>Let's have an interesting concept where the Axis win WW2 >Follow the resistance, internal Japanese and Nazi politics >Follow the growing international issues between Japan and the Reich >But let's add some weird sci-fi-esque twist late into season 1
Wtf why did they do this shit - reminds of Lost already.
David Williams
The book is even weirder, stop complaining. They even left the dimension-hopping low-key.
Gavin Fisher
It bothered me at first, but I now like it.
Xavier Myers
I don't see Jew jew Abrams or any other kike name for director so it might have a decent ending
I still wonder how many retards fell for the "we burn the cripples on thursdays" meme they tried to push though
Grayson Smith
How has The Grasshopper Lies Heavy been portrayed?
I think that's a more interesting world t.b.h
Adrian Reyes
At least you don't have to read dozens of pages about some ancient chinese divination. Seriously thought he was crazy if he made that shit up.
Noah Watson
I'm an american but I hate my country and I'm very antipatriotic so I support the bombing and invasion of my country by foreigners. Thats why I love this show.
Cooper Garcia
me too #notallmuslims
Grayson Wright
>not a single german SS-officer in new york >ss-guards are dressed like SA-guards but with grey instead of brown shirts >no one speaks german aside from "heil hitler" after almost 20 years of occupation >ignoring the fact that hitler planned to retire after the war >everyone is talking about "nazis" as if this was some kind of official name call me an autist, but this is sify-tier.
Isaac Gutierrez
Maybe this is because its based on a scifi book you illiterate autist
Cameron Thomas
>Maybe this is because its based on a scifi book you illiterate autist it's about the details, not the plot. i could forgive hitler being still in power, but implying a political movement that wanted to "germanize" the world would not demand americans to culturally assimilate is idiotic. they managed to portrait this behaviour in the pacific states, so why not in the greater reich?
Joseph Myers
Soviet Union also tried to create the New Man and "Internationalise" the Union. Despite this each "Republic" maintained other official languages alongside Russian, Governments were a mix of locals and Kremlin shills. KGB was mostly rooskies, though, with low level officers drafted from local populace.
Then again, in Soviet Union people were moved all over the place, Germans are too proud to move away in as big of numbers as Soviet Union flooded low skill workers into, say, The Baltics.
Lucas Jackson
Didn't Hitler admire certain areas of England like Oxford? There's a good chance he'd let white culture be white culture, even if it wasn't German.
Note how the kid had Aryan Literature class.
Owen Powell
will it have a second season? the book itself is only 15 chapters long
Nicholas Johnson
Their already has been s3 drops later this year
Logan Clark
#notallgermans #notalljapanese
Yeah how can you be patriotic if you wish nazis taking over the USA. Its like saying "I love being american but I wish I was german"
Jose Bennett
otherwise you would complain you have to read all the subtitles....
Daniel Stewart
I was watching Rome the other week and everyone was speaking English wtf This board had me believing that this show was good I dropped this garbage after half an episode
Cameron Cox
the scifi aspect is the worst part of this series the concept by itself is deep enough to carry the show for multiple seasons but the shoehorned in stuff with the propaganda tapes always being from alternate worlds and people traveling from alternate worlds is kinda losing me.
Also juliana is a really annoying lead
Gavin Allen
Will he make America free again?
Gabriel Hernandez
smith a best juliana a shit tagomi a cute childan the most cringe-worthy weaboo
Grayson Murphy
This. But the book has sci-fi elements, there's nothing we can do. The thing is that you can watch the whole season and you will think it doesn't have sci-fi things (until the very end), i guess you can mention the films, but it didn't feel like sci-fi shit.
My point is that the sci-fi elements should have been introduced at the beginning of the season, so we can be ok with them.
Eli Gonzalez
>Smith will NEVER be your dad
Jackson Collins
Juliana is cute! LombicAryan is the annoying one. At least he had low screentime in s2
Jordan Wood
>inb4 he travels to the other world and sees his kid is still alive even if sick and realizes the Reich is evil
Carson Watson
>wide screens need wide jaws that's the theory nowadays in hollywood?
Jacob Wilson
>and sees his kid dies anyway
Dominic Price
no kid gets ill anyways, but atleast doesn't die
Nathan Diaz
>why does a show based on a scifi book from a scifi author have scifi in it?
fuck off back to Sup Forums you dumb naziboo
Landon Bennett
what's the matter? she has more jaw line than you?