Why do millionaire actors think they can lecture the common people on immigration when they don't even see any immigrants from their massive penthouses and cocaine parties?
Why do millionaire actors think they can lecture the common people on immigration when they don't even see any...
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>let them in my wife
What did he mean by this?
Wolowitz can do so much better
who gives a hoot, they're just driving people away
Because they want to appeal to poor people and democrats are poor
But honestly theres a history of liberalism in hollywood and they're all just trying to be loyal to their party, if everyone was loyal they would hope to the other side
just let them in already
refugees can use his wife in case of a "sexual emergency"
They see them all the time working in the crews of their productions, working as caterers for all of the crew, working as security guards at the studio gates. They understand that Hollywood is as dependent on hard working people from foreign countries as any other industry is and that it would have a catastrophic impact on their lives as well as yours if they were to all be deported. If you ever took the time to leave your basement and interact with one in real life you might come to the same conclusion that they are not the enemy, globalists like trump who outsource American jobs to foreign countries and then wag the dog by blaming immigrants are the enemy.
This. Without refugees, white countries would descend into civil war. They should completely open their borders to muslims, who work hard and are law abiding and tolerant.
The problem with immigrants isn't that they could potentially bring terrorism and crime to our countries but that they shift our demographics and destroy our cultures and racial purity. Literally nation killers.
go to bed Mohammed.
Have you ever wondered why "diversity" only applies to white countries, when whites are already a minority race and therefore in no need of "diversity"?
Immigrants are coming over here to be boom mic operators?
I mean shit celebs literally have the kind of money to make shit happen. But I agree that OPs pic is POWERFUL
They are literally personality whores, they say shit for money. It has always been this way. The only thing this shit demonstrates is that the real moneybags that are paying them are all still liberal scum. Which means DJT was the correct choice for the anti-establishment.
>Whites are the majority population of three of the six inhabitable continents
>Whites are a discriminated minority
Pick one
these people have no idea about the real world unlike based Trump or Bannon who understand the common folk
And yet we're only 8% of the human population. Funny, isn't it?
>whites are 8% of the global population
>not a minority
what was the logic behind this post?
because white people exist they are a majority?
>number of continents matter more than actual number of people
Nice meme
(((Simon Helberg)))
>outsourcing American jobs
What the fuck are you talking about. He is literally doing the opposite.
What a handsome fuck
Too bad he is a midget
>writing "LET THEM IN" in your wife's chest
>They understand that Hollywood is as dependent on hard working people from foreign countries as any other industry is and that it would have a catastrophic impact on their lives as well as yours if they were to all be deported.
Yeah, fuck those jobs going to actual Americans and fuck the increased competition driving up wages.
We NEED immigrants lowering the quality of life and driving up crime.
>complain about millionaire celebrities having shit opinions on political matters
>elect one as president
Why are Americans so retarded?
Because Trump actually worked a day in his life and knows how money works.
Nice job oversimplifying the situation to make your opinion sound smarter though. It's what I've come to expect from liberals.
Yes user, I'm sure he's had it really tough throughout all his life and that he has the best interests of the common people in mind.
Yeah someone who was elected by the common people and is despised by wealthy globalists and actors is definitely against the common people.
Source of this webm?
>Why do Billionaire REALITY TV STARS think they can lecture the common people on immigration when they don't even see any immigrants from their massive penthouses and cocaine parties?
>and that he has the best interests of the common people in mind.
Apparently he does, considering he's making unpopular decisions that are saving the American working-class from being replaced by cheap foreign labor.
Sorry this election is STILL triggering you.
>Be born into rich family
>Inherit millions
>Given a "small" (by his own admission) loan of $1m
Ah yes, truly a working class hero who bravely climbed the corporate ladder
>Literally has "LET THEM IN" written on her chest
They're not even hiding it any more.
one million dollars is fucking chump change. how poor are you? Do you think anyone with one million dollars can be as successful as Trump? lmao
>Do you think anyone with one million dollars can be as successful as Trump? lmao
It's not even the money itself, but daddy's connections that can set your life comfortably
>Given a "small" (by his own admission) loan of $1m
I love how this statement STILL triggers Bernie-tards that don't understand money and finance.
Yes, 1 million is actually a COMPARATIVELY small sum when dealing with the gargantuanly expensive realm of New York real-estate.
Your chimp brain can't comprehend that there are business transactions and markets that deal with sums larger than the minimum wage you get for pushing carts in the Wal-Mart parking lot, so when you hear the sum of "one million", referred to as "small", you assume it's in the context of being compared to what you spend on weed, so you start your mentally-handicapped guffaws and go "HAW HAW HAW ONE MILLION TAIN'T SMALL DIS GUY IS SO DUM".
It really drives home the fact that Democrats don't know how money works.
I agree. The immigrants need the work more than working class americans.
Cut down a bit on the buzzwords and ad-hominem and people might take you seriously.
who are "them"
it could had been 10 dollars
also, for what its worth. inflation
how "small" were his companies bankruptcies?
>white people
Wide range from ginger, to redheads to blondes to brunettes and so on
>brown people
Literally every one is the same 1,7m beaner and nigger
Why does the most diverse race on Earth need brown? If anything, it just homogenizes the only diverse race left into generic brown.
The only way forward is together, nationalism must die so humanity can survive. That being said I still think Syria should deal with its problems rather than run away
Solid b8
What the fuck kinda dress is that?
And what is that AIDS on her stomach?
She also looks old as fuck, I seriously hope that's his mother.
Have a (You)
I agree, #no doors, #no borders. We should let refugees in homes so they don't suffer outside. Islam is not the enemy, the more we stack isis, we make matters worse. We should nicer to them, they're misunderstood people and so are all those rapists. We should let more and more in our countries and let them take more of our money
#refugees welcome
> they don't even see any immigrants from their massive penthouses and cocaine parties
Who do you think cleans said parties and penthouses?
Solid post
>muh ad hominems
try deflecting more about how btfo you got by that dude
hurr inflation. so that mil could've been a couple mil
can't win them all.
Pretty small compared to his successes.
Again, good to see Liberals can't understand money and instead rely on snarky horse-shit they hear on Buzzfeed Yellow and Facebook.
you type this as a meme but it's, scarily, what people believe.
>elect a cowboy actor
>elect the T-800
>elect a reality tv show
>constantly bitch about celebrities voicing their opinion
you didnt even answer the question
show me the post where i showed any inclination of not understanding how money works. i simply asked a question, one you dont seem to be able to answer so you attacked me instead
solid retort
It's called virtue signalling. Makes them feel good inside meanwhile Jew faced probably supports Israel which is a country that has a wall. I also bet they live in a gated community and the only brown people they see on a regular basis is Jesus who cuts the grass.
>Vote in Trump
>Bitch when people who are just like Trump voice their beliefs.
Obama banned people from Iraq for 6 months and no one gave a fuck
Because they're Democrats and Democrats deserve to be prison camp'd
I also like how they forget how many Muslim civilians died from his drone strikes. Do they forget his debacle in Yemen, Syria, and Libya. Interesting how they were quiet then
no he didnt FAKE NEWS
go try again
We also had boots on the ground at the time. What is your point.
Obama wasn't a meanie fascist!!
The Obama administration also supported numerous stable and peaceful countries descending into complete anarcy and civil war and not a single journalist raised a word against that. Made ya think...
Obama did cool buzzfeed videos
>implying Trump wants to deport legal immigrants
Jesus, you liberals are fucking dense.
the point is people are only thinking it's bad when trump does it
>let them in howie
>show me the post where i showed any inclination of not understanding how money works.
>Given a "small" (by his own admission) loan of $1m
Right there, retard.
>non-whites must be purged so humanity can survive
Trump is president, this line of arguing has no weight to it anymore.
Funny how this stupid jew says let them in America but doesn't say let them in Israel which is like right next to all this shit. Let them take care of these refugees. What happened to muh Holocaust people should be more humanitarian? You'd figure these cunts would be the first ones to say let's give these guys a helping hand
I guess pushing an agenda doesn't require you to actually think about anything these days
but obama literally never signed an executive order banning immigration from any countries not even for a single day
they added increased security requirements which slowed processing for 6 months until they could catch up. you might want to actually investigate what really happened instead of parroting something you read on twitter
Funniest post in this thread desu im unsure if satire
>get blown the fuck out
>"n-not an argument!"
It makes me laugh when people said Obama had a clean presidency and did nothing wrong.
>be Obama
>win Nobel peace prize
>waste billions on drone strikes
>terrible tactics lead to more civilian deaths than bush
>bomb more nations than bush
>start 3 wars that lead to a refugee crisis
>indirectly create Isis
>fund rebel soldiers
Really makes me think
that wasnt my post "genius"
take note of how the 2 different posts are formatted
you are so angry and want to lash out at anyone that you are merging us all into one bogeyman
nobody is trying to hurt you
>that wasnt my post "genius"
Then why did you bother replying?
The fact that you apparently can barely type is making it more understandable as to why you are confused.
>not mentioning the creation of a surveillance state
It's hilarious how many Israel-zealot Jews were triggered by the idea of America having a wall.
i just wanted to ask a question from someone who appears to be a really knowledgeable economist
i figured you might be able to enlighten me but you chose to start slinging insults instead
educate me
For the same reason Sup Forums thinks it can shit up all the other boards with threads that clearly belong on Sup Forums.
Having their heads up their own asses for a very long time.
Also, he bought steel from JAINA while denouncing the evils of JAINA and globalism
Neither do you, shut off the world and living your life through the computer in your mom's boyfriend's basement
Obama also started several wars and liberals didn't care.
The "anti war" people just disappeared because they couldn't criticise a black man.
Obama and Hillary's policies in the ME led to a power vacuum in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. They are literally responsible for the rise of ISIS and all the death and refugees.
NOBODY calls them out on it. It's so fucking disgusting I've changed from being hard left to some kind of apathetic centrist.
Feel free to sign up to be a day laborer in Alabama picking crops anytime, you hard-working so-and-so
>not white
I said "if", as in a hypothetical. Though, given the batshit crazy behavior of this administration, is it really so far-fetched?
>batshit crazy behavior of this administration
such as?
Yes goood goyim
>le happy merchant.png
Reminder that poor people and immigrants are the easiest political scapegoats because they have the least representation.
L M A O at everything you wrote
>refugees welcome
>let them in
Wonder how many refugees they're letting stay in their mansions. Surely they'll put all that space and money they have to helping poor young refugees.