That'll be $26,95 plus tip

>that'll be $26,95 plus tip

you have to go back


That pizza isn't even cooked. What are you doing in my office at work? You have to go back to where you came from

Your tip is $0. If I see you on my property again, you will be shot. Have a good day!


Is that meat? Yuck! I NEVER order meat on my pizza. I find it distasteful!

Veggie or bust.

I've never once had someone say they expect a tip.

I've got a tip for you alright.

Here's a tip, build a wall

It's not even cooked. And full of ham

It's already so much expected in America that you'll tip that they don't even need to ask.

I hate Tips, like you give them extra money for them doing their job

>americans actually tip
>americans actually expect tips
kek. get payed by your boss, cuck.

I never tip. No one has asked. And if they do I'd say "heres a tip, get a better job"

Then not order from there anymore cause they'd probably spit in my food

I hate the "extra incentive" argument. Translated, it's "I'm a lazy cunt and I'm above doing my job for personal reasons. Consistency in the workplace is of no importance to me whatsoever. Don't bother me with my responsibilities, I'm counting shekels."

Employers use tips as an excuse to pay workers substandard wages. It's a terrible system.

>That'll be $49.99 plus tip and $25 to rent an anvil sir!


I saw this in another thread a while ago, is this accurate:
10% - terrible service, more of an insult than leaving nothing, done to show how displeased you were
20% - acceptable service, nothing deliberately done wrong but slow inattentive wait staff
30% - average service, you received the minimum level of service you could reasonably expect
40% - great service, the wait staff put extra effort in to improve your experience (e.g. making sure you are happy with your meal, refilling drinks within 10 minutes of them being empty)
50% - exceptional service, the wait staff have either gone balls out to meet your every need or you've caused them to go to extra trouble (e.g. dropping silverware, spilling drinks or moving you to a different table at your request)
60% - large groups to make up for the added difficulty of remembering who ordered what and rearranging the restaurant

>that'll be 1 post by this ID, plus tip

This. I worked as a host at outback for a bit and they paid me like $4.95 an hour and they made tips make up the difference. If the tips didn't, then they paid me minimum wage.
Most companies jew teenagers out of the money they are due.

15% is standard tip. People tip more or less at their own discretion. There are no expected percents.

Although with large groups a gratuity is automatically added to the bill, usually 20% or so.

i have never had anyone say "plus tip" to me in my entire life

Thank you. I knew that America like to tip a lot but it seemed a little like trolling.

that beta neet fantasy

Bitching about tips in restaurants is one thing...but pizza people totally do deserve a tip. If you don't want to throw them a few dollars for making it way more convenient for you, then get off your fat ass and go pick up your pizza yourself.

There's a world of difference between being annoyed that you have to tip someone who brought food a whole 10 feet to your table and being annoyed that you actually have to (gasp) tip someone who drove a pizza to your house so you could sit and watch Netflix and have it delivered to your door.

Thanks, sis. Here's your tip of $8.

>plus tip
out of the hundreds of pizza's I have ordered, I've never been asked to tip

I tip my fedora to you, m'lady.

If the menu says 20 euro, Ill pay 20 euros.
I don't mind paying 7 extra to have it delivered, buy then put that on the menu, don't try to guilt me into giving you extra shekels you tax-evading freeloader.

who the fuck do you think you are you >"fucking CUNT! what stupid, cum sucking, chin scratching, chromosome hording BITCH delivers pizza without a box? I fucking hate wome.."
>"oh right, i forgot this was a porn shoot." >*ahem* "i got more than just a tip for you, baby"



I'm surprised your inferior country even does food delivery.

This shitpost is confusing, man.
She tips her fucking hat and asks me to tip. Do I pay her extra? Do I wring out my cowboy hat, dust it off, prepare myself for a standoff, and return the tip?

I've literally said, "I get paid less than you, I'll pass" and they're cool with it.

You give her just the tip, hehe


Tip: Go back

Just the way your mum likes it, hehe

Um, you aren't supposed to order delivery if you are poor, fagot


You didn't even put it in a box or cut it, you spastic cumgobbling monkey

or cook it*

Sup Forums is second from the left

>pizza people totally do deserve a tip
t. pizza guy

Tips having been going down recently. I even quit my service job around a year ago because of this.

Now less attentive people are bringing me my food and i can almost always find some spots the waitress missed while cleaning the table i get sat down at. Without tips or raising prices by a significant amount, dining experiences will be on par with Mcdonalds or Burger King's service. Delivery of food will completely cease to exist as that service will be on par with UPS.

Reap what you sow.

Look three pizzas for 10 pounds may not pay the wage..

But it feeds the people who don't want posted pay for dominos..

Call that hell a sacrifice.

>renting an anvil
>he doesn't have a gf so he can steal everyone else's anvils

There is a liberal crusade to convince people that a 20% tip is the REAL normal amount to tip somebody but normies aren't buying it. You see that meme all the time though here in America.

this is the sign of a 3rd world country

Wait, doesn't delivery already include extra cost?

Here's a 30 I am not a fucking jew

>renting an anvil
>not owning a wheelbarrow so you can take your own anvil to the cinema

I didnt know you delivered to university classrooms...

26?? what the fuck, pizza costs from 5 to 7,5-8 euro here, 10-12 if you really want top class with a lot of shit in it

Most places charge a delivery fee.

If tipping were not a common practice your food would be considerably more expensive.

Unless you've actually looked at a Profit and Loss statement from a food service establishment you have no idea the margins they are working with.

Sure you not tipping might not make an impact, but if everyone suddenly stopped, prices would increase by a larger amount than the average customary tip.

Depends on your area quite a bit. Where I'm from, according to friends I have who've waited tables, my city is a 10% city and you're lucky to get 15%. Anything above that is even rarer, obviously. I generally tip around 15%.

I actually had a woman deliver my pizza the other night. It surprised me, I didn't think pizza companies allowed that generally. I guess it truly is 2016

Delivery fee covers the cost to hire the delivery driver and pay him minimum wage plus a small gas stipend.

>renting an anvil
How does a loser like you make it in with the no singles policy?

No one ever says "plus tip." You can actually get fired for demanding/persuading customers that you deserve a tip. It's entirely up to them.

Writing 3 over the 2 doesn't make it a thirty.

And that fee hardly covers the cost of fuel. It doesn't even come close to covering the cost of fuel + depreciation + maintenance. I delivered food for years and a no tip single del was always a loss.


>Employers use tips as an excuse to pay workers substandard wages. It's a terrible system.
I know, which is why the people should stand up to these faggot employees, and stop acting like expecting a tip is a normal thing to do.

>and pay him minimum wage
Ha!. Almost all delivery drivers are not paid an hourly wage. It is contract work.

>had a woman deliver my pizza

So that's what they call it these days, hehe

I've only once actually been bitched at for not tipping, by a valet guy. And the only reason I didn't tip him was because the restaurant I had just eaten at already charged a $10 valet fee on the bill. So I explained this to him, and he told me "but I don't see any of that money". My response: "sorry dude, that's not my problem" and I drove off.

He was really blunt about it though - stuck his hand out for the tip, and when I walked past him to the car he said "EXCUSE ME, WAS THERE A PROBLEM WITH MY SERVICE?". When I said no, he told me "WE WORK ON TIPS HERE, SIR". I was like, yeah...I already fucking paid ten bucks inside, what are you getting pissy about? Shitty deal the restaurant has with the valet company, though. Essentially trying to double-dip on the valet fees.

>be plate monkey for 5 tables
>give out minimum average service
>total bills come to $500
>Get $150 for 3 hours work, according to your fucktard logic.

Okay then.

Also please like and subscribe to my blog and don't forget to leave a comment

>Work at a small chinese place
>Bosses are the cool kind of chink, will make me food if I ask
>Full minimum wage plus tip
>sometimes (rate though) make 100 a night for 5 hour shift
To all the neets, Chinese delivery is an amazing and usually lazyish job if you have no credentials and your bosses don't wind up ass. I'm going to be sad when I leave this for an internship.


15% traditionally is the average tip for food service, though now it's probably more like 20%. Shitty tippers generally do 10%, but it's not meant as an insult, they're just shitty tippers. Anything below 10% is a clear "you fucked something up and I want you to know it." No tip is certainly more of an insult than not leaving a tip, unless you tip them a penny or nickel or something. It's usually an indication that they won't be coming back.

Higher tips are obviously given for better service, or if you're making up for being a difficult customer, or to make an impression for whatever reason.

For drinks at bars $1 per drink is generally considered standard, though I think 30% is also generally accepted.


What the fuck is with that comma?

Heres $27. Don't eat the yellow snow.

Fuck off kike, that's like 5 euros over here. Without a tip.

>mexican flag
>uses dollars
>same thread every time

>67 replies

Ohai Reddit

>Essentially trying to double-dip on the valet fees.
Or they were covering their cost to maintain the lot while keeping it secure and left the payment of the sub contractor who parked and retrieved your car up to you.

It always is the low class who don't tip and i have no doubt it just comes down to them being too stupid to understand why they are expected to.

>America """"""""education"""""""""

if you pay more than 20% you were jewed
i only pay more than that if i know the waiter or waitress personally, which doesn't happen very often

dont they get paid like 1.5-3k a month or why should anyone tip

also this

Be a slave for the government and work crazy hours. Only time I eat out is when I am on the job. Government card only allows me to add 15% for tip.

You forgot us GMEN spending your tax dollars, we tip at 15%.

This meme again, glad to see it revived

>renting an anvil to bypass no singles rule

you are the worst kind of person

Are Americans really obliged to tip?

Foodservice culture in the US is complete shit tier entitled garbage.

You can bet your ass if you are a repeat customer and leave less than 20% tip, you're going to have the staff resent you and spit in your food and shit.

The business has successfully placed the burden of paying their employees on the end customer, an extra cost to their product they can easily omit from their advertising that everyone forgets about.

I bet that faggot can't even make horseshoes

no you wouldn't

>Then not order from there anymore cause they'd probably spit in my food
Since you never tip anyway you're probably already on a list in the computer.
I have worked at 5 different pizza places. ALL of the drivers I know would keep tabs on who would, and who wouldn't tip. They need to know who deserves fresh food, or not.

Don't fuck with people who make your food. Because they will fuck with it.

not legally but we tip places we frequent to get quality service every time. for example i tip pizza guy all the time but that italian restaurant i went to only once? no

its 26.95, period instead of a comma retard.




I would've thought Italy would want real pizza though

But I did tip, the $10 was tacked onto my bill. The fee goes to the valet company. If the valet guy, who works for the valet company, doesn't get a cut of that because his company is too Jewish to chip him off a buck or two from every $10 fee, that's not my problem and you're not getting an extra penny out of me. $10 is already pretty fucking high for a valet fee in my neck of the woods.

10% is standard for a place that gives you good service. If the service is shit, you don't tip at all, and it won't matter because you don't go back there.

Tipping anything over 15% seems retarded.