Hates Jews

>Hates Jews
>Makes a film glorifying the world's most famous Jew


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you mean the one jew that the other jews hate the most?

Jesus (((Nazarene))) was not our savior.

Andrew Garfield is Jewish
yet Gibson cast him as the star of his film

You gotta do something to get back in the game after 14 years

Jesus literally called the Jews the synagogue of Saran in revelations plus they killed him. It evens out in the end

mel cuckson

Jesus was Jewish rabbi.


Mel doesn't hate Jews, he was just drunk.

That's you, someone with the the beliefs and nuance of understanding of a 50 year old black out drunk Australian man screaming at a cop that pulled him over

from the jewish people's perspective he was a heretic vying for power and trying reform their church to grant himself such a position. Imagine he wasn't the son of good, he was just a sneaky jew telling lies to get ahead.

>Mel doesn't hate Jews, he was just drunk.
This. Mel's best friend is Robert Downey Jr. for fucksake.

Jews trying to take credit for jesus

So is The Passion good or what?

>Make a movie about jew people casting jews.
mel is /ourgoy/

Jews doesn't like Jesus
That is why he made the movie

Christ was/is not a Jew in the sense you think of Jews.
I'm not a theology fag so I can't really explain, you should look into it though if you're interested.

I'm not 100% sure if this is the right episode but it might be. I know these guys go in-depth regarding the >'worshiping a Kike on a Stick' question at some point. Worth listening to:


I have seen no reason to assume Mel Gibson is antisemitic.

If he counts, then every comedian also counts.

Jesus was a christian and founded the catholic church? How was he jewish? You mean arabic?

>The Baptism of Christ
>recall this scene from Hacksaw Ridge



>I have seen no reason to assume Mel Gibson is antisemitic

He most definitely is.

Imagine growing up in this household:


Piss directonally into my warring soul.

>get conquered by Romans
>they institute a tax and chain you to a corrupt dynasty of their own choosing between instances of civilian massacres and desecrations of sacred religious ceremonies and buildings
>some guy comes along claiming to be the Second Coming
>doesn't seem to give a shit about any of this
>thinks the actual problem is with Judaism itself and teaches new hippy shit of his own that completely goes against the old stuff

Don't lie. You all would have wanted Jesus dead too.

>27-36, Anno Domini
>not believing in eternal peace and happiness after death in the Kingdom of Heaven
>I seriously hope you guys don't do this

A guy i worked with recently had been working on a recent film that Mel was in, he said he was constantly telling jew jokes and would also go around telling people riddles, which would always end up being about Jews