>Podemos don't know why they failed so hard in the elections of Spain
Yes, they think receive terrorists as heroes of the democracy is something good
>Podemos don't know why they failed so hard in the elections of Spain
Yes, they think receive terrorists as heroes of the democracy is something good
Los niveles de butthurt han sobrepasado toda escala! Que han robado papeletas, que inventaron votos, que si esto, que lo otro.
Hay que crecer chavales! La gente probablemente ha leído lo que pasa en Venezuela, lo que pasó en la USSR, Cuba, Nicaragua y lo que pasaría en una Espanna "liderada" por la misma chuzma. También puede que ese millón de ex-votantes de Unidos Pudridos recibió su tercera neurona y no quiso ser parte de una revolución de esquina liderada por un perroflauta comunista.
Sólo porque Espanna está en la sartén no significa que deba saltar al fuego!
Will we have elections again in December?
Podemos justified on the EU parlament the terrorists attacks of Paris
>it's our falt we failed to them
>it's their only escape to our evil society
>we must help them
PP is corrupt but still miles better than thesse leftard maniacs
>esperando coherencia de los zurdos
>defender a terroristas como Alfon
>decir que los presos de eta deberían salir de la cárcel
>decir que otegi es un hombre de paz
>llamar a otegi preso politico
>defender a eta
>criticar a los que fueron a matar etarras
>seguir criticando a los que ordenaron lo anterior
>llamarle a dicho expresidente capo
>decir que los terroristas son victimas de la sociedad opresora
>el heteropatriarcado causo la muerte de 50 gays
Que puede salir mal?
Eso último me sacó bastantes kekes, no voy a mentir.
>the fact that i'm a white male and can read that pisses me off.
Good god, what happened to you spain? You used to be cool with your Reconquista crap.
>Rural world does not exist, cities are the country
>Wait a second...what is going on?
Why are lefties so retarded?
They got so assblasted they will never recover, and they know it. Look at those faces, I even feel a bit bad for them.
If only there was a true right-wing, it would be perfect...maybe with time.
Don't worry guys, we sent the best of the best to help Podemos.
So are you going to have yet another election now or what?
Nobody knows, but probably the King will end up deciding who governs (he can do so if political parties are unable to reach an agreement)
If that happens, it will be the maximum butthurt for the left.
Lol So much this, if you check goybook every leftie circlejerk are the same:
>how this is possible?
>I don't know a single person who voted for PP so therefore there are no PP voters in real life!!!!
>it must be the old people despite of making 20% of the population!
>it must be the rural vote despite of making 20% of the population!!!
>la sonrisa de un país
>those faces
Podrían haber sido racionales y haber cedido ante el PSOE y dejar que Pedro Sánchez destrozara el país, pero no, tenían que destrozarlo ellos y no cedieron. Y por esto han perdido escaños y tienen esa cara de estreñimiento. Ahora Rajao estará mandando otros seis meses hasta las próximas elecciones. Me parto la caja amigos, menuda comedia tenemos por delante, otros seis meses de diarrea podemita hasta las próximas elecciones en las que perderán aún más escaños. O eso o apoyan al PSOE y para la próxima legislatura nadie se acuerda de ellos excepto por apoyar al imbécil que destroza aún más el país.
Qué kekes ahora que recuerdo lo subiditos que estaban el día que una encuesta mierdera los puso como primera fuerza política.
Some spanishanon enlighten us: is it true that Podemos was pushed by the mass media and spanish newspapers during the election?
The german newspapers did a very weird 180 on Podemos, months ago they demonized them, now suddenly they are presenting them in the best light. Sounds like controlled opposition to me, like a spanish Syriza.
>la sonrisa de un país
Parece que terminaron creyendo ellos mismos los cuentos y fantasias que contaban por los medios con la ayuda de Chavez y Maduro.
They are EU whores
Our political options went from EU jewcucks (PP) to EU whores.
You may ask: What are you celebrating then? Well, they got assblasted. It's something.
>the smile of a country
>no imprimió suficientes votos
No, they changed a lot to try to atract more votes. Their political speech is the same one as AfD, but pro-inmigration instead, so media could have seen them good since "welcome refugees". Yesterday we could we the commies they are again when they started singing "El Pueblo Unido Jamás Será Vencido" with a raised fist and tweeting "Hasta la Victoria Siempre"
What the fuck spain? You got retarded leftie commies too?
Well at least they are losing.
They jihacked the spontaneous 15M/Indignados protesters movement that was leftie but not in esteroids like them they were a bunch of naive liberals who wanted a participatory democracy. The became the political way of that movement, their party was hardcore anti-capitalist and redistribution of wealth, with funds from Venezuela, but in order to get more voters went softern and softern their program(at least in public). So mostly lefties embraced them like the ultimate alternative to bipartidism.
They are exactly the spanish Syriza. Syriza was regarded as the Greek Podemos until they failed miserably and bertrayed every single unrealistic promise they made up.
Here it's been the opposite as in your newspapers. First it was in TV channel LaSexta where he appeared as a political analyst and spend like fifteen mins "analizing" current politics (aka saying easy to say popular lefty stuff) every saturday night at the most popular hour to watch TV. Then, ((coincidentally)), decided to make a new party and LaSexta had been shilling hard for it during months and it quickly got popular because the public already knew his face. During the first months you could see in LaSexta news Pablo Iglesias has done/said/endorsed such and such thing and you could see them talking about him as if he was the most important guy in Spanish politics despite not holding any elected position. At first Pablo Iglesias and Podemos were all spouting Green party tier talking points all the time and they got popular for it but as soon as they turned their speech into a more commie perspective LaSexta got a hint of the monster they created and stopped giving them the exagerated coverage they received the first month, though it was already a little bit late for that.
As months passed more and more commie socialist talking points were showing up in their discourse. Nationalizing (expropriating) entire sectors of the economy (energy, banking, and etc.) and their strategy was gradually becoming less "big tent" and more pandering to the radical left. With time more and more ties with totalitarian regimes and socialist/commies were showing up that hurt strongly their credibility. At this point it is a known fact that they received a handful of millions from the government of Venezuela and Iran and probably they did so illegally. At first they dismissed those accusations as dumb conspiracy stuff but lately they can no longer do so.
So tldr'ing: Yes, Podemos is 100% a media fabrication.
They literally got visited by one of the most infamous figures of Kirchnerism in the election day.
I can't believe so many Spaniards think Venezuela and Kirchnerist Argentina is an example to follow.
>I can't believe so many Spaniards think Venezuela and Kirchnerist Argentina is an example to follow.
No, it's just that they're in full denial. They don't want to believe that their favourite lefty party is sponsored by failed regimes and dictators.
>the country of venezuela manipulates spanish media to scare me while their own country burns
>nationalized energy and other basic services is an evil communist practice
How stupid are you? In times of Franco, probably the most prosperous in recent history, all that shit was properly kept beyond arm's length of the jews so that they could not cuck the people as they're doing now. Let me guess, you voted for Ciudadanos? Fuck of with your globalism somewhere else.
>Podemos is 100% a media fabrication
A Venezuela/Cuba creation that was shilled to death by LaSexta, eldiario, Publico and other leftist media tied to Roures
I voted PP you moron. I still think you're a delusional and naive child, but that doesn't mean I like them either.
>In times of Franco, probably the most prosperous in recent history
>Fuck of with your globalism
Franco´s economic miracle was thanks to globalization, when he started opening trade with the USA and the US corporations started investing here
Yo no voto, gilipollas. Soy liberal, no socialdemócrata Ciudadanita.
>apoyar el Instituto Nacional de Industria
Eres socialista?
>le judio meme
And this, dear Sup Forums is why our country will never be great again. We're too busy flinging shit at each other over nonsense.
Note how I was accused of voting Podemos and Ciudadanos within minutes.
Truly pathetic Paco. I'm out.
I guess the spanish poorfags have nothing to lose at this point. They have no welfare system and have had 50% youth unemployement for almost a decade now. Those unemployed masses have to leech off their families. And all those basement dwellers are slowly waking up to the fact that they will be utterly fucked when their parents die.
I gave you the source, you gave me ad hominem.
Who is the child here?
I gave you the source, you gave me ad hominem.
Who is the child here?
>Poor people
Lmao elect podemos and see what real poverty looks like
Kicillof knows
Another election means more votes for PP and less for lefties and the commies, they should know what they are doing
This it's normal when a country has enconomic crisis and other big problems, it's the moment when populists movements appear, they say what the people want to hear and are fooled by them, like Greece and Syriza, hopefully they reached their peak on december, they got bfto yesterday and now everything is going downhill
>implicando que eso tampoco será España dentro de unos años por el camino que vamos.
El puto problema es que nadie quiere pactar con nadie. Mucho partido del cambio, muchas manos tendidas, y al final cada uno tira de su puto carro.
España a estas alturas está al borde del nivel de países como Grecia o Bulgaria. Hace falta alguien que, de derechas, de izquierda o de centro, se tome España como un país con potencial real, más allá del puto turismo y el mismo cuento de siempre.
Soy de izquierdas, pero me importaría cero que gobernara el PP otros cuatro años más si siguieran políticas que sacaran a España del pozo de mierda en el que estamos, en vez de hundirlo más, lentamente, y perfumarlo con una realidad tergiversada.
inb4 "how triggered/salty are you?"
Spain has mass unemployment for the same reason Greece has it. The Euro. They cant depreciate their currency to muster the investments necessary to create domestic employment. The Euro was the biggest idiotic decision in modern economic history. A currency union without a political union, 19 independent political entities all sharing one printing press.
There is no logical reason to have a common currency for europe, it's all based on 'muh superstate modelled after muh beloved USA' emotions.
All Spain needs to do do end their mass poverty, is to dump the euro. Same as Greece. Italy and France by the way have a secret treaty with Germany that they'll be allowed to print 500 billion euros/year to finance their welfare handouts. As far as I know, Spain doesnt even have that option.
You dont need an anti-EU party, just an anti-Euro party.
Spain has had mass unemployment decades before the euro.
The whole country's economy is made up to be able to function with so many unemployed.
They had 40% youth unemployment before the euro? I dont fucking think so. That youth unemployment will one day turn into real unemployment once the old people age out. Then what?
If Spain had their own currency they could simply stimulate the economy by creating one housing bubble after another, creating enough construction jobs to keep everyone employed.
It´s a mix of this, and the fact that EU killed our industry and limited our agro and fishin industry to lowest levels. We used to have low unemployment because we were a country of blue collar workers, and how we don't have any industry for this people, now everyone want a white collar job because it´s the only type of work one can and want to get, since the physical work jobs are taken by immigrants doing it for pennies.
This, so much. Millenials may not remember it, but Spain used to have a vibrant heavy industry sector that was literally shut down as a condition for access to the common market and structural funds. This has cost us dearly on the long run.
de hecho Nicaragua lo hace mucho mejor que sus vecinos excepto Panamá (dinero del lavado pero alta criminalidad) y Costa Rica (Larga historia de gobierno de Centro que tratan de alejarse de los problemas de sus vecinos)
Tienes toda la puta razón del mundo
Syriza and tsipras hail podemos during their speeches like a sibling party
did the elections happen? did they get BTFO?
Los ex-soldados del tercer reich no tendrian que ir a la carcel por las ideas de sus lideres.
Yesterday, BTFO very hard
good for you m8s
Espero que en esa frase no faltara un ':^)' al final, user.
How it's doing Syriza there?
losing ground gradually but it doesnt matter for us at this point, we're too cucked
if they lose the elections, the party that wins will be pro EU openly, while syriza still claims to be anti EU while doing everything the EU says, this will be the only difference
Fuck it
Let's start a petition to give the king absolute power
Unidos Podemos, more like Unidos Fuimos
Its so funny that cities are leftist strongholds. They spend so much time talking about helping poor people out, getting them education, providing healthcare, etc, yet they get absolutely ass blasted and call you a stupid uneducated redneck when you argue against them.
Then actual rural people vote them out and they get indignant like they never saw it coming. Scum, the lot of them.
This I imagine, is how a lot of us in britain feel.
Since brexit we have been called nothing but morons and the likes. Considering for the poor and all that shit they really dont like the poor.
Yes, their positions on the poor are just talking points to try to get elected on feel good principles. They WILL lash out when their position of power is threatened and their pet projects are attacked. Globalist whores are disgusting people and watching them lose their composure is one of life's great pleasures.
idiot, knowledge is power
Syriza is SJW-tier actually?
>times of Franco
>muh jews
>in Spain
fuck off