European superstate thread#3

krauts ruin everything again edition

EU super state inbound

Polish National TV obtains shocking document about one European supercountry,
calls for complete surrender

old thread
What you must do: email this to any news site, just Google "news tips" and click on any results

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I'm here for you

this isn't like all the other HAPPENINGS is it?

Is it true they want to create EUS?

PDF from 2009, almost complete collection of analyzed prophecies, compared to eachother.
Everything is happening too fast. I am monitoring this PDF since 2010 almost all event were predicted correctly.
Dates are just to compare time between happenings, they don't show dates of actual habbenins.
Soon there will be massive operation on ISIS, but islamist are going to buy case-atomic bombs (russian legendary casenukes) and they will BTFO allied armies,

This is why I voted.

David Icke and that Info Wars guy said this would happen.

The conspiracy theorists were right!

There's nothing wrong with that.

When will WW3 start bros?

I'll give it until 2025

The Iceburg finally hit and the whole ship is going down

Get comfy lads, it's starting

Wasn't this original idea of EU?

Based Schulz

Your time is up Goyim

Shameful repost because of the old one disappearing. Btw this is a complete false flag. There's no supercountry in creation, the documents show it themselves.

I don't know, there's many scenarios.

First of all, we have politicians which are decent, they're the Le Pen or some other but they're unknown (Lequesnes, Dupont-Aignan, ...).

One problem, which to me is fundamental, is that the current media forms and the internet remove the reading comprehension that we had previously obtained thanks to writing and reading. There's a really awesome book on this (in french) :

Secondly, people in general do not care. Mostly young people. As you said they are increasingly apolitical.

So, there are multiple scenarios. One is in fact much like Britain, the youth do not vote and the elders who are mostly very redpilled make the balance turn and you get someone decent in power. (in France it's the contrary but France is never like the rest)

A second one is that because of happenings, normies wake up, get a kind of small political conscience whatever that is and you get someone decent in power again, this time through the youth. This would be needed in France because the youth is rather redpilled (major FN supporter) but still don't vote enough. I think this is also happening. After the Charlie attack (less after the bataclan though), there was literally 6 million french in the streets (actual french, muslims were overjoyed).

Another point is, I think there will be a media fallout. I do not see them keeping on bullshitting and spinning more and more without consequences. It's bound that there will be some kind of hero à la Edward Snowden who will denounce the media corruption, not exposing facts neutrally or even filtering events, ...

Anyway, here are some of my thoughts.

>Alex Jones
>Conspiracy Theorist

Alex Jones was always right. The shit he says sounds crazy because this IS your reality. Truth is stranger than fiction

I think poles and french are used to "complete surrender".

NEWS SITES TO CONTACT (all of these plus whatever is local/ in your country )


Gawker is pretty important to contact, if we want the liberal media to know

Send a news tip to each of these listed and more

our government hires stupid people who fall for conspiracy theories all the time - the document is a fake

Yes, back when we called it "USSR".

Look like you found our secret plan.

Doesn't he think reptilians exist? Or is that only David Icke?

reposting from the old thread
>To prevent the silent creeping erosion of our European project we have to be more focused on essentials and on meeting the concrete expectations of our citizens.
And of course, they seek to do so through more political integration. Then they'll give the rubber stamp house called the European Parliament some more nominal powers and say "look, we're democratic, so you can't oppose our federalist ideals."

>Our task is twofold: we have to strictly focus our joints efforts on those challenges that can only be addressed by common European answers, while leaving others to national or regional decision making and variation.
These men are expert users of language. If they specify "national or regional", it means something. It means they're going to erode national sovereignty at twice the speed, in a pincer movement by both European integration and regional decentralization.

>Our two countries share a common destiny
This is also important. It reveals their world view: historicism. The idea that history is a more or less linear climb from the swamps to the stars, and that they can guide this process along.

> and a common set of values
That they're unable to define, and when they try to define it (as you can see in plenty of European Union documents) it looks like more vague cosmopolitan babble.

>We will therefore move further towards political union in Europe and invite the other Europeans to join us in this endeavour
they're not even hiding it anymore. France and Germany now lead Europe together, and they've made it clear by making this document together and only then inviting 'the rest of us', the rabble.

>ensure the security of our citizens confronted with growing external and internal threats
Meanwhile, the European Union is completely ignoring the real threats on the horizon: climate change, mass migration from Africa and the Middle East, a collapse in social cohesion and a widening divide between the rich and the poor.

>establish a stable cooperative framework for dealing with migration and refugee flows
This, again, shows that they deny reality itself but pretend to be on top of it. Study after study has shown that migration:
1. Lowers social trust, lowers trust in the authorities, and lowers people's willingness to cooperate and build.
2. Has virtually no effect on the size of the economy, but makes the poor much poorer and the rich much richer.

>boost the European economy by promoting convergence and sustainable and job-creating growth
This is more vague, political babble. They've been talking about "boosting the economy" and "promoting sustainable and job-creating growth" for two decades, but they've fucked everything up so far. At some point, you have to say to yourself: these people aren't in it for what they say they're in it for. They're in it to create a United States of Europe with themselves firmly at the head.

>and advancing towards the completion of the Economic and Monetary Union
Another important aspect. Jean Monnet, one of the European Union's founding fathers, said in the 1950s that the road to a United States of Europe was to introduce political measures, disguised as economic measures. And the current President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, said in Der Spiegel in December 1999: "First we introduce something, then we wait and see. If there is no outcry, no revolt, because most people don't understand what we're doing anyway, we go on. Step by step, until there is no way back."

>It is challenged by a series of crises in its southern and eastern environment.
Anyone care to guess what they're talking about here? It's incredibly vague, a kind of political compromise clause in the document.

>Looking back at the history of the European edifice, we strongly believe in the strength of the EU and its ability to overcome these situations.
Just another highlight to show how detached from reality these people really are.

As much as I enjoy the idea of a german world domination, this is absolute treachery to the whole european continent, to every country that joined the EU to grow and prosper and yet remain independet.

This will divide the european countries even more instead of bringing them together, leading to another FUCKING WAR.

>But something is new in these critical times, namely the perception that these crises jeopardise the very fabric of our societies, our values, our way of life.
Societies have always been put to the test. But the European Union consists of nameless, faceless bureaucratic idealists who have an 'institutional' view of society. They don't understand the real world, so they only start seeing threats and problems once those threats and problems arrive as reports on their desks on Monday morning.

>We see terrorists attempting to spread fear and division in our societies.
Here's another detail worth calling attention to. They're trying to boost the narrative that the goal of the terrorists is to 'turn us against each other'. Why? Because it is in the European Union's political interests that everyone of every race, faith and creed unites under the blue flag that bears twelve golden stars and starts singing the European Union's anthem, even if that's an impossible task.

>We see the need to preserve the combination of growth, competitiveness and social cohesion which lies at the heart of our European model, while preserving our common values both internally and vis-à- vis the outside world.
This is almost Kafkaesque. They're using all these vague political terms, but even at this level of abstraction, we know they can't be mixed and matched.

>The EU has to face a deteriorating security environment and an unprecedented level of threat.
Note the dishonesty here. When they want prestige they say the European Union has made Europe safer and more peaceful than ever, but when they want power they say the European Union is facing a "deteriorating security environment and an unprecedented level of threat" and they need more power to combat that.

>Power politics are back on the world stage and conflict is being imported into our continent.
And they're the ones doing the importing. Make no mistake, where we see danger they see opportunities.

>Europe’s role as a credible force for peace is more important than ever.
And this is done, of course, by giving the same people who are saying this more power. They're like snake oil salesmen who say "oh, you have a very slight limp, snake oil can cure that."

>We consider the European Union and the European security order to be part of our core interests and will safeguard them in any circumstances.
This should one of the most ominous parts of the document. They don't speak of our safety, or the safety of our nations. They speak of the specific security of the European Union, and of the vague concept of 'European security' which can be used to justify one European security apparatus.

>We see the EU as a key power in its neighbourhood but also as an actor for peace and stability with global reach.
Their competence is still shit tier, but their ambition is reaching beyond the stars.

>European engagement in the Minsk process has helped to contain a military confrontation in eastern Ukraine that could have easily spiralled out of control.
What did the European Union do? First, several high-ranking members of the European Parliament (including the leader of a major group) came to Ukraine and promised the European Union's support for violent revolutionaries. Then the European Union decided to step on Russia's foot. Then Russia committed an unprecedented act of aggression, and the European Union backed down like a cuck and said "o-oh well, nothing to do about this." If appeasement and acceptance is their idea of containment, I don't feel safe being protected by them.

>Beyond the crises, we are convinced that Africa needs also a continuous commitment, being a continent of great challenges and opportunities.
Remember this phrase when the European Union decides to import 50,000,000 African 'workers'.

In the near future there will be four different groups

Britain/US vs EU vs Eastern bloc vs Russia

Just like you're used to repeatedly losing wars?

That's Icke but there's debate over whether reptilian really means Jew but its better to be thought of as mental by normies than racist.

>Germany and France propose a European Security Compact which encompasses all aspects of security and defence dealt with at the European level and thus delivers on the EU’s promise to strengthen security for its citizens.
1. Atodeso. I fucking atodeso.
2. Notice how they're calling us all "[the European Union's] citizens". Always bear in mind, when dealing with the European Union, that their goal is a United States of Europe.

>On the basis of this common understanding, the European Union should establish agreed strategic priorities for its foreign and security policy, in accordance with European interests.
More than ever, the European Union is seeking control over the diplomatic actions of member states. This is especially important because one of the conditions in international law for the existence of a state (Montevideo Convention, 1933) is its ability to enter into relations with other states. Once the European Union takes that away, there is a good case in international law for the cessation of statehood of all European Union member states and the resulting transfer of their sovereignty to the single European body that has taken over their ability to enter into relations with other states.

> But we need to push further: on a more contested and competitive international scene, France and Germany will promote the EU as an independent and global actor able to leverage its unique array of expertise and tools, civilian and military, in order to defend and promote the interests of its citizens.
Again, I refer you to the Monnet Method. Steps for political integration, disguised as being common-sense economic measures.

>The EU should be able to plan and conduct civil and military operations more effectively, with the support of a permanent civil-military chain of command.
There you have it. The French and the Germans, together, want a European Union Army. I knew this would come shortly after Brexit.

Brexit, coupled with a likely Trump victory and Globalists going full JUST so they speed up their plans by 10.

Yeah, this is the real shit.

Reptilians is a meme created by tinfoil hatters. It's a fact that the globalists are trying to take over the world via NWO, but they are so out of touch with reality and so soulless that people joke they are only doing this for their alien reptilian overlords.

Alex Jones is strictly about the facts, he makes fun of trolls and tin foil hatters and other shizos on his show regularly

Link to English doc, looks real to me:

>If needed, EU member states should consider establishing standing maritime forces or acquiring EU-owned capabilities in other key areas.
A navy, sailing under the flag of the European Union. At that point, it would become clear to all but the most naive sceptics that the European Union is a country and that the sovereignty of all member states has ceased.

>The establishment of a European defence research programme will support an innovative European industry.
And, of course, this programme will answer to no member state but to the European Commission.

>France and Germany will conduct joint initiatives in stabilisation, development and reconstruction in Syria and Iraq when the situation allows
They will never learn, but it's important to see this as another expression of France and Germany's intentions to become the sole rulers of the European Union. They're essentially saying, in a document about the entire European Union, "this is our plan, and we are going to carry it out, and the rest of you are just going to have to shut up and play along".

>We want also to increase our dialogue and cooperation with third countries in North Africa, the Sahel strip, the Lake Chad Basin, West Africa, the horn of Africa and the Middle East, as well as regional and sub-regional organisations (African Union, G5).
And what do you think these African countries will demand? Exactly, 50,000,000 African 'workers' sent to the European Union on 'Blue Cards' (believe it or not, such a scheme exists already and they're seeking to broaden it).

>In order to address the root causes of terrorism, France and Germany will develop a European platform to share experience and best practice in preventing and counteracting radicalisation.
Since the European Union is a haven of political correctness, expect a knock on your door from the police in the next couple of years. We're "radicals", too.

co to kurwa jest

This time it isn't the German people, just literally sand niggers and women under the name of "Germany"

Just pathetic, really

Usually you guys are more efficient than that.

All is Going As Planned

if you think it's some shocking reveal you should really check normie media more often


Yeah, but that doesn't excuse the fact that in post-Napoleon Warfare your country is shit and useless.


To my white European brothers: Should Germany take up arms against you, I shall take up arms against Germany. I may love my country, but I don't love my government. We're in this together, whether we want to or not.

Godspeed, lads.

Alex Jones is controlled opposition you shill. He does say the truth, but not all of it.

shut up hans.

Stefan Molyneux and say: "I thought we had more time..."


Ur not fukkin ded 2 me anymore m8

yeah, its a same that the average person listening to alex jones would think he's a complete nut. you need a lot of prerequisite knowledge/research to see that what alex jones says makes sense

Waszczykowski confirmed its existance tho

european union is not germany - so if brussels and merkel would chimpout you will be technically fighting foreign occupation

It's not fake but it's not a call for a superstate like the media shills keep saying

But whatever, let the memes commence

The only saving grace of Britain's military history is called the Channel.

>This meme again

he's for real, you listen to him for a few months and it is obvious that if he was controlled opposition, he would't say as much as he did. The last thing the NWO wants is for him to continue redpilling, their idea of "Controlled Opposition" are faggots like Milo who want to be the face of our "movement"

Isn't the Huffpost a leftie biased news center?
Same for Buzzfeed?

what doesnt he say?
>inb4 muh all jews have a secret agenda against the white man

Like I said, few months. You have to want the truth to find it. Was there when Benghazi hit, he's the real deal

>All the burgers, Russians and bongs are upset over this
kek, what's wrong? You scared? You should be. We would be able to take any of you mongrels on.

We're currently tied 1:1 so this time will be the tie breaker.
Best 2 out of 3.


Thanks lad. You're alright

Does it matter?

If anything they would report positively on this.


Leave our moat out of this.

Have fun having an army of Ahmeds fuck up your shitty dead empire.

Gives a whole new meaning to potato gun.

german foreign ministry site

Not to mention that alex has real FBI drones after him, not the CTR 2 cent shills like we have. Real powers that be want Alex gone, his life is on the line everyday

Martin Luther wasn't the first 'protestant'. It was a englishman that was the first one to claim the catholic church as breaking away from the word of Jesus, and denounce the Pope.

No, you're useless. You were shit in WWI; you were shit in WWII; you were shit in Vietnam.

>Implying they won't be on the front lines
Jesus, you yanks are stupid. You better get ready fatty.

>We would be able to take any of you mongrels on.

>And what do you think these African countries will demand? Exactly, 50,000,000 African 'workers' sent to the European Union on 'Blue Cards' (believe it or not, such a scheme exists already and they're seeking to broaden it).

It's like they've never heard of Rhodesia or South Africa. Do they REALLY think they can stay in power with Africans and Muslims as the largest voting block?

Are they this ignorant? What the fuck are they thinking? I really can't tell anymore

nie zesraj sie polaczku

dzieki Unii masz komputer

>be a part of federation
>found out you are a part of country

How can Poles be so stupid?

Why did people ever say it was a conspiracy? Where did you think large rigis global structures = good, nationalism=bad meme will lead?

Yeah, the only sort of article they would make would be "10 reasons why the United States of Europa are better off with Sharia Law." or some shit.

But they'll send real Germans off to die

Gib filters

Thanks, I fucked up before.
The thought of that shouldn't make me erect, but it does, is something wrong with me?
You too. Can you airdrop some guns?

here for you babes, come join us outside the EU

Fucking Jews

EU is not a federation, dumb ruski


Germany was a mistake

until he starts redpilling people on the Holohoax he's not particularly useful


New France?

>can you airdrop some guns?

No, but I can airdrop some pristine, high quality, 100% pure American semen for nutrition. An army only goes as far as their stomachs will take them!

it's a big moat

The Eastern bloc has highest EU approval ratings
You will be Brazil with nukes soon, I doubt the still majority white and newly nationalist UK will want alliance

c-can we vote on this?

I fucking wish.
I'd love to slaughter me some paddies


but it was sold as something quite different
like the bomb cakes in that one spongebob episode

Tutaj znajdziesz grubszy autyzm.

Sorry, Poland. It's a Frankish sort of deal.

>doubt the still majority white and newly nationalist UK will want alliance
>majority white UK
keep your banter in check pls

Lol, no. The amount of cuts to benefits it would take to build a competent military would never fly.

>can do nothing without Brussels

juzakis polaszk wikislak

If he were legit, he would be shut down, killed, silenced. He is controlled oppostion, its the only reason he is alive. Just like Edward Snowden is a CIA shill.

So can someone concisely explain if (con)federation is inbound in the next years or not?