Was she right?
Was she right?
fucking ben quadinaros
They said "too old" but they meant "too ugly"
>too old
That was just a nice way of telling her she was too ugly.
Guess what, women age worse than men. And that basset hound bitch ages worse than everyone.
White women age like milk, this is not news.
Dam, White women age terribly.
>don't say anything about ageism in Hollywood when you get roles because you're young and reasonably attractive
>bitch and whine about ageism when you're approaching your 40s and the only roles left are shit ones
They can refuse to cast her in a role for any number of reasons
true, plenty of older actresses than her still get work because they dont look like Droopy
Men like young, attractive women.
Women are often attracted to handsome, well-established older men.
This is nothing new.
somebody post the obligatory pic
She's only 37? She looks almost 50. Disgusting droopy dog.
She looks like a sprout fart on christmas day
Grannie Gyllenhaal is right.
What fucking demon did Lucy Lawless make a deal with to be the ultimate fucking MILF?
what was the context of the role?
>tfw no lucy lawless mommy
Amy Adams says no
Maggie's just not attractive enough to play the female romantic lead but they wanted to let her down easy
t. retard
get some surgery done puggy
Attractive love interest of older man
I want Marissa Tomei to be my mommei
It's decent, but Belluci needs to be included. Also, I'd do Weaver just for that Alien nostalgia.
t. ugly roastie
This is why you'll never find a husband btw.
>not liking salma hayek
Your taste is shit
>no Sharon Stone
0/10 tbqh famalam
Hello beautiful
She looks not good for her age in Hollywood.
Do you hate tits
she looks 47
Only half of those are attractive. Also missing Beckinsale. And top row is complete shit.
67* Die her hair grey and she looks geriatric and Im not even memeing.
Katheryn Winnick is 39
it's about how you look, not how old you are
Maggie has too many milk genes
Gays not allowed here.
Wow, how awful of them. She doesn't look a day over 60.
She looks like an ugly roastie bitch. Her brother would be a better looking woman after 3 months on hormones.
>top row is complete shit
I've been on Sup Forums for almost a decade.
Sup Forums for more than half of that.
I've never been triggered so hard by a comment.
Kill yourself.
She's so fucking ridiculously attractive for that age.
women age like shit but society isn't allowed to tell them
Maybe 37 was too old for the love interest they were interested in. Maybe they wanted an older, distinguished guy who dates young 20something models.
The 30 data point is still much too generous. Needs to be sitting at around 50%, if not lower.
> it's been a decade since 2007
What the fuck am I doing with my life
top kek
>Sharon Stone
>Monica Belucci
you're a faggot
except for latinos and gypsies, they look mature at like 16 and peak at 20
mostly agree but 55+ year olds over 80 tho? feck off
Amy Adams and Sophia Vergara are doing just fine
The role was a 10 year old granddaughter of said 55 year old man.
this is bait
In another year she'll win the Oscar for her gritty portrayal of Hillary Clinton
Screen appears this post.
She's ugly as a foot and isn't nearly good enough to compensate
>muh sexism
Get fucked you overplayed foot
>heath ledger had to call that thing beautiful
I am a 35 yo guy and I feel I was way more attractive when I was younger. Losing hair doesn't help either.
She looked 37 at 17.
oy vey looks dont matter
Why does she look 63?
shit nigga look at all those fine old bitches
Shouldn't have smoked and drunk alcohol my mate
or Droopy dog
>Losing hair doesn't help either.
Shave that shit desu, male attractiveness has nothing to do with looks, it's all about confidence and status.
She looks like she could be his mother.
Sophia Vergara cakes herself in make-up but it at least makes her passable.
Maggie was too old 20 years ago.
would literally rather fuck jake
Lol. What the fuck.
There's no way thats the same person.
Also checked
Doesn't it all depend on the story?
As a 31 year old man I'd be too young to play the man
Delete this
how can women even compete?
In her case I think "too old" was the polite way of saying "too ugly".
I quit smoking more than 12 years ago (and even when I was younger I didn't use to smoke that much) and I drink alcohol moderately.
>Shave that shit desu
Already did.
I wonder how many roles she turned down in her 20's to ensure they went to elderly women.
I wonder how much of her millions of dollars was spent on producing films that star elderly actresses.
Old women whining about being bumped out of the market are as pathetic as Drumpfkins whining about competing with cheap Chinese and Mexican labour.
When she filmed Secretary she wasn't that bad.
This girl looks too young to buy alcohol.
Keep quiet when you can use your female privilege (youth) to secure easy roles, then complain once it becomes men's time to benefit. How typical of a woman.
>they straight up told her she's not attractive
>"I-it's because I'm too old, muh sexist hollywood"
>Old women whining about being bumped out of the market are as pathetic as Drumpfkins whining about competing with cheap Chinese and Mexican labour.
Rhea is 44
100% truth
she has an old looking face 20,30, 500 whatever Maggie Gyllenhall looks like grandma
Simple fact is women routinely have things for older men where as the true socially acceptable milf fetishism cuts off around 35.
Women want to see younger girls and so do men.
>TFW saw bootleg video of her as an (((((((((18)))))))) yr old roleplaying with Jake. So!e man behind the camera was telling them to take off their underpants, slowly.
>TFW some say its still on limewire to this day
>people should fade out quietly instead of making a case for themselves
complete faggot/10
>too old
That's the issue
Amy Adams is like 10 years older than Henry Cavill, maybe there's more to it
>Amy Adams is like 10 years older than Henry Cavill, maybe there's more to it
Who's second picture, last row?