%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the Microsoft executives by a factor of 17.5 times (1,750 percent) and over-represented among the Microsoft directors by a factor of 28 times(2,800 percent).
>Who Controls Wikimedia?
Of the seventeen(17) Wikimedia senior staff and trustees, five(5) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 29%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the Wikimedia senior staff and trustees by a factor of 14.5 times(1,450 percent).
Spotted you kike shill.
When was the last time America fought a war it had a genuine stake in?
>100% of people in charge of X are educated
>educated people are 20% of americans
>thus educated people are overrepresented
>there is an educated people conspiracy
>the educated are trying to rule us
>we must kill the educated people and stop education
>life, liberty and pursuit of burger
Just accept it, jews have a culture of success. They consider it very, very, VEEEERY important that they succeed.
You know how you could get a better job, but are satisfied with what you got? Jews don't. They don't know. They will pursue the better job.
Everywhere you look, jews are on average more successful than other groups when it comes to money and power. They just like it more. They like it more than family, more than live, more than friendship, more than cheap thrills like drugs or booze, more than hobbies, more than anything.
They are successful not because the reptilian alien old gods whisper in their ears, not because they are trying to take over the world, but simply because they value success above all else, and pursue it above all else.
Its culture.
it has nothing to do with you being an outsider. it has everything to do with you being a fucking leafposter
He needs something to blame his failures on
Oh shit i was so surprised my yarmulke fell off
Jokes on you faggot I am an American with fucked up internet settings.
By your logic we should see Asians in positions of power. But we don't. Why is that?
Asian American are more successful and educated than whites, but we don't find them in positions of power anywhere close to the way Jews are.
>By your logic we should see Asians in positions of power. But we don't. Why is that?
Because asians don't have that culture of success above love, family, friendship, fun, hobbies, thrills, etc?
You don't follow my logic at all.
You literally do see more Asians in positions of power
Source is here btw
It has information on who controls Internet, Media, Banking, Government, Globalism, Society
Next I'll paste MEDIA
>Who Controls Big Media?
Of the twelve(12) senior executives of the “Big Six” media corporations, nine(9) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 75%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews and spouses of Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the “Big Six” media corporations by a factor of 37.5 times(3,750 percent).
>Who Controls Hollywood?
Of the sixty(60) senior executives of the major Hollywood studios, trade unions, and talent agencies, fifty(50) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 83%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews and spouses of Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major Hollywood studios, trade unions, and talent agencies by a factor of 41.5 times(4,150 percent).
why is no one talking about the elephant in the room??
Good to see he hasn't become a total (((neocon))) fag. Muslims need to stay in Muslim countries but are still our brothers and sisters against the Jews.
No you don't Asians are treated like shit by the Jews.
it isn't a very funny joke
Asians lack the social skills and charisma to succeed in the west. If we all followed autistic Japanese business culture where you join a single company for your entire life and any big mishaps along the way spell the doom of your entire career and social standing, then yeah we would see more Japanese in control of businesses around the globe. The Chinese consider a hand shake as binding as a legal contract in their business culture, do you think any western business could function with a CEO with that mentality? It's culture. Jews created the business consumerist culture we have today, that is why they excel at it at every level. Whites are lucky enough to have grown up alongside it and can easily adapt into it, so we succeed, too.
Not like this.
Do you have a list like the one I am posting? If Asians are massively over represented in positions of power like Jews, prove it.
Who Controls Television?
Of the sixty-four(64) senior executives of the major television broadcast networks, cable networks, and production companies, fifty-seven(57) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 89%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews and spouses of Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major television broadcast networks, cable networks, and production companies by a factor of 44.5 times(4,450 percent).
Who Controls Music?
Of the fifty(50) senior executives of the major music labels and trade organizations, thirty-nine(39) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 78%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major music labels and trade organizations by a factor of 39 times(3,900 percent).
Who Controls Radio?
Of the forty-six(46) senior executives of the major radio broadcast networks and station owners, twenty-eight(28) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 61%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major radio broadcast networks and station owners by a factor of 30.5 times(3,050 percent).
Why do I keep seeing you here? Not complaining, I like Zambian people, but wow. You're active.
Jews are way smarter than asians