Sup Forums made the Daily Mail, lads
Sup Forums made the Daily Mail, lads
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I thought everyone knew that Sup Forums was behind that petition
just a cheeky meme
>They mocked Parliament by setting up forum titled 'Politically Incorrect'
Shows how much they know about anything they publish
Ahaha, you know what they say, lads: if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
we're famous senpai.
The Glorious Kek will have thousands of new believers because of this.
Praise Kek.
You guys are going to Hell for worshipping that evil frog
The last thing we need are more secret army kids coming here
Natural law of news, you believe them unless you know anything at all about what they're talking about and see how bullshit they are.
Whatever topic, anywhere in the world, it will 99% of the time literally be an uneducated opinion of someone who has nothing to do with it.
prepare for summer flood
Let's just make sure we have our redpill memes ready.
What pisses me off is that they choose to remain ignorant in age where sources are literally 5 seconds of search away.
The Levandowski mess was perfect example of this, as if they thought only they have access to the net.
That's actually very well put.
You should do a red pill graphic for it.
Yeah , the hysteria around that was fucking unreal.
And Ben (((Shapiro))) was exposed as the double-crossing Jew fake that he is. Fucking mad mate.
>running a script is "hacking"
>"They mocked Parliament by setting up forum titled 'Politically Incorrect'"
>They mocked Parliament by setting up forum titled 'Politically Incorrect'
They're on to us lads
>they mocked parliament by setting up forum titled "Politically Incorrect"
Why can't the news describe Sup Forums correctly?
You are being watched right now
The hacker known as Sup Forums is up to his old tricks, ay? Will this madman ever be brought to justice?
>worshiping the evil frog
>implying i give a fuck
You just cannot take the daily mail seriously.
Just shows you how much research they do, I'm guessing ED is blocked by their filters.
>Shows how much they know about anything they publish
>you believe them unless you know anything at all about what they're talking about and see how bullshit they are.
>That's actually very well put.
It's not his quote or idea: see pic.
That said it's always highly relevant and I wish more people quoted it.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
this is good. idiot leftys will read this thinking Sup Forums is on their side and come here for a redpilling
I never considered that...haha
>It's not his quote or idea: see pic.
It is, I do sports and whatever they write about anything remotely related to me has a kindergarten tier understanding of things. Their art is making it seem right to people who don't know about it.
>proxies and scripts
the "hacker" script is here
for educational only purpose
Chupame el cazzo.
that Bot worked then Lulz
Who tipped them off I wonder :^)
>dickhead user builds a script and is a shittier script kiddy
>boomers and retards start crying "HAX HAX, I CALL HAX, GET THE BUTTER KNIFE PATROL, I DON'T FEEL SAFE!"
>It is
Dude I'm pretty sure you didn't predate Crichton on this.
You might have come up with it independently or just not remember reading the original source of it, but regardless the Crichton explanation is the one people refer to and that explains it well.
I want 2016 to last forever.
tfw i botted about 20k myself
why is Sup Forums so powerful?
Don't run this, it turns your computer into a bomb
Yeah, I'm just saying I didn't read it from anywhere
“Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Paper's full of them.
In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.”
― Michael Crichton
It's called the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect.
>Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.
In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.” — Michael Crichton
oh shit you beat me to it.
the internet hate machine strikes again.
See post number and end of user id in attached pic
I'm trying to read the article on my phone and I want to know why the fuck it keeps going to another page.
We made the DM headline
>They mocked Parliament by setting up forum titled 'Politically Incorrect'
These retards actually think we started this board to mock their parliament.
That's beautiful and true, but it is also okay to trust particular journalists who have proven themselves or have good qualifications, but who work at a bad paper.
you made the bbc website too lads
How do I get this script running?
Yep. Investigative, unbiased news reporting died along time ago.
Install Gentoo
Ohh powerful KEK, i give u my coke...
This is gold.
>man who made petition is a brexit supporter
>looks like david duke with glasses and a moustache on
You have to pray to Kek , who will give you guidance on the whereabouts of this "Sup Forums" hacker.
> signed as pope Benedict
Tiptop kek
The fuck? this wasn't my post anyway I wanted to say top fucking kek they put the egyptian shitposter in their article too
get python,
get pip,
use pip to get tempmail and mechanize
ready to go
what if the article was written by a bot too?
Yeah...I'll discard any daily mail source from now on as most likely horseshit. Wait, I already did that.
PRAISE KEK! When will Kek take us next?
>english web """"developers"""
It was obvious as fuck the petition was fucked with, it didn't even require to provide a valid document/ID for fuck sake. Are they retarded or something?
The REAL QUESTION is... how many important petitions have been rigged in the past on this site? it really baffles me that this site is considered a reliable petition tool in the first place, I've no words.
Get your shit together devs.
Just like that script guy who let it running inn the shower. Bloody pervs!
All the petitions mean is that the issue may or may not get debated in parliment. Even if it does nothing happens anyway.
Sup Forums voted for their petitions in the past, it's fucking retarded how newspapers ran with it. Anyone can just open it and say "I'm british", what the fuck is wrong with them
Something that has the power to influence the parliament, even if slightly, cannot possible be so easily exploitable.
Well, I can't exclude the devs were just a bunch of visa loos, true.
The "ban Donald trump from Britain" petition came from this site too.
the absolute madman!
And then mild communists will turn into Mao-tier commies in order to purge us.
Gas the bikes, war race now!
Ran the script on 4 servers myself, all in the name of North Korea.
Does anyone know if there is a new version of the script yet?
The disposable e-mail domains used in the original one were blocked from signing the petition.
based Benedict at it again!
His spirit rises!
>40.000 votes from inside Vatican City
>similar numbers for North Korea, a nation which has no interest whatsoever in Brexit/Remain
Because Vatican employs it's own hacker group, right? What a bunch of bullocks
That shit just smells of a US Navy black ops
W-what are you talking about, goyim?
Not all Sup Forumsacks. Please don't lump me in with my more extremist brethern. The vast majority of us wish to peacefully worship kek in peace
come up with
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "wzgx8kgi.py", line 9, in
from faker import Factory
ImportError: cannot import name Factory
Following a cult to an Egyptian trickster god is for idiots, we have to focus on finding Sup Forums and who he is.
the god damn brilliance of this is that any legitimate signators can be dismissed as bots
Here's a thread that matters
Hello there!
fug off
Holy fucking shit.
So much kek
>US Navy black ops
It's possible the guy from Egypt who ran the script could be a CIA agent. If you read his thread, he mentioned Assad "the devil" for no reason, guess who's training and helping the "revolutionaries" in Syria?
>the guy posting an ss of the script and that other faggot ranting about 8gag didn't even put the word nigger in their posts ONCE
Fucking newfags. Nice SS though.