What went wrong?

What went wrong?

His second term.

Race baiting.

Gun grabber.

Boring speaker.

His birth certificate

Jeri Ryan ratting out her husband Jack for having fun, allowing this know-nothing to become a senator.


57% approval rating.

>ctrl f nigger
>0 results
he's a nigger

Culturally, Obama was one of the worst presidents ever; race-baiting, the rise of SJWism, Islam apologist, etc. Policy-wise, he ranged from decent (not actually closing Guantanamo) to fucking horrible (gun control and obamacare). Honestly, Obama probably would have been a better president if he was a genuine liberal and not the worst of both neocons and liberalism.

Republican here. I would gladly take another Obama term over Clinton or trump. At least Obama was a respectable charismatic leader.

Domestic: He refuses to enforce law and he allows and promotes corruption within the bureaucracy

Foreign: He decided it was a good idea to arm ISIS in Libya to help them kill their leader who was trying to liberate Africa economically from Western debt by creating a multinational African currency. Then he did the same thing in Syria except this time in order to gain political control of the region to prevent Russia from gaining control + helping leaders to stabilize the region.

That's a laugh.
He only knows how to sound good, but can't say shit once his teleprompter cuts out

Nothing went wrong. Bill Ayers' goal was to put this idiot in office and push the Marxist agenda. He accomplished more than he hoped for.

I'm not talking about his ability to give speeches, which were actually quite good. I mean he wasn't seen as a liar, a crook, or hateful in any way.


Instead he's seen as a gun grabber that race baits, supports criminals just because they're black, and tries to split the nation and demonize the police.

>respectable charismatic leader

In speeches where he is trying to draw up support yes but when he's giving a speech about some legislation he's trying to sneak through Congress or something very important that happened here or elsewhere, he purposefully slows down his speaking very slow and breaks his thoughts between every word by saying uh uhhhhuhuhuh. He does this so that you will stop listening because he's talking about something he doesn't want the American people to hear

Dispelling the fiction is still possible on even Sup Forums Rubio

We elected a nigger president

Nothing after that point should have surprised anyone

being "not Bush" apparently isnt enough.


The GOP cuckservatives all respect their beloved dignified shysters.

Fuck off Romney


What about the hate he showed for the police officers and respectable neighborhood watchmen who had to kill in self-defense? And the way he has forced white suburbs and communities to lower their prices and meet a diversity quota? What about the moratorium on genetic engineering so that whites can't make their children stronger, more intelligent, and free of genetic defects? Because it might further increase the superiority whites have over blacks, even though it would benefit society overall. Obama is the most anti-white president we've ever had. Which makes sense since he's the only nonwhite president we've ever had.

If you want a president that will enforce american law the way the founders intended, I think Trump is your best bet.

He wasn't much different from Bush policy-wise.

well proven


Most people don't see through all the smiling faces and see the real intentions of what's going on.

Pipe down, bong. He hasnt grabbed anyones guns, n in fact he rates a big fat fucking F from the Brady gun violence lobby bc he hasnt done shit to grab guns.

Dont you have your own country to worry about, Clive?

I swear to God when i see Niggers in german Uniforms in this Game, i ressurect Kaiser Barbarossa through Blood Magic and invade fucking Sweden

The only reason he hasn't grabbed guns is because he's a lazy nigger. When democrats had the supermajority, they spent all their energy on Obamacare which got republicans the house and later the senate. Now that its cool to grab guns, congress won't back him.

>Gun grabber.
which guns did he grab.

How does it make you guys feel knowing liberals will make sure he goes down in history books as the greatest president we ever had?

what does that even mean?
he did a better job than GW.

We already know they're rewriting history slowly and are brainwashing students. It's not surprising.


>What about the hate he showed for the police officers and respectable neighborhood watchmen who had to kill in self-defense? And the way he has forced white suburbs and communities to lower their prices and meet a diversity quota?
I won't call that bullshit because I know you just forgot to provide links we can read to find out more.

So, link up so we can see what the shit you're talking about.

Gotta have those black Nazi's in video games because if we say blacks can't be Nazi's then were racists #blackscanbenazistoo
