Why is this masterpiece never discussed on Sup Forums ?
The toilet bowl scene was pure kino.
Why is this masterpiece never discussed on Sup Forums ?
The toilet bowl scene was pure kino.
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it's pretty much fedora: the flick that's why
+ it's really shitty
if you enjoy this movie, I automatically disregard your opinion on EVERYTHING. Literally every possible thing. I have never known a decent man who found this enjoyable. It is probably the biggest cultural signifier of shit taste except maybe being a brony or taking Infowars supplements
Care to elaborate on your statement?
>So I got this idea, right? It's these two Irish brothers, okay? And you know 'cause they'e Irish they're tough as fuck dude and they fucking drink so much Guiness like so fucking much. But they're also like super smart and speak like fucking two hundred languages yet inexplicably work in a meat packing plant.So what they do is, what they do is they go round killing people but you know only bad fucking dudes like the mafia but they doing it for a good reason and they also say a prayer like all US fucking Irish boys do. Now how cool is that?
If you think this movie is any good you're either an edgy 14 year old or a plastic paddy faggot from Boston.
It's actually mediocre. Actors aren't up to par (except for based Dafoe), the story is way too edgy and the dialogue makes it seem like the writers are Tarantino wannabes where they think saying "fuck" a lot of times is interesting or makes the characters more human (it doesn't).
The slapstick feels odd, it's like the movie doesn't know if it's a drama, a dark comedy, or what. At some points it asks the audience to take everything that is happenning seriously, and at the next we have the two brothers gunning down a dozen mafia men by accident in a funny situation. What the hell?
Finally the characters are shallow and hard to empathize, Flanery and Reedus might make girls and faggots wet but this is not enough to carry a movie as twisted as this, it needed stronger characterization for the viewer to care or at least understand their motivations other than "it's fine if we kill people".
The only good scene in the movie is the final shooting, and specially Dafoe's recreation of it. In fact he is the only reason this movie is tolerable.
Underage, leave. While you're gone, take down your Donnie Darko and John Belushi "College" posters.
>Sup Forums was creaming themselves about this movie before it became a cult classic
>now it's pleb shit for reddit-morons
Predictable old Sup Forums. Stay contrarian, faggets.
>Sup Forums is one person
>and John Belushi "College" posters.
why are they so popular
>>Sup Forums was creaming themselves about this movie before it became a cult classic
if you were on Sup Forums when this movie came out, get the fuck out of your house
also if you like this movie get a fucking education you dunce
>Le "I'm 14 and I like Tarantino-style movies" starter film
this movie is fucking terrible, I have no idea why it gets praised
It's entertaining. Try turning your gigantic, awesome, oh-so-superior brain off once in a while and just enjoy some shit. Are you going to tell me Die Hard is shit because it doesn't have some 2deep4u horsecock in it?
watch the documentary 'Overnight' where it shows the writer/director to be a completely retarded fuckup
>the whats your favourite movie starter kit
better yet watch the sequel
>this poster says "College"
>that's where I'm going!!!
It really isn't any deeper than that
This I'll agree with. The second one tries so hard to be the first one and fails so spectacularly.
Stupid, silly movie, and by all accounts not very good. I still enjoyed it though. Regardless, the theme is baller:
I bet your 19 or something
29. Don't worry, you'll grow out of your pretentiousness, maybe.
that must be embarrassing
for you
>discount Tarantino
It was total shit
I'm irish/english and I thought the film was mostly just silly, and it wasn't funny at all. Not exactly the makings of a great film is it? Let's not get started on the accents either.
Obscene, Repugnant, Vile.
I've written better stories on toilet paper, and I don't mean with a pen. If I ever made a movie this bad, I would have killed myself as a child.
And yet, it's not. Excuse me while I go watch Fury Road again and enjoy it.
this is exactly what the movie feels like, fucking Tesco Value version of tarantino
I tried watching but it was just fucking awful. Something about a toilet like you mentioned and some epiphany to kill mobsters or something. Turned it off pretty quick I think.
>plastic paddy
I'm not sure what this means, but I guess it's people claiming to be Irish even though their ancestors immigrated in the 1800's.
I unironically loved this move in high school.
I tried watching it again this past St. Patty's day and holy shit is it bad. I think all the defenders of this flick saw it in the early 2000's when Linkin Park was big and shit.
i remember when every jock dickhead wouldnt shut the fuck up about this movie. i dont know what it is with this movie and that type of crowd
As someone who was a huge fan of this movie, it only gets more retarded.
>brothers say they learned a billion languages because their mother insisted on it
>deleted scene where they talk to their mother while they're both ass-naked
>she's some insane trashy fucking redneck lady
>St. Patty's day
>The toilet bowl scene was pure kino.
the entire movie was like looking into a toilet bowl