What the fuck happened?
Red Letter Media
Bauman looks better rich and mike got fat
They're pathetic manbabies watched by other pathetic manbabies.
they became a polyp on the colon of society
Christ it saddens me to see Mike let himself go. If he was /fit/ he'd be a total Chad
probably because mike and rich do the work on the show. jay is just there to entertain them
rich was qt af to bh
Fuck - Marry - Kill
Jay afraid of the gay death has worked his ass off to look good.
>what happened
They involved their stupid friends and then lost themselves up each others arses.
Their primary method of income is spending all day sitting down watching movies, making reviews of said movies, and then editing those reviews into YouTube videos. It's not exactly an active lifestyle.
>Jay is the most knowledgeable and also the most handsome
Good thing that RLM is not a competition because otherwise Jay would wipe the floor with them every time.
Lmao, what a talentless cuck
fuck off back to /brit/
Jewish soul stealing magic.
Fuck young Rich, kill old Rich, marry young Mike.
Fuck young Rich
Marry old Mike
Kill young Jay
It's simple
Mike was a young, naive film maker, eager to see what the world had to offer. His hopes and dreams of being making it in Hollywood were still a possibility. Now he is a work-aholic that has lost all his optimism and when he's not editing a Redlettermedia video he's drinking and watching nostalgic films he grew up with.
Rich was never anybody. Straight from highschool he became the average every day working man, struggling to make M's meat. The only thing in his life he could clutch onto was his friends Mike and Jay. Without them he's nothing.
Jay.. Jay is the only one that would watch himself on camera and go "jesus christ, I look like *THAT*?!" This no doubt motivated him to lose weight, get in shape, keep himself groomed and well dressed because Jay is looking more fabulous with age than anyone else on that crew.
That literally makes no sense
jay is the only one that unJUST himself
people get old
I believe it's called aging.
>struggling to make M's meat
>I spend my days obsessing over the physical appearance of friend surrogates because I have no friends in real life
Maybe think about killing yourself?
except for Jay who got younger?
It's actually called "people grow older and continue to eat pizza and drink beer regularly thinking they're still 18 years old and don't exercise and become old haggered and saggy because of it"
I only watched RLM for the Plinkett reviews but checked out when they brought in that fat fuck Rich who screams like a girl when he laughs or gets excited. Can't stand the sound of his fucking voice!!!FACT!!!
>M's meat
it's ends meet you son of a bitch
Mike is way better at puns and dark humor than Jay
Mike looks good though, you fags have no taste
You checked out when they brought in Rich? So you checked out before the Plinkett reviews even existed?
>make M's meat
Jay looks like a ten year old in the first picture with that haircut and goofy smile, obviously lifestyle has an impact on how you age you're not smart for noticing it.
like fine wine
they had orgies with the girls back in the day but they got fat so they get no orgies
Jay looks way better
Such an embarrassing time to be British
This is what happens when you're in your mid thirties. You aren't Tom Hardy or Christian Bale, you are just an average bloke, with average looks, and you will never be as incandescently beautiful as you are in your twenties. The men age like wine meme is a load of shit, don't hang your hat on it, you dippy sod.
>M's meat
What's the most kino BOTW lads?
Has to include mike in the round table
Doesnt Jay do most of the editing?
Jay and Mike split the editing pretty evenly. Rich does literally nothing but get insulted on camera.
The wheel of the worst where they have SOS
M's meat? That phrase is a diamond dozen. But in a doggy dog world, what else can we expect?
>make M's meat.
as opposed to being always embarassed of being an amerifat.
Violating global rules by advertising.
sage for now but I'll report you next time
Wow, thanks Sherriff. This board would be a shit-hole without brave internet policemen like you
thanks for da update
No, the Plinket reviews back in 2009, Phantom Menace/Clones, didn't feature that annoying fat fuck. It's only after they started HITB that he came on the scene and everything went to shit!!!FACT!!!
>Phantom Menace didn't feature that annoying fat fuck.
>got banned for a month for posting this pic
>but this thread is allowed
Young Rich looks a lot like Jesse Pinkman.
Jay is clearly sucking the life out of both of them
Mike still looks best because of Jay's massive forehead holding him back
even the finest wine turns into vinegar eventually
Jay actually paid attention and learned how to dress and groom well while Mike and Rich only had the advantage of youth. now he has the high ground. It's over