Why is abortion bad?

Why is abortion bad?

The abould could have removed me from society. isn't it basically wonderful thing?

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It's not.

Fetus is not alive until birth. God agrees, says life is breath/breathe

All arguments from the rights-grabbers and women haters are emotional and irrational.

Case closed.

Abortion is only good if it lowers the number of brown people

>her body, her choice
This is like the worst argument ever. Abortion is good because it's basically eugenics.


The baby does "breathe", otherwise how does it get oxygen? You expect me to believe all that tissue can grow and develop in the absence of oxygen?

Are people who cant use their lungs on their own alive?

0/10, learn basic anatomy brah. not mad, just laughing too hard smdh

I don't believe in making abortion illegal, but I believe it is completely absurd to pretend the unborn child is not a human life.

>It's not allowed to be alive till I say so
>Using the Bible as a bludgeon
>Using the Bible as a justification of your degeneracy





Are you so retarded that you think that babies are breathing in the womb? You're memeing, right?

We're fucked.

Babies don't use their lungs until after they're born. Before that they take in oxygen and nutrients via the umbilical cord. Try again.

>The baby does "breathe", otherwise how does it get oxygen?
Blood transfer through the placenta supplies oxygen, not "breathing"

>You expect me to believe all that tissue can grow and develop in the absence of oxygen?
I expect you to believe utter nonsense, the limit of which is currently inconceivable.

>Are people who cant use their lungs on their own alive?
Are you calling God a liar?

How many African Americans would be alive right now if we had no abortion?

Not even religious. Killing a human is wrong. Killing a child is even more heinous.

Women dont care. if something cant provide for them and make them feel like the center of attention, its not a real thing to them.

The guy who we are replying to is memeing, right user? Sometimes I worry about our species future.

>I don't believe in making abortion illegal, but I believe it is completely absurd to pretend the unborn child is not a human life.

It's human, but not a human being. It's living tissue, like your arm is living tissue. But it's clearly not alive on its own, not a living being yet.

It's bad because it takes away an entire lifespan from someone.

It's morally wrong for the same reason as murder. Who are we to take someone's life from him or her?

A fetus isn't a sperm cell or egg cell. A fetus is an individual member of the human species in development, so to take that individual's future from him or her is a... well, horrible thing to do.

There'd be FAR less abortions if there wasn't mandatory child support from fathers, regardless of if they wanted the kid. Women would be forced into better choices.

Her body. Her right. Her RESPONSIBILITY.

Go fuck a tranny, MRA wash out.

>Killing a human is wrong

Great. It's not a killing if it's not alive, so we have no disagreement here.

it's hard to say :)

Why would something that kills so many niggers be bad?

The more I think about it, the more it seems that liberals would be against abortion.

Maybe if it wasn't for "mah body"

>It's morally wrong for the same reason as murder.

Then why isn't it murder?

ProTip: Because it's not.

Scientist define alien life as a single living cell, but humans aren't alive until their out of the womb? Just Jew logic so they can continue to enjoy baby smoothies.

Abortion fucking rules. Never put your dick inside a girl who is against abortion.

that's not a scientifically sustainable position

the only logically consistent and reasonable point you can make an argument for a fetus becoming human is fertilization.


>My money
>My choice
>Half my genes
>Half my choice

Abortion is not, and should never be, just the woman's choice. I want to know that my future offspring have a well-off life, and if I can't be certain of it by being there, I don't want it to be born.

>Abortion is bad
>We should allow unwanted babies to be born
>We should give more free money to single moms
>We should have more degenerate kids running around
>Abortion is bad, but let's not do anything about the mass amount of orphans and street gangs caused by unwanted pregnancies
>Abortion is bad

Based trips

Liberals are just anti-west/anti-traditional hence the support for abortion.

>it's not murder because it's not murder even if it has the same intention of ending a life, even if it's the same act of ending a life
Why are we not allowed to kill a child right after it is born? Where do you draw the line? Just because it is unable to sustain itself in the first few months? Following that analogy, old people who're in the hospital should die aswell, coma patients should be killed aswell.

It isn't without abortion we would be overrun with niggers

These are the real arguments.

When the women decides childbearing for herself, society thrives.

When the state decides childbirth, society declines. Hitler, Mao and Stalin all prohibited abortion.

No, it's a great thing if done right. I'd rather pay for the idiots to not reproduce than to support their retarded offspring.

The apple never falls far from the tree, shitty parent(s) make shitty people.

abortion is good
all autistics/minorities should be aborted

a fertilized egg is as much a human as a cancer cell in my cock

don't forget that if it weren't for abortion, america would have an extra 50 million blacks.

that would bring the total number of blacks to a 100 million.

do you have an economic plan for a country of 450 million when nearly a quarter of it is on welfare?

Abortion may or may not be questionable ethical, but if it is still support it, let me explain.

The her-body-her-choice line is going to pave the way to better public health. Identity politics has made mental illness and physical abnormalities something to be celebrated other than something to seek treatment or cures for, especially mental illness. People are suffering from the defects they were born naturally with, but cultural Marxists are convincing the mentally ill and the neurotypical that it is the fault of our intolerant society that is causing these special snowflakes misery, and not the conditions of their defects themselves. Engineering of genes and Importantly embryos are right around the corner of being incorporated into mainstream medicine. And when we start finding causes to illnesses such as gender dysphoria and autism and have the means to provide a solution to it, I bet my soul that the regressive left is going to cry ableism and eugenics. And future parents will use this if accessible to them because while they may love their autistic, or polygendered child, deep down they wish they were normal for their sake. And the regressive left are going to have a hard time driving forth that rhetoric, because her body her choice. If they can abort the embryo why can't they modify it as well? This pro-choice movement is a blessing is disguise, we are going to use feminists to shut down the ableism crowd.

>fetuses aren't alive
You might be a bit 'tarded, son.

exactly and since what's being aborted is just a fetus, there isn't a problem.

>When the women decides childbearing for herself, society thrives.
>[citation needed.]

I would be pro-abortion only if the father doesn't need to pay for shit if he doesn't want to. He has no right to say in whether it is born or not because "muh own body" so why do you have the right to force him into this. No taxation without representation.

I don't care about abortion. But the way it's argued is pathetic. Both sides take the position of fucking morons; creating this non stop cycle of bullshit. The left only concerns itself with the woman involved. The right only concerns itself with the fetus involved. The argument is whether or not it should be legal to stop a human brain by choice until a certain development level. Why does no one argue this.

Fuck everyone that cares about abortion one way or the other using the common arguments.

Abortion isn't considered "murder" because abortion is legal, and murder means an unlawful killing.

However, as I said, if you look at the issue of abortion, it's morally wrong for the same philosophical reasons as murder. It takes away an entire future from someone.

>do you have an economic plan for a country of 450 million when nearly a quarter of it is on welfare?
It'd be even worse than that. We are already at roughly ~30% on welfare. With the extra blacks, it'd probably be at 40-50%.

I think marriage should be a requirement to have babies. The black population would decrease immediately.

It has a life force as soon as it becomes two-cell organism that makes him multiply to form human in the end.

It's murder but whatever.

if its an egg, ok
if it's a tiny fetus, ok
if it's due at any moment, FULL STOP

>The argument is whether or not it should be legal to stop a human brain by choice until a certain development level. Why does no one argue this.
Are you retarded? Because that exact argument boils down to who has the bigger right, the woman deciding to end the development, or the fetus deciding to continue the development.
>thinking you're all that intellectually superior even though you just posed the exact same question that has been argued about for the last decaded

It isn't.


>CARNELL SMITH, an engineer-turned-lobbyist in Georgia, is the leading advocate for men like Mike. In 2001, after Smith’s own paternity struggle, he formed U.S. Citizens Against Paternity Fraud, to help the men he calls “duped dads.” In his most notable success, Smith persuaded Georgia lawmakers to rescind nonbiological fathers’ financial obligations, no matter the child’s age or how close the relationship. Smith then became the first man to disestablish paternity under that law.

i have no empathy for a few clusters of cells that haven't formed into the human shape fully.

and with overpopulation being a thing, we can't afford to humanize eggs.

wow. nice word salad.

'her body'
the body inside her belly is NOT her body, its her baby's.
Fucking idiot.

the women made her choice and took the risks when she consented to sex

now she just wants to weasel out of personal responsibility by killing her own child, who I might add, is the most innocent party of the entire situation

a fertilized egg will become a fully grown person unless you use physical force to stop it and kill it

not an argument


Women selfishly murder their unborn child, putting herself before the life of her unborn child.

he represented pretty well a few weeks earlier.

Cuz Jesus said so, lol.

Abortion is bad because it's murder. Cased closed.

>only seeks physical resemblence to human to regard it as human
>what is mind/spirit/life force

she still makes all the decisions for that body.

it can't tell her to not drink or smoke crack or date captain falcon.

hahaha murican using bible instead of brain/logic

Why is murder bad?


I'm not a Christfag. I'm just moral.

>Why are we not allowed to kill a child right after it is born?
Because then it is a living *breathing* human BEING.

That really makes all the difference

>what is non-scientific hubbabaloo

It infringes on the right to life of the unborn human.

Do you want to be murdered?

What did Jesus say?

>"Her body, her choice"

What if she makes bad choices? I mean, parents of born children get their kids taken away by Child Protective Services all the time.

Why should I respect someone's choice just because he or she is the parent of a child? Maybe they don't want what is best for the child?

they take oxygen from the mother dumbfuck, they just dont get it themselves

No, but that doesn't answer the question.

>Are you retarded? Because that exact argument boils down to who has the bigger right, the woman deciding to end the development, or the fetus deciding to continue the development.
No that's not the argument. The argument is "it's a woman's choice to do with what she wants in her OWN body" -- states nothing about the fetus.

And the right "the baby deserves to live" -- states nothing about the woman involved in the situation.

The two sides don't meet on the same field to argue anything.

>The abould could have removed me from society
dafuq is this is that like the jafar thing muslims talk about but a gook version?

it kinda answers it, nobody wants their life ended out of their will.


The fetus does not have the mental capabilities of feeling pain/emotions/ect. The simple fact that it could have been a human does not make it a reason not to kill it. If it can't feel, who gives a shit

>nobody wants their life ended out of their will
It still doesn't mean murder is automatically bad.

>kills the potential offspring of shitskins and liberals

>Jerimiah 1:5
>Psalms 139:16

They do, because her own body includes the fetus. The "baby has a right to live" is the exact same thing as saying that the woman does or at the very least should not have the legal right to stop the fetus human brain by her choice, at all.
Both are exactly opposites at the same argument. They meet on the same field.

second post best post

right. it all depends on the justification.

but by default, killing is bad. again, justification can make killing a necessity.

Because it disrupts the natural end(s) of the human.

> Why is abortion bad?
Because that`s how you born jap.

>Death (end of life) is medically and legally defined as the end of brain functions.
Ergo, the beginning of life life should be defined medically and legally as the beginning of brain functions.
>Fetal brain activity begins to exhibit regular wave patterns around 25 weeks and can be measured by EEG.
Ergo, I submit that the beginning of life can not occur later than the 25th week of pregnancy.

I can agree with that. I would say abortion is easily justified by the statistics of who gets the most abortions (leeches on society).

So? What if it's an undesirable person?

>Why is abortion bad?
Depends if you think a foetus is a human or not. If you don't there's nothing bad about it. If you do it's murder.

Only positions worth respecting are the extremes at each end of the debate - no abortion should be legal or all abortion should be legal.

If a foetus is a human then it should never be aborted - that it was conceived cos of rape/incest whatever is irrelevant because an individual isn't guilty of their parents crimes.

If the foetus is not a human it's not a human until it's born - and there's no arbitrary magic point in development where you can say "Ok this foetus is 23 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours, into it's development so it isn't human we can abort but this one here is 2 hours older and is fully human so is legally protected" - so all abortion should be legal.

The 'moderates' who say abortion should be legal up to a certain point or at any point in instances of 'rape etc' are fucking hypocrites.

OK for niggers, abomination for whites.

Let's not forget it was the Christians who went full terrorist and decided to blow up abortion clinics.

Looked it up. It said 16 million on one source I saw

>They do, because her own body includes the fetus.
hahah they are actually arguing that a separate brain is their body? Alright, then the most popular pro-choice argument is moronic.

Well, if you can't beat em, join em

They can have all the abortions they want. As long as the tax payer isnt paying for it.

i think people should be able to abort children but the reasoning behind it is fucking cancer

the entire pro abortion argument revolves around women wanting to remove themselves from responsibility rather than thinking about the future of their child

>So? What if it's an undesirable person?

As all things are directed towards ends which are our natural good. Good is to be done and pursued, and evil is to be avoided as it works against the quality of our nature. In other words, to describe something as evil is to simultaneously prescribe that it is not to be done. If something is evil, we ought not do it as it works against our nature.

Why would that be relevant.

I don't respect your position though because a fetus isn't frozen in time.

In a few more months, the fetus will have measurable brain activity and will physically resemble a born person.

You're acting all "AHA, THIS YOU CAN'T DO X AT THIS BRIEF MOMENT IN TIME! THIS PROVES ME POINT!" How is that reasonable? Humans don't exist frozen in time. We exist now, we exist a few months in the future, and we exist 20 years in the future. Our lives are a span of time, like a line plot.

>isn't it basically wonderful thing?
Not really, it is a social problem in itself when society is so fucked up that women would actually prefer not to have children if given the option.

The solution is to improve quality of life and increase societal value of women who choose to be traditional housewives and focus on their children. Men should be payed enough to support a household alone withoun't the need of 2 income gainers in the family to support a family of 2 adults and 2 children.

Also, the elderly should be respected and properly taken care of, not just thrown into a creppy nursing home to wait for death when they become a nuisance.

>i think people should be able to abort children but the reasoning behind it is fucking cancer
>the entire pro abortion argument revolves around women wanting to remove themselves from responsibility rather than thinking about the future of their child

Why are ALT weaboos from Japan such unbearable shitposters on Sup Forums?