Series 10 is his last.
Peter Capaldi quits Doctor Who
the way is clear. the next doctor will be a black lesbian Welsh woman.
>that tranny next to him
Thank good I left with Tennant
Do they have women in Wales? I thought the whole country was a bunch of Tom Jones clones mining for coal.
Who's the black guy?
You'd have to be really into self harm to still watch Dr who
>his new companion looks like THAT
who could blame him?
>the tennant fag is illiterate
Wish I'd done that.
I was waiting for Moffat to leave so I could finally enjoy some quality CapaldiWho. Damn.
I bet their writer's room is a politically correct nightmare
Rip capaldi, inb4 obvious "finally s black doctor" series
How fun
>The new companion is a nigger
I'm so glad I dropped this show
Trust me, I'm the Doctor.
Good; he was shit. Is Moffat still in charge? No way he'd let a woman or one of the colours play the doctor.
Christmas 2017 is Moffat and Capaldi finale.
>The name's Who, Doctor Who
I don't even know which historically white character he's supposed to be replacing any more.
inb4 all of them
Catherine Zeta Jones is Welsh FFS!
It's not even the first time. Did you somehow miss Martha with Ten?
Yeah but she was actually attractive. Unlike this gorilla mutt in OP
he fucked up going in after they started demanding 'acurrate' gender pronouns
hell job
So will the next person be the last Doctor ever or are they just going to retcon the regeneration limit?
Well yeah, but if your complaint is that she's ugly, not that she's black, then say that. Also, it's not like there haven't been ugly companions before, too. Catherine Tate isn't exactly attractive. Hell, Billie Piper isn't any more than a 6 in my book, either. It's just that we've been spoiled by having two absolute knockouts in a row with Amy and Clara.
Doctor Who Dat.
They already sorted it. The Doctor got a new regen cycle in time of the doctor.
They already did that before Capaldi.
Eleven was explained to actually the last of the original set of lives, because of the War Doctor existing and Ten using up an extra regen at one point. The Time Lords gave him more regens so he could regen in Twelve.
he was a great doctor who put matt shit to shame
they will very likely get a young privately educated tory cunt to replace him
This is the BBC we're talking about here.
So that mirror article last year about there being a major shake up for the show. I guess there might be some truth to it. I full expect the next doctor to be another tennant/smith esq actor.
buncha coals mining for toms
Every white companion since the reboot race mixes. It's like a requirement at this point.
Rose? Black boyfriend.
Donna? Black husband.
Amy and Rory? Black child.
Clara? Black boyfriend.