What's next for her career, Sup Forums?
What's next for her career, Sup Forums?
more failure
producers don't use condoms
my dick in vagina
Unironically this
sitting on my face
why is she such a whore?
If that's even true, it wasn't likely the TCA's.
my face,sitting
It probably wasn't a quid pro quo. It was more likely she got friendly with a producer and he put a good word in for her. Happens all the time. Although rare, it does happen with male actors and female producers as well.
and she 'accidentally' fell on his dick
requesting her nudes
nobody wants to see her zits covered brown nips
LOL what career?
foot fetish videos please
imagine if she kidnap you and keep you as her secrey pusy slave
what does a secrey pusy slave do?
Why is this reddit-tier trash still up?
anything she wants to she pusy
Did she do something embarrassing?
Her whole act at that awards show was pretty embarrassing to be honest.
Was it JUST tier?
they made her dress as trump ffs
>co-host is 16 years her senior
>audience is mostly teen girls
"John, you wouldn't know dancing if I twerked in your face."