The name's Bond

>the name's Bond
>Jane Bond

admit it
you'd watch the fuck out of this

I would with my dick in my hand

But in that case they should make the Bond "girl" some nerdy loser dude not a ripped Chad.

yeah she's dope as fuck

No. She's ugly.

Also, Bond is a man. Stop trying to ruin everything with your stupid feminist bullshit, fucking libcucks.

>I only want james bond to be a big strong man


it's also a fictional character with no true continuity, only repeating themes and archetypes.

You're an idiot for limiting art's potential. Theater gender swaps characters all the time but no one gives two shits because theater audiences are cultured and appreciative of art.

>Also, Bond is a man. Stop trying to ruin everything with your stupid feminist bullshit, fucking libcucks.

Take it as a compliment.

Women have, literally THOUSANDS of literary heroes to choose from...

Yet all Women want is to grow a COCK so they can see themselves as equals.


This is sadder than all those Niggers desperate to play white characters so they can feel accepted...

Theater is for faggots and libcucks, no wonder they encourage gender swapping.

I bet they also encourage homosexual relationships and trannies.

>the Blunt will never rape you

>Women have, literally THOUSANDS of literary heroes to choose from...
>Yet all Women want is to grow a COCK so they can see themselves as equals.
>This is sadder than all those Niggers desperate to play white characters so they can feel accepted...

Women don't want equality. They want to trade places.

You faggots haven't figured that out yet?

I would definitely watch her get fucked by her Bond bois

>Women have, literally THOUSANDS of literary heroes to choose from...
>Yet all Women want is to grow a COCK so they can see themselves as equals.

Cliche's are called cliche's for a reason. You've never heard the age old phrase of "Penis Envy?"

No I wouldn't because I don't have shit bitchboi reddit taste. She acts the same and is ugly as sin.

>emily blunt will NEVER step on your balls
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)

>Theater is for faggots and libcucks
the right wing view of art, ladies and gents...

I rest my case.

>This is sadder than all those Niggers desperate to play white characters so they can feel accepted...


Not really, considering that the last three installments in the franchise have been kinda lame if the best they can do reignite my interest in the franchise is gender swap the main character I'm not all that interested.

if you ever post this in a blunt thread again you WILL die in your sleep


Bond's primary characteristics (other than being a super agent) are alcoholism and womanizing. It would be badass if they made her a womanizer too, but presumably she'll just sleep with men. So I'm not sure how well this will translate genders - is it as impressive of seduction when most of the men in Bond films will fuck anything with a pulse? That's my main problem with the film. Slut shaming aside, it's a lot easier for a woman to get sex than a man.

>This is sadder than all those Niggers desperate to play white characters so they can feel accepted...

Black Female Tranny Bond when?

>you WILL die in your sleep

I would. Honestly. If they made a movie like those new bond films with that bleak style it might even be good.

Emily Blunt is one of those women who look good in movies, somehow I feel really attracted to her when watching a movie, but I don't like her appearance that much outside of movies.

yes I would

Emily Blunt is one of the best actresses these days. Has anyone seen her new movie where she's an alcoholic who sees someone get murdered or something like that?

What is this obsession with changing the genders of iconic characters? If you want to make a spy movie with a woman, just make a new character.

She would enjoy getting choked in every fight scene.

>name's Bond
>Jamal Bond
you know your wife wants it

delete this TEN MINUTES AGO

If this happens it will confirm the "Bond is just a codename" thing.

>you will never be used as a human sybian by Emily Blunt to release the tension from her stressful assignment

she loves it



>ywn be a henchman and get helplessy dominated by Blunt Bond and her ballkicking, dirty fighting tactics
Just end it already


I wouldn't mind a spin off, you have plenty of other 00's to work with, maybe a high production 00 short tv series with Emily Blunt or Idras Elba.

Making 007 a non white character is just pandering imo.

The only one I'd trust with it.

But why make it Bond? Just do her own franchise. She's good enough for it.

Instead we get Scarlett who will flop hard again.

getting choked this often must indicate and unrivaled level of neck sluttyness >?

Actually i think they're more likely to do a re-imagining of Bond through the girls perspective.

It'd be called moneypenny and james or some shit and would just have long emotional scenes shoe-horned in to a normal bond film.

Aside from the ghostbusters debacle, this is how a lot of people have been trying to feminize film and tv

I like Emily Blunt, but I don't think she can carry a movie on her own.