Post Sup Forums recommended books/documents
Movies and documentaries also allowed, but try to mostly post titles of books.
Post Sup Forums recommended books/documents
Movies and documentaries also allowed, but try to mostly post titles of books.
Other urls found in this thread:
The Art of War - Sun Tzu
The Prince - Machiavelli
About renaissance Italy and how to rule
Machiavelli gets such a bad rap as 'evil' in 'muh education'. Why, because he understood he reality of influence? And there's such a fluidity and elegance to his writing too. Highly recommend.
The Politics of Aristotle
I know it's a book intended for children, but I feel it does a good job at explaining the overall need for might to hold up the law.
It's sad, in the sense that there is a need for might at all.
Also, Lancelot's chapters are pretty much the struggle between carnal desire and morality, which is an interesting conflict in itself.
Machiavellism is a very realistic form of politics, just like the realpolitik of bismarck. Lefties rather use emotion than realism, and as we all know schools have a very leftist bias
And meditations is just like what Sup Forums wants... everything he talks about is basically to not lead a degenerate life and the importance of stoicism. God, if we could return to this the world would be a better place. What is interesting is that most people note that Marcus is actually writing to himself, as he had no interest in fame as of such, as in gaining fame for fames' sake by writing a book, his book can be seen as small little notes to himself about what he wants to remember...
What is a bit sad and scary are his notes about losing one's clarity of mind with age... Read these books, work that muscle for a strong Sup Forums
Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler
Make sure to read an unjewed version.
Also I wouldn't really recommend it as 'top tier' Sup Forumslit... there are more important books to read before you read this one
completely agree
Parallel Lives-Plutarch
David Hackett Fischer, Albion’s Seed
Guillaume Faye, Archaeofuturism
Gregory Hood, Waking Up from the American Dream
Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Democracy: The God that Failed
Greg Johnson, New Right Versus Old Right
Kevin MacDonald, Culture of Critique
Benjamin Netanyahu, A Place Among the Nations
Lothrop Stoddard, The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Here is one book I am gonna read next. Any notes?
Also this one
On the jews and their lies - Martin Luther
Short book, only a few page's. Funny to read, it's basically 16-th century Sup Forums
I'm pretty sure Meditations is the guidebook to Sup Forums
Haven't read those, i will take a look at them
>Kevin MacDonald, Culture of Critique
Would recommend/10
Camp of the Saints
Meme book. Reads like a drunken man's rant
Just started reading this. Pretty legit. Machiavelli ain't on any bullshit
Hippie bullshit. Why post it here?
>Sup Forums trying to into /lit/
Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx (and F. Engels)
Although i am not a marxist/communist, I believe it is never a bad thing to at least read some basics about other ideologies before trying to criticize them
These get a second vote from me, also:
The Crisis of the Modern World
One, if not the most boring book ever written, didn't even finish.
Brave New World was a lot better.
only the jewed versions
The City and Man - Leo Strauss
Sup Forums is numbed down to /trump general/s and other dumb threads; it's time for Sup Forums to (re)educate itself
Read this. Masculine virtue and the primacy of nature over nurture are the foundations of a right wing view of life.
It has way too much exposition and filler, but when you get to THE BOOK part it gets a lot more interesting.
You didn't provide a single reason why Castaneda fits here, why we should read it, and instead seem to try and defend the thread, which wasn't attacked.
Maybe it's time for you to just get an education.
Avoid the murphy's translation. Best one is probably the Ford translation, or you'll have to find an original one from before the war
Another natsoc book is this one (pic related) 'Communism with the mask off' by Goebbels. I haven't read it, but another user once recommended it
I read about half of it and then put it away, I might watch the movie one day.
It certainly wasnt as bad as Fahrenheit though.
How good is this book exactly?
I can get it imported but it won't be cheap, I have to pay about tripple the amount an American would pay.
I am very sorry, this post was meant for my bad!
Can someone recommend me some Iron Pill literature besides Evola?
stop posting her and post a source instead
Lana Rain, I think I deserve an answer now Ameribros.
get the ebook
Are you not on any private trackers for books? MAM or BIB?
Evola is some LARP tier shit, I respect his work but he's a bit silly sometimes.
Oswald Spengler > Evola
In my honest opinion Jack Donovan is a homosexual ultra-LARPER that takes himself too seriously.
But besides that, The Way of Men is an interesting look at raw Tribalism and its functions, give it a go.
Where would I get an original copy?
Read the Henry Ford translation, it's some good shit.
Hope someone in your family/friendgroup has one or try buying it second hand
>Henry Ford
You mean Michael Ford.
Ive been after this
I have a copy somewhere but cant find it
A second hand copy on amazon cost a tenner
kind of annoying really
Based Black Man
t.16 year old boy
>Only free peoples can post in this thread.
Dystopian literature:
Raspail - The Camp of the Saints
Zamyatin - We
Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451
Orwell - 1984
Burgess - 1985
Huxley - Brave New World
This book was cringy but the premise was pretty damn redpilled.
The Gods of Eden
1984 and Animal Farm
>tfw took a break from the "serious" books
>started reading Pynchon's "V" for fun
>it's about the jews
S-should i drop it, guys?
Does anyone know if 'The Generative principle of political constitutions' by J. De Maistre is worth reading?
Have you guys read Night by Elie Wiesel?
True, but /his/ and /lit/ would serve you better.
On lie and truth in an extra moral sense - Nietzsche