ITT: movies that were powerful enough to make you shed a manly tear
>inb4 OP is a faggot, cuz only faggots cry
It's not about crying because you are sad, but realizing the beauty of the art you are watching and the ability to feel emotions.
>Forrest gump (when his mother died) >The straight story >Les parapluies de cherbourg >Schindlers list >La la land >Cinema paradiso >The truman show >Eternal sunshine on a spotless mind >The shawshank redemption >La vita e bella >Interstellar
To name some I recall now. I've seen hundreds of films so the percentage which made me shed a tear must be less than 5.
In lotr when gandalf died and the fellowship is mourning him and the end of rotk Forrest gump ending
Jacob Perry
Why cry at fiction? Literally makes no sense at all.
Evan Allen
To express all my built up emotions which I am supressing and not letting out in the public.
Bentley Hill
Sadness is just an emotion. Why laugh at fiction? Why smile at fiction? Why enjoy fiction?
Lincoln Bell
>schindlers list >fiction
oh right, I almost forgot I'm on Sup Forums
Michael Moore
i cried like a bitch at the end of arrival. Those somber strings are too beautiful
Dominic Green
Comparing laughing and crying is a false-equivalency. No one cries as much as they laugh. Crying is a rare thing that should happen during times of incredible stress. Laughing is a daily occurrence for most.
Aiden Walker
Jewish anti-fan fiction is written pretty well
Luke Torres
The ending to Vanilla Sky tears me up for some reason.
Robert Brooks
Iron giant made me legit bawl my eyes out... You stay, i go...
Connor Young
They're both emotional reactions.
Jack Reed
Dont blame you man, that movie made me tear up as well and that song at the end fits so perfectly
Daniel Hill
This is so strong, that I dont aant to ever see it again. I treAt it as one of the best movies I have ever seen
>get into an argument in the last one of these threads about pic related >"Psh, its Anime, this shit probably sucks." >that fucking garbage truck scene
Holy shit, this movie is a god damn one way ticket on the Feels Express.
Easton Green
Every time the principal stands up for what's right at the end I shed a manly tear.
Jayden Murphy
Austin Sanchez
Hughes, who died in 1998, wrote "The Iron Man" to comfort his young son after the suicide of his mother, the poet Sylvia Plath, in 1963.
Samuel Gonzalez
too bad the the first act is like watching paint dry.
Dylan Bell
The ending of Return of the King >You bow to noone Literally can't stop the waterworks.
Landon Smith
Le Chat Au Chapeau
Tyler King
jesus christ imagine being this much of a shit eating retarded edgy teenager
have you tried suicide yet? remember the cuts should be vertical so we can all enjoy the wonders of not having your cancer spreading around
Brody Campbell
>>>>>>>>La La Land
I don't understand this meme
Cameron Campbell
Is that The Pint Sized Slasher on the left?
Josiah James
Charles Harris
Eli Sanchez
That is part of the first act though and it is god damn devastating. I unironically thought about killing myself afterwards.
Grayson Hall
Noah Mitchell
>cinema paradiso This so fucking much
Parker Howard
Probably the most underestimated film in terms of emotional depth: >Click
James Hughes
I love Sunshine like no other, but it didn't do that for me.
I refuse to watch this episode ever again.
I recommend, Finding Neverland and Rescue Dawn.
Joseph Evans
Didn't cry at that one but I did at the end of Luck of the Fryish.
Levi White
Got to throw in Dubs-Man from Rescue Dawn
Zachary Wilson
Let it out user
Ryan Young
The Green Mile The words of John Coffey still bring me to tears >I'm tired boss,Tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we's coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?
>Don't put that thing over my head, boss >I's afraid of the dark
Kayden Evans
No mention of Green Mile, yet?
Julian Powell
Thomas Foster
ah dude wtf, and you got trips...
thats some hive mind shit. just goes to prove my theory that all human thoughts are connected.
Angel Gonzalez
Hivemind. Also very true, the green mile was beautifully sad.
Camden Martinez
Not a movie but it did shed a tear during mumen rider vs sea king
Blake Brown
Watched this movie on TV as a kid. Made me cry.
The scene in the end when he finally gets to see his daughter and she's old and dying.
Nolan plagiarized it for Interstellar.
Hudson Stewart
oops forgot pic
Zachary Garcia
is that eb games in beherit form
Jaxon Green
>Tfw life is just a dream
I will never get over this
Kayden Murphy
The tattoo scene from The Fountain
Ryder Nelson
Easily Children of Men when the baby is born and every body stops fighting and is awe. Its a beautiful scene that even thinkong about it stires emotion. Also Dog of Flanders.
Christian Lee
Luck of the Fryish goes for that bittersweet tears But it did catch me off-guard the first time
Julian Gutierrez
What movie is this, I can't read moon runes.
Aaron Myers
It saddens me that you are so easily amused and obtuse to the suffering in the world.
I teared up and I'm a grown man with big muscles and a really big, muscular wang.
Elijah Sanchez
Sophies Choice
Asher Powell
>Ryan, what are dey doing? I don't like dis Ryan
John James
Happiness (1998)
had my goddamn heart broken 2 or 3 times the first time i watched it, doesn't do a thing for me now tho
was a hell of a ride the first time
Aaron Scott
>According to the records at the NorthAm Robotics Company, the robot also known as Andrew Martin, was powered up at 5:15 pm on April 3rd, 2005. In a few hours, he'll be 200 years old, which means that with the exception of Methuselah and other biblical figures, Andrew is the oldest living human in recorded history. For it is by this proclamation, I validate his marriage to Portia Charney, and acknowledge his humanity.