What do you think of the Charlotte character in Lost in Translation?
What do you think of the Charlotte character in Lost in Translation?
good hiney.
but the movie sicked. Shame.
She's got amazing lips for sucking dick.
Bad taste in men. Daddy issues. Self-centered. In short, best portrayal of the female species.
once upon a time she had big tits
she sure did age like spoilt milk
She was so fuckin hot in this film its unreal.
I've lived in China, and every white woman who gets dragged to east Asia develops insane bitterness towards everyone. Towards other white men because they turn into demigods, towards Asian women because they age well and take care of themselves and have more traditionally attractive skills, and towards Asian men because they aren't flocking all over her.
I think her character is actually portrayed pretty well
vapid whore
Why do white women hate white men so much?
shit, 0-dimensional, entitled,
i think that was on purpose though
I like how she dresses like a old woman even though she's hot as hell
They don't, as long as they play their part. When I was in China, most other foreigners I knew were kind of social and well integrated and most ended up with a local girl. The white women in China don't really integrate, they only want other foreign men which means they are suddenly competing for a handful of guys with half a billion some people.
In say Europe I wouldn't say they hate men because they by and large play by their rules
I just like looking at her
White women dont hate white men.
Weak men and betas are invisible to them.
When women say:
>"All men are pigs."
What theyre actually saying is:
>"All Alphas that fucked and chucked me are pigs."
When women say:
>"Why cant I find a nice guy?"
What theyre actually saying is:
>"Why cant any Alpha be nice to me, instead of just using me as a disposable sex toy and treating me as such?"
White men in Western society have become betafied, due to the aftermath of WW2, female emancipation and 2nd wave feminists inflitrating education and policy.
I like the sweater + panties combo
How do you become unbetafied if you had a weak single parent who never taught you how to be a man
You can learn from other men around you at work etc.
me irl (female version)
so pretty
I hate every character in this piece of shit flick.
wtf is that picture? it looks like a harmony korine character
Its pretty simple really.
Become confident (fake it until you are).
Lift, learn a martial art.
Find something youre good at and pursue as a career.
Get some hobbies.
Hygene, dress well...
Once you have all those down, then youre ready for the next step.
Becoming Alpha is pretty simply, but wont be easy.
>be confident, make others around you comfortable being with you
>be cool/funny, but not a joker/try hard
>never let emotions cloud your judgement
>if someone disrespects you, call them out in a polite, but stern manner
>never argue, or get into petty discussions
>never ever take anything a woman says seriously
>dont let others talk down to you, interrupt you, or treat you with disrespect
At the end of theday, it comes down to "not being sensitive", dont take anything personally, dont let emotions influence your actions...
i borrowed this movie from my school library a bunch of times and jacked off to the scenes of her in her underwear. i'll always think of this movie fondly
Even mediocre white men have it good in China, you can go teach English over there and end up living a comfy life.
Good taste. My regular go-to fap material is Charlotte
Name a more attractive character in film, NOT waifu
She is 100% aesthetically pleasing to me. Her demeanor in the film leaves much to be desired but women gonna women
This white men have it easy . I dont know why you bitch boiis complain so much you have execs who are retards all they have is white skin and arent bald and fat .
Literally just Spike Jonze's ex wife trying to passive aggressively whine about him through movies, he does the same.