whose the best kitchen nightmates grill
Whose the best kitchen nightmates grill
pizza waitress
you posted her dude
maybe next time start with a different one so the thread has a chance to go somewhere
Fine here's another one
Chief O'Brien's kid went into restaurant business after leaving Deep Space 9.
Obviously Sara
Those retarded sisters, the not chunky one.
The one in that sushi restaurant with the sushi pizza
The one with the gold digger wife and her gorgeous daughter waitress.
I can't remember exactly but there was one in a white dress, think it was a Greek restaurant? I think she complimented Gordon's cologne, but I'm not sure.
R.I.P. Genova
>when your waitress is full of tricks
>Gordon wears cologne
It's like he wants to fuck up the food.
Im sorry im not up with the latest kitchen nightmares kino, which episode is that?
Looks like someone is still in business
Amys Baking Company.
La Galleria 33's winefu.
So classy, yet so slutty at the bottom.
That fine, sultry italian seduction that comes with a glass of red wine.
Thank you user
Sand nigger.
the best was that girl from that italian restaurant owned by two siblings, she didn't give a fuck
Fuck this bitch. She annoyed the fuck out of me and the owners were really nice but she was one stuck up bitch.
Where does she get the money for this?
Their cakes were the one thing Gordon praised.
these niggas got it
Because they were store bought or some shit
>all smiles
I remember this Italian place where 3 sisters worked and cried about everything. I remember the sister who worked in the kitchen had an emaculate rack. Can anyone help on this.?
Chief from hot potato
Just finished watching. Fuck that cunt old man, and that bitch who's living a fairy tale
>tfw you love the UK version but it only got a third of the episodes that US did
>tfw you will never watch new episodes of the UK version ever again
it's not looking good lads
>TFW no more "The F Word"
Life isn't fair user.
>gordon doesn't like the 'za and you have to stand there and take the heat