What will Trump do when a Clinton-Warren ticket happens?
How the fuck did Trump get so fucked with his V.P. options?
He has Chris Christie, Newt Gingrich, and Jeff Sessions. What the fuck
What will Trump do when a Clinton-Warren ticket happens?
How the fuck did Trump get so fucked with his V.P. options?
He has Chris Christie, Newt Gingrich, and Jeff Sessions. What the fuck
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She's not gonna grab Warren because Warren will do more where she is than in a primarily symbolic position like VP. She'll grab either Kaine for the boring safe white guy shit or Castro for the slam dunk vs Trump's shit optics with hispanics + groom him for a run in 2024
if warrens in it will draw support at which time trumps only option will be dr ben carson
My God, America is gonna have two old, senile crazy lefty bitches running the country.
You guys are fucked.
if the greatest country ever, the most moon based asset the world has, sees its civilization fall while two women are at the helm, sharia forever.
>What will Trump do when a Clinton-Warren ticket happens?
show everyone this video
Oh, no, it'll just be the one senile crazy lefty bitch. Hillary would never, EVER let Chief Big Liz affect any policy.
>2girls 1office ticket
This is literally the worst possible scenario for them.
What they gain
>feminist vote
What they lose:
>white male vote
>hispanic vote
>black vote
>brown people vote
>religious vote
>gay vote
>old people vote
>half the young people vote
You clearly that dont follow the news.
Wall Street has explicitly stated they will pull all funding for Clinton if she picks Warren as her VP, and they represent the majority of her funding. Wall Street HATES Elizabeth Warren with a passion. Its never going to happen.
Warren would be a good choice if her goal is to collect bernie voters. She has the same kind of youth appeal and is promoted endlessly on reddit
Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em
an easy bullseye with the diversity hire fraud.
can't have the tail wag the dog.
>Build your political career on opposing Wall Street and big banks
>Come out in support of a candidate that is the very embodiment of Wall Street and big banks
t. Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren
this is why Hilldog wont choose Warren because doing so will piss off her donors.
She'll alienate independents
Not going to happen. Warren knows she will be found dead with a bar bell on her throat.
>believing made up drama
This is their way of capturing Bernie supporters
fucking this. Here is how that'll go
>I choose Pocahontas even though my banker donors told me not to! See? I'm not corrupt.
3/4 of white america think they are part native american. like negros who think they are ancient egyptians.