what did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
That its okay to punch people who advocate facism in the face. Were you paying attention?
but saying that in itself is fascist
>"the alt-right"
choose none
they used to literally KILL Nazis. why are they getting so butthurt now about getting hit in the face?
that's an upgrade for them.
Let's see what Jesus has to say about that:
>Live by the sword, die by the sword.
More Sup Forumskids need a good punch to shake some memes loose.
He means the left can incite violence all they want and get away with it
Trump got away with inciting violence so much he was elected president
Why does the left always resort to violence so quickly?
>Trump got away with inciting violence
when, my friend?
>"I think maybe we should secure our borders"
Disagreeing with the left incites them to violence.
thats not Trump inciting violence
Well, the entire planet has an history with nazis and even though the average american back in the 40s hated jews they still hated nazis, so it's a balance type of thing
Basically, go back to punching nazis like they used to
Trump deserves to be punched for turning his business "brand" into poison after the amount of vitriol he's going to get in the next few years
Violence solves everything.
>promote hate speech
>promote violence against non whites
>promote torture
yeah, he's not inciting anything
deeply boring virtue signaling
but thats moving the goalposts from the previous post, my friend, and your points are opinions rather than physical evidence.
>>promote hate speech
>>promote violence against non whites
>>promote torture
0/3 try again kiddo
he's a tolerant and righteous man
liberals (and CTR that has recently revamped and are posting stupid shit) don't provide physical evidence. Reality doesn't fit their narrative no matter how much they repeat it and whine.
Did they not tell this guy that he's not Meryl Streep so nobody cares?
everyone who is right-wing is a nazi
nazis are okay to punch
therefore punch everyone who isn't left-wing
Funny thing is, he was just yelling and telling people what they wanted to hear.
Just like Trump.
>Sup Forums
And here i thought david harbour was better than all this hollywood nonsense
Can't Americans legally shoot a man if they are assaulted though?
its become that to be fair.
here you go, my friend
Yeah. In Florida you can even straight-up kill a man legally over a barfight. But you gotta prove that you probably would've died if you didn't defend yourself.
Yes. I hope a dumb lefty punches me and gives me a legal reason to pop my self defense cherry.
only if nigger
is oversight a common flaw in left wing politics?
>Person X says they want to beat trump up
>trump responds by saying "sure I'll fight if you insist on it"
You need to look up the word "incites"
Yeah, I'm glad liberals have learned that you don't win by citing Princeton studies or Center for American Progress research. It's about time they realized the only way to defeat nazi scum is to beat the shit out of them.
>No Requiem For the Wicked
Kenshiro Approves of This
>1-2 second long context-less sound bites
>left starts to resort to violence
>I might finally get my first state side kill
kek, I love this timeline
>america has to accept dangerous refugees without western values because i said so
For one moment in my life, I would like to feel as satisfied with myself as he looks in that picture.
>defeat nazi scum
I dont understand your generalising. Are all people who disagree nazis?
Yes. If you don't agree with us you should be killed.
love the mental gymnastics, keep it up friends
it's not okay though
>get proven wrong
>instant damage control
Sorry kid, can't win 'em all. better luck next time
that sounds like fascism
it depends on the state.
if its not a life threatening attack in your home good fucking luck.
You can't be a true patriot and be ok with Bannon on national security counsel over joint chiefs of staff. It's insane.
>le faux reasonable outrage
Why, you're just SHOCKED, aren't you?
doesn't people saying shit like this make you want to buy a gun. I don't even like guns but...
I really hope Trump destroys America's democracy so I can laugh at ameriburgers even harder
how about you shut your mouth
can you come back and argue the topic you brought up?
Yup, gonna buy one next paycheck.
It is literally okay to do this.
Even the biggest Contrarian in history realized that not assaulting those who seek to take your liberties simply because courtesy deigns that you shouldn't will always lead to the uprising of facism.
>W-why isn't he engaging me substantively on Sup Forums Television & Film
>who seek to take your liberties
No one is doing that. You're resorting to violence simply because you lost a fair democratic election.
shame you had to go childish in defeat
This is not about the election anymore, Don
>G-got him!
>continues to get BTFO and asks for more
how many rants like this we will have at the oscars
t. someone who doesn't know jackshit about fascism
Punching people in the face for their political views is wholly fascistic. How can he be this hypocritical?
It doesn't matter how a fascist gains power, they are still a fascist. Sulla, Marius, Cataline. All the same facets of the same man.
> as if he'll actually risk getting his own skull caved in or any costly legal repercussions, and not just cowardly instigate others towards violence
>I know nothing of fascism
Show me which of your rights have been taken away?
Oh wait, you can't. You're resorting to violence because you lost a fair democratic election.
Probably about 4hours worth
He's right. See
That alt-right, stormfront & Sup Forums numales better watch it.
Literally read this. I fully advocate punching Nazis in the face, but Trump is not a fascist. While splicing hairs can be silly and Trump should be opposed, he is a Bonapartist.
bunch of dweebs sit there on the phone telling the president to fuck off, thinking they live in anything resembling a fascist dictatorship. fuck you, and if anyone hits me i'll sue your parents bigtime.
I'm just glad Jared "One Man Asylum" Leto isn't nominated for shit cause if he wins I guarantee you fags that he will rant to no end and it will be """""""so inspiring and brave"""""""
>i'll sue your parents
It's *that kid*
>what did he mean by this?
"I am a leftist agitator."
Why is it ok to punch someone for expressing their beliefs?
Ok. I still think punching someone in the face for their political view, even if they are a Nazi, is fascistic
>I fully advocate punching Nazis in the face
Your opinions are memes
>lefty winds up to throw a punch
>call xher the wrong pronoun
>xher instantly drops to the ground and begins LITERALLY SHAKING and tweeting
The left pretending they are anything other than the biggest pussies on the planet is hilarious.
Oh give it up, you fucking loser. Only the left has billion dollar backers who finance organized violence against citizens, worldwide.
You dont have a goddamn leg to stand on, regarding that.
Its so cute and innocent how you fags make it sound.
>Wh-what? I spread hate all day every day and nigger this nigger that, and fuck muslims, and nazis are cool and omg don't hit me reeeee!
because its not a belief the puncher agrees with, and fuck trump/fuck white people
This tbqf
nazis have taken over the us.
>Only the left has billion dollar backers
This is what happens when you're raised on Sup Forums alone. Sad!
Faggots like you and fatty McNumale need to get dropped one good time so you learn how to talk to people.
Because there is a qualitative difference between advocating a different tax structure and advocating ethnic cleansing. The former should always be engaged with respectuflly, the latter should not really be in real life. I've had long and substantive discussions with Nazis on various chans, but would never engage one in real life without clobbering them in the nose.
>I have zero principle or intellectual integrity
Leftists openly talk about how good it will be when white people are gone.
Stop pretending you fags are any better.
Leftists want you dead, your wife as a sexual emergency worker and your children indoctrinated to the teaching of the holy church of the DNC.
>people actually watch whatever platform this shabbos goy said his good goy speech on
You're all cucks, go see goldsteinbergblattbergowitz's latest garbage in the theater
Doesn't matter, you are either too blind or ignorant to understand the situation at hand and why violence is absolutely, and always an allowance against fascists.
because they arent the good guys
Says the increasingly nervous neckbeard.
>tfw I voted for trump to watch the world burn
It's so funny watching normies cry and get upset and seeing mudslimes getting btfo. Kek wills it
> thinks Sup Forums posters are a hive mind with one rigid political belief
> posts on Sup Forums
kys, or better yet, try this Antifa shit with me and I'll save you the effort