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What is the comfiest Bond movie?
opening scene was GOAT
All Bond movies are shit
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No doubt!
please be bait.
i am unironically triggered.
also the worst bond videogame in existence.
Every bond with Pierce Brosnan is comfy. GoldenEye is the the goat tho.
Best Bond is Casino Royale
Goldeneye for me.
Reddit calling, they want you back.
Goldeneye Rogue Agent was fun fuck you
This. Brosnan is the bond who I grew up with though which maybe helps. Something about 90's action movies though, dunno if its the film stock or the technical accomplishments they could achieve. Lots of comfy stuff from that decade.
The correct answer
>technical accomplishments
Die Another Day is pure trash with shit acting. It should never have been made. The scene you posted is only one of the many reasons.
every scene is a reason desu senpai
Edifice complex
Worst/best pun in any bond movie.
If you discount Halle Berry who is the worst actor in any bond movie, then its not all that bad.
comfiest bond is guaranteed to be on her majesty's secret service
- no inkling of a stupid world-destroying plot until the end where it shits itself a little
- it's christmas and at the end everyone gets to unwrap their death devices from under the tree
- bond acting campy rather than boisterous
- setting for most of the film is a secluded mountaintop in switzerland with cosy cabin decor and christmas decorations
- mandatory plot-assisting parade is an ice-skating rink
- curling, ski chase, and toboggan fill out the winter olympics for the film
- chummy side characters helping bond
- 'nam war air attack on the comfy cabin
- spending the night in a big ole barn wrapped up in your car
- sweet sombre synth music
- ???
- telly savalas
Roger Moore's movies were the most fun. A View To A Kill is comfy and Zorin is based.
Goldeneye is quality.
>watch opening of bond movie
>grab chest as if it was actually me they shot