Is she OK?

Is she OK?

what was she responding to? what's the context?


I want... to squeeze them...


To her right, reaction to tiny white pecker

To her left, reaction to B L A C K E D

Anti-Trump speech

Anti-Trump speech

Acid flashback. Happens to me all the time.

Is she /ourovendodger/?

women are so god damn quirky

Maybe she wanted to accept an award without having some actor spout off anti trump rhetoric and encourage people to attack anyone who doesnt share his worldview.

>LOL she must be on drugs XDXDXDXD please upvote

If you're not a Sup Forums faggot you shouldn't worry about being punched

I couldn't get halfway through his rant. I don't like the sound of someone sucking their own dick unless they're a funny villain

I never understood the insult. She clearly isn't old enough to have been around in the holocaust so she couldn't have dodged any ovens as she wasn't alive to have the opportunity to.

If youre not a muslim then you shouldnt worry about the travel ban

Now fuck off

Australians aren't renowned for their intelligence, they just want to shitpost

>anti-facist "advocates" in Europe have "accidentally" killed 4 people for being "Nazis" in the past year and America is rapidly adopting that mentally
>don't worry bro

>oven dodging kike supports the heeb bootlicking kike lover Trump

Wow I'm surprised.

memes aside, that was a really impressive speech

So she wasn't really acting in Stranger Things, right? She's just naturally spastic from drug abuse

It's a housewife joke.




Are you a Nazi?

I wish that we could just chill with the politics during movie and television awards.I'd just like to watch an award show without any shilling or pandering for once.

>appeal to the stick
now that's what I call fascism

You'd think a decent actor would've been able to memorize it tho.

Ya ask me, that's what 'nona was shocked about.

Looks like she gets taken aback by this line:

>We will shelter freaks and outcasts, those who have no home. We will get past the lies. We will hunt monsters. And when we’re at a loss amidst the hypocrisy and the casual violence of certain individuals and institutions, we will punch some people in the face when they seek to destroy the meek and the disenfranchised and the marginalized. And we will do it all with soul, with heart and with joy.

>Pretending Winona was unsupportive of the speech
She fucking fist pumped in the middle of it, user.

>>anti-facist "advocates" in Europe have "accidentally" killed 4 people for being "Nazis" in the past year

I wish these fuckers would stop calling for violence and start trying it already

We're going to get eight years of "WE WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING WE WILL WIN THIS WAR" without any fighting or any war, it fucking blows.

No part of her human skin started to slide off her scales so she had to slide it back down and she covered it up with a fist pumping motion. Get fucking woke kid.

Being opposed to Trump and being surprised at "it's time to punch Trump supporters in the face" aren't mutually exclusive

The war has already started, you just don't know it yet.

The fire rises.

>Reptile with big breasts
Nah. She's clear.

If they were alt-right they had it coming

Same. I guarantee that the Sup Forums manbaby autist casual mra neckbeard altright virgins will get BTFO by us powerful and well armed anti-fa

>fuck the courts bro, give em the death sentence on the curb
I'm sure you're just being a mememaster, but there are people that legitimately believe this shit.

Those "breasts" are where the Jewish reptile hides their gold sacks. One for them and one for their mate.


>when we’re at a loss amidst the hypocrisy and the casual violence of certain individuals and institutions, we will punch some people in the face
What did he mean by this?

Only a Sith deals in absolutes

He meant he's a stupid fucking hypocrite.

Does that mean Kat Dennings is absurdly wealthy?

But Islam seeks to destroy the meek and the disenfranchised and the marginalized

memes have irl consequences now bro. maybe you should retire if you can't handle it. maybe if you spent more time opposing Sup Forums on every "day of the rope" post there wouldn't be consequences.

45 year old women shouldn't be that cute

I want to hug her while she's tripping on whatever she's on

This kind of attitude is shared by the same people who think violence on TV is no different than violence in real life.

>muh nazis don't deserve to get punched

>when you receive an award for a silly TV show about a spooky monster and your retard co-star screams like a lunatic about inciting civil war

honestly it's difficult to find a class of people that don't deserve to get punched

You're defending Nazis here, you know that right?

You're defending murder here, you know that right?

No, I'm defending a punch in the face.

>punching someone in the face

Get fucked, nazi scum.

Please read the chain of posts you're responding to.

This shit is never not funny.

>Seeing nazis get increasingly nervous as normies wake up to the fact that it's literally ok to punch Nazis in the face

I have seen this all over the internet and it's hilarious.

>G-guys, we weren't really going to genocide you, you understand, right? G-guys, no n-need to punch us, right?

So what happens the first time somebody gets punched for looking like a Nazi then pulls their CCW and shoots the libfag in the face?

It's only murder if you do it to people.

>>G-guys, we weren't really going to genocide you, you understand, right? G-guys, no n-need to punch us, right?
I would LOVE for both sides to start punching each other in the face. The badass anti-fa would totally come out on top right!?


outside of the money side of things the real goal of television and media is manipulating politics.

this is basically the runner up prize for it after money.

The exact logic used to throw Jews into ovens.

While I do think that violence only hurts someone's cause in cases like this, I do legitimately enjoy the asspain Sup Forums has for the outrage at Trump. I figured they'd just be smug and enjoy the liberal tears, but they can't resist being baited into arguing about it constantly.

>things that never happened

>Sup Forums is finally starting to realise that being racist shits has IRL consequences
Get rekt faggots, don't forget to praise kek as you get beaten to death

Unless you're a christian or other minority in one of the seven banned countries
>but trump will make exceptions for them you cuck!
Unconstitutional disfavoring of muslims. Would never stand.
>well then the Court is cucked!
Whatever faggot

I find it hard to believe the average Sup Forumsack is in better shape than the average nu-male tbqh.

also, chekt

>supports punching Nazis
>denies the Holocaust

You mean


Don't have to be antifa to punch a Nazi.
And yeah, I'd say most people would come out on top. Are you so deluded you think there's two equivalent "sides"? There's not. There's normal people and then there's a small group of human excrement calling themselves Nazis. Whenever Nazis try to demonstrate in my town there's usually a massive turnout looking to fuck them up.

You're not going to do shit.

You really don't get it. Anti-fa were always cool with punching Nazis in the face. Now the normies understand it's completely fine as well. You're going to learn pretty quick that most people aren't nazis, and a lot of people know how to throw a punch.

This isn't an effete conversation between a free marketeer and a social democrat, friend.

Hint, Sup Forums is FULL of nu-males.

>what was she responding to?

Damn. Would bang every single one

between two untrained parties, I think the one with more mass to throw around usually comes out on top
I'd put my money on the Sup Forums whales

If I was a meek leftist, I wouldn't go around punching anyone especially ultra conservative far right Nazis.
Those guys aren't the nu male alt-right looking meme posting skinny betas you see in the media.

"Antifa" is already the new "SJW". It just means anyone I disagree with.

Good thing most leftists are becoming radicalized and are not meek.

So anybody who isn't a Nazi is antifa? Wow

I don't need you. 2/3s of America hates you. You are the new minority. At this point alt-cucks would be safer in Saudi Arabia. Be very afraid.

will she be my gf?

You and your ilk are going to learn, as you did with the last election, that you have vastly underestimated how many people voted for Trump and are right leaning. Now you will learn how much those people hate being labeled as "nazis" and "fascists" by literal 19 year old college kids who think they are badasses for dressing in black and knocking over trashcans.

2/3rds of America hates Trump and he rules you faggots anyway lmao

I'm literally shaking thinking about manlet antifa members and homosexuals who want to beat me up.


I would love for you to post a picture of what you look like. I'm sure you are totally not the definition of a nu-male.

>Alt-Right nazis genuinely believe that they're the "silent majority"
>Don't realize that the country is roughly evenly split between dems and reps and the latter happened to win, and that the reps are not necessarily supportive of the nazi shits because of this
t. republican who voted trump, I'd punch a nazi any day.

you guys are afraid of shia labeouf and girls


Fuck she looks fantastic
Gorgeous skin

>tough guy words from a quaking-in-his-boots Ernst Rohm queer

what you should understand is that, walking down any city street, the vast majority of the people around you would want to punch you in the face if you broadcasted your views. Not just the imaginary group of sniveling baristas in turtlenecks you seem to be picturing. Again, this is not two equivalent groups. This is you and your buddies vs everyone else. Most people don't see naziism as a party matter.

If Nazis are such a tiny minority, why bother punching them?

>any city street
Cityfags are degenerate scum, everybody knows this already

Because they're despicable people who spew anti-American rhetoric and I give a damn about my country's dignity.