Why aren't we colinizing space yet?
Why aren't we colinizing space yet?
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Aircraft carriers only cost ~$5 billion
Because Newt Gingrich suggested it, which means it's a bad idea.
>american aircraft carriers
this must be why the UN is shit scared of russia
>colony on the moon
why? so we can collect moon rocks?
why not just build a colony at the bottom of the marinaras trench if we want to do stupid shit for no reason
Jews and niggers man...
Jews and niggers.
Also trannies and faggots...
10 billion for a colony?
bullshit its going to be 100 billion minimum
Because money was diverted to welfare and other programs
If we wanna colonize a place uninhabited by intelligent life, we should start with Africa first.
This. We're not going to get a moon colony or any space colony until there is an economic incentive to do so.
Too busy playing world police and feeding Tyrones kids and sending foreigners to college on our dime.
An aircraft carrier costs less than 10 billion dollars though
Aircraft carriers are indeed useful - moon base isn't.
I mean if technology developes enough and we get to use some new materials - mostly the nano fiber plastic: then fuck it why not - a simple excentric business man could do it.
Right now it's 100% useless, a moon base is just - look I got the bigger dick thing, 0 usage.
we need private incentives to do it, public funding for space is in the shitter
apparently it's kind of cold and inhospitable. And the moon is a ball of dirt.
Indians will do it cheaper.
Indians spend on their mars mission 100mln $.
Are you fucking retarded? If its about buying a colony, we are talking about trillions, not billions
>colony on the moon
for what purpose?
i'm serious - what the fuck do you want to do on the moon? it's a barren rock with ice-cold temperatures all year round and no fucking atmosphere.
maybe set up a research base or something, but then again, i don't think there's a lot of usefull knowledge to be found on the fucking moon.
>build for 10 billion
And what is its ten year upkeep cost?
like what? 5 air-sealed containers with a simplistic water-purification system?
And another 50 billion to get all the shit up there?
Because our society will be annihilated if we aren't one planet before doing such a thing.
This is the true reason behind the globalism initiative.
>why? so we can collect moon rocks?
The moon is rich with helium 3. Those rocks are more valuable than you could imagine.
The real reason would be trial and testing though. We need to genetically modify people to survive in low gravity environments. The moon is a perfect place to get that done.
Because what the fuck is on the moon other than rocks?
Because America has spent over a trillion dollars since 1965 to subsidize niggerdom and all that entails instead of funding science and space exploration like we did prior to the great society bull shit courtesy of Lyndon Johnson.
But that money is needed for dem programs
Fug the moon, I WANT ATLANTIS!
>10 billion
kek no
Just bury the hab module under a few feet of dirt, would block the vast majority of the radiation.
Because we're building aircraft carriers. I would have thought that would have been obvious to you from the picture you posted.
Even if it costs 10 billion why invest if you never get those billions back?
Exactly. No reason to go back much less have a permanent presents on the moon.
We'll go back when it's economically feasible to make profit most likely mining or collecting H3
The driving force for people Christopher Columbus and subsequent trips were almost all charters with profit in mind.
How about we keep the aircraft carriers and just stop supporting the niggers Spics and faggots
It's a win win win
>Less leaches and AIDS
>More aircraft carriers
I fully want globalism, as long as it's whites, and some Asians.
The rest need some sort of, solution.
Not profitable enough and corporations have successfully bled government intake of taxes enough to make a government funded option non-viable.
That is why nazi germans have there colony on dark side of moon.
Did you saw that documentary film "Iron Sky" ?
It was based on true story :^)
why would we colonize the moon? what's the point?
lol it's inhospitable. remote. it would require monthly re-supply missions. there is absolutely no reason to do it.
>moon colony
Why? Sure, it could work as a launch point for ships, but the proposed space elevator could also do that.
If we ever have a space colony it will be on Mars.
Easier as a launch platform into deeper space
Better way to test the long term effects of low gravity on the human body than the ISS
Easier to test new technologies in a sterile environment
Easier to test off-world housing and facilities
Easy solar energy
SMBC cartoon about theoretical physics versus actual science.
TLDR outside of theorizing and promising and speculating, it is possible to be wrong.
Always blaming the poor like a good goy. Just forget about the $5 trillion given to the banks to "bail them out."
US has no direct competitor yet, just wait a decade or so until china starts their space project at increased pace. American then will start competing.
I think there's a flag somewhere up there
maybe if you rely on defense contractors to do everything, through nasa, all at cost
How much something like this ACTUALLY costs? No where near 100's of billions
SpaceX is going to set up a mars colony for much less than that.
That's rapture not atlantis
Faggot, no.
We need to colonize the moon so we will be able to overcome the difficoulties that lies in colonizing any planet.
How to have oxigen, how to build shit and so on.
There is a point in colonizing the moon: forthe challange of it and for what we can learn from it for future colonizations.
+Easier travels into other planets and faster colonisation.
Yes the difference is that niggers output votes so they keep reproducing with welfare
Just build a bunch of O'Neil cylinders. Everyone's happy.
We can't even get our shit together here.
It's why aliens gave up on us for decades. They were backing Hitler, believing he could unite the planet.
Cost to benefit ratio. It would not be that cheap, and even if I do support it (I do, for research purposes) there's not really a pressing need to do it at the moment. They should be on the moon though to test techniques/technologies that will be used to go to Mars. Otherwise you're just sending doomed astronauts to Mars without matured tech.
The ISS is estimated at $150bil, and that's in LEO.
The moon is a hollowed out alien death star, that's why we can't colonize it.
Yeah never mind that a lot of the money goes into research and development.
Let's just wing it you guys.
Humans first need to stop killing each other over religion and who has more money, whch means never.
Also we first need to get to the Moon in the first place to colonize it.
Yeah, because they built the ISS in so many different modules that they needed 20 launches to build it.
Never mind the resupply and crew changeover missions that need to be done regularly
Sure, why don't we isolate a fair amount of people, put them into a place where a painful death can happen under the smallest mistake, without any fair trade offs of real gain in resources, or knowledge, and risk mutiny, loss of life and money? We have yet to perfect our own lives on the planet which can naturally support life that has been known to allow us to grow and thrive.
Many lives have been lost just launching people into space, many more will die if you think people can just realistically live there with no problems.
All the money they'll save on the plumbing.
>colonize the moon
This is highly implausible.
but the moon isn't real it's just the Jews at NASA wanting more shekels
I thought Sup Forums was better than this baka
>Musk faggot detected
It takes anywhere between 150-300 days to get to mars and you think Space X will be able to make a colony on mars for less than 100's of billions?
How many trips do you think it would take to set up a facility on mars and keep it supplied? Get real....
what do you think would be different for a moon station?
The same amount of launches if not more, since a lot of material has to be sent into space, even if you use materials from the moon to aid in construction. Granted, I could see the costs decreasing as the moon base became more and more self-reliant, unlike the ISS which needs constant attention.
because the money is better spent on saving our own perfectly fine Earth, rather than trying to live on a dead rock in outer space that does nothing but try to kill us.
That said, we should continue using robots to explore space, but we have no reason to "colonize" space yet, other than to prove that its possible. It would be gigantic waste of money and a giant, unnecessary risk to the smartest people on this planet.
I've seen The Martian. This will work
There might be a survival incentive to go to Mars, but the environmentalists' hatred of humanity has permanently crippled that, by blaming the unexpected increase in the sun's heat output on Anthropogenic Global Warming.
We used to think the Sun had over a billion years left before its gradual transition to a red giant caused its "life supporting zone" to move outside Earth's orbit, but with the acceleration in brightness astronomers have observed, it's looking more like we have around 500 million years... and if the Sun keeps accelerating at the pace it has been this last decade, we will have less than a thousand years before carbon-based life gets burned off the surface of Earth.
No way to tell why it's happening, only that it is... and with Millenial researchers so determined to blame it on the human race, we probably never will be able to identify the true cause, let alone do anything about it.
It's not about going back or moon rocks or dumb shit like that. It's about taking our first step towards a greater thing.
It's about not TRAVELING to space but BEING in space.
Moon --> Mars --> Who knows?
People need a common enemy to unite around, otherwise we'll make our own. Why can't we make the unknown our enemy? The great frontier.
In the 60s and 70s, Star Trek made autists wanna be astronauts. In the 2010s, My Little Pony makes them want to be genderless mutants.
We need a moon colony. You have to go up the first step to reach the top of the stairwell.
because the world is flat you fucking indoctrinated sheep.
Round earth = science
flat earth = religion
The moon is like a lighthouse, and sun is much closer, and smaller.
The jews and masons have been pushing this idea to keep control of the people. The idea we are small, and insignificant in a "Universe".
But we are not. We are special, we are important, and we are on god's plate
Countries are simply open prisons.
>inb4 copy paste nasa shill answer.
>inb4 tinfoil /x/
There is no "Curve". I've been in planes. It is simply a flat white haze.
>How much something like this ACTUALLY costs? No where near 100's of billions
All the aliens are laughing at us for not having an interplanetary empire. Fucking scum.
Helium 3.
whatever tests you do on the moon will never be able to replicate the true hurdle and that's the psychological effect of being millions of miles away from any other human and knowing you'll never be able to return home. colonizing mars is still the best test
Does the Moon have any material good enough to build with? It's not like you can just dig a cave.
For what purpose?
We have many problems right now on this planet why go and colonize a celestial body?
Billions of people are starving and whity wants to go to the moon again.
do you think we can mobilize /sci/, Sup Forums and maybe /diy/ to build a full white nationalistic moon colony?
Outer space doesn't even exist, it's all smoke and mirrors.
It's cold outside
There's no kind of atmosphere
funnily enough I'm basing what I know off an anime that dealt with a realistic take on a nasa base on the moon.
What the anime did, to save on construction costs, and to protect against mini-meteor impacts and the like while providing insulation, was to build a normal structure and then pile regolith on top of it to provide extra cover.
So you'd have to send up a lot of material but some other things I guess you can just put moon sand on and call it a day.
also to point out, how come NASA with all these "Satellites" can't take one, just ONE fucking 1080p, full picture of the earth, and use picture from 35 years ago.
Look at all the nice "Pictures" (photoshop) they got of mars, venus, the moon, jupiter, its like literally fucking unrealistically HD.
Space flight and learning to live in harsh environments like the moon usually has benefits for all of us.
Look at the space race. You have a smart phone because of the satellite system we used to fuck with the Soviets.
>Billions of people are starving
you know why those billions are starving? Because they are breeding like cockroaches, without first making sure that they can sustain themselves. The only way they learn not to breed in an unsustainable manner is to have there be consequences, and starving is such a consequence. Our efforts to "stop starvation" in Africa has done nothing but enable this unsustainability.
Being being in space is toxic to the human body, there is a finite limit to how long a human can stay there.
The moon may be a little bit better though since it has SOME gravity.
Before colonizing mars you need to run some tests, why not on the moon, it is basically on our backyard.
Over abundance of Helium 3. But then again transport costs would make it negligible.
>many different modules that they needed 20 launches to build it.
>Never mind the resupply and crew changeover missions that need to be done regularly
You heard it here first, folks. We can now launch an entire moon colony in just a few launches, and won't have to resupply or do crew changeovers often at all.
According to internet experts, anyways.
Now, now Canada. No need to be edgy. You'll always be special in our hearts.
You mean America and the other fucks just hang on to their coat tails.
>humanity can into moonbase
No, only the North Western hemisphere can into moonbase.
arent we already colonizing mars?
Without white countries we will never colonize space.
>all these sheep ignoring me
>all the people saying the reason to go to the moon is that it makes it easier to go to other planets
There's even less reason to go to other planets than there is to go to the moon!
Space is a globalist meme. You think kikes are bad now, think about what they'll be like when the SELL YOU YOUR AIR SUPPLY.
>ive been in planes trust me goy